Beheaded Babies Confirmed

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Most of us Americans are not. We’re not buying the trash the globalist elite and neocons are trying to sell us.

Everyone with a brain knows that Israel is not in an existential war. They’re fighting people stick stones and small arms.

Honorable conservatives like Charlie Kirk have suggested a stand down order may have been given by the IDF to allow the Hamas attack to occur in the first place.

Nobody likes Hamas btw …

Yes, nutjobs can find support and comfort for their idiot theories on teh innernetz. Too bad few buy that crap.
Just as it is Islamophobics

You have no grasp of reality. Retaliating against terrorists who murdered and beheaded babies is not Islamophobic. So we can say you’d just do nothing if your family was murdered (and tortured beforehand).
I'd go after the perps eagle

But i'd be careful as to just who to accuse explicitly

To imply the entire muslim world guilty is bigotry

Since Mohamed they have went after the rest of the world. They drive people not of their faith out. Or enslave a tax and will let you stay.

This has happened across the middle east.

If Ghandi couldnt do it, NO ONE CAN. India was created out of Neccessity. The 2 religions couldnt co-exist.

I chose to be realistic by looking at History.
Just as it is Islamophobics

Names Titles who your daddy is are Meaningless in the Sand Box of the middle east.

They are a form of Psychological Warfare. Call people names long enough and people start to believe it. Lies become the Truth and the Truth becomes the lies.

The truth is....the arab world doesnt want Israel there. They dont like us either. We are deep down infadels to them. They would cheer if we all died. Been that way forever.

Israel can Never lose. If they do the arab world would finish what Hitler started. The arab world would kill or enslave every man, woman, and child. They will keep trying til they do.

Israel needs to beat Hamas and supporters into the ground like a tent stake. Why? Because that is how you win a War.
and while you may be correct, i'm not willing to subscribe to islamophobia as an excuse to light the fuse on WW3 eagle

And Im not going to allow your fear to control what I believe needs to be done. NEVER AGAIN. Israel has no choice but to kick ass. If the rest of the middle east joins in so be it.

Israel didnt start this and have every right to take Hamas and supporters of them to the Wood shed.
If the rest of the middle east joins in so be it.

Isn't that convenient for the corrupt globalists behind the scenes who seem to be itching for another war in the Middle East. They love love love people like you. You are very useful to them.

Did you also cheer for the war in Iraq, when W was standing on the rubble after 9/11 with the bull horn?

Isn't that convenient for the corrupt globalists behind the scenes who seem to be itching for another war in the Middle East. They love love love people like you. You are very useful to them.

Did you also cheer for the war in Iraq, when W was standing on the rubble after 9/11 with the bull horn?

I could care less about them or your sarcasm. Im aware of the WEF and wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire.

They are the ones who want endless Wars and tie the hands of the military so they cant be won.

They CAN be Won. First requiement is a Patton General in charge, politicians and appeasers like you get duct tape over your mouths.

Hamas will not stop until they achieve their charter to completely destroy Israel. So the IDF needs to pound them in the ground like tent stakes and ignore people like you who lose Wars.
I could care less about them or your sarcasm. Im aware of the WEF and wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire.

They are the ones who want endless Wars and tie the hands of the military so they cant be won.

They CAN be Won. First requiement is a Patton General in charge, politicians and appeasers like you get duct tape over your mouths.

Hamas will not stop until they achieve their charter to completely destroy Israel. So the IDF needs to pound them in the ground like tent stakes and ignore people like you who lose Wars.

Yes, of course the perps need to be brought to justice, we are all in agreement on that.

Just be aware that the powers-that-shouldn't-be continually manipulate people into supporting war, and the tools they use to do that are fear, provoking people's emotions, and other underhanded strategic tactics that clearly can't be discussed on this forum, since it's too much for some here to even fathom.
Israel has no choice but to kick ass. If the rest of the middle east joins in so be it.
since it's too much for some here to even fathom.

Only thing I wanted painted is cross hairs on Hamas Heads and pulling the trigger.

All these threads are Hamas is real Bad but Israel caused them to be bad.

Riddlr me this...Hamas broke into your home. Raped and murdered your wife and daughter. You had a baby too. They murdered him too.

To top that off....these evil sum bitches couldnt give them clean deaths...they tortuted them.

What would you do?
Remove them from the face of this earth with extreme prejudice. There's a huge difference in oppressing someone in ways that protects the overall safety of Jewish life in Israel, otherwise by setting up boundary lines that limit or stop groups from attacking the Jewish people at will, than the barbaric acts committed by Hamas as an excuse for such limits and oppressiveness that keeps their danger limited to certain boundary lines.

Hey if they want to give it up, stop following false prophet's, and live in peace with ISRAEL, then that world over there would be a much better place.

It's hard to believe that GAZA looks like some of the most beautiful property with it's ocean front views, and seaside living in the entire world, yet it's full of people that only see death through a cult type lifestyle in which orders them to live, eat, and breathe death, and to kill, kill, kill the Jews.
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Yes, of course the perps need to be brought to justice, we are all in agreement on that.

Just be aware that the powers-that-shouldn't-be continually manipulate people into supporting war, and the tools they use to do that are fear, provoking people's emotions, and other underhanded strategic tactics that clearly can't be discussed on this forum, since it's too much for some here to even fathom.
One important thing to always remember, and that is that Hamas are the one's that started the war with it's death charter, and Israel is just responding in kind, so you can see it as some grand conspiracy that goes way far and beyond the simple facts or just be ignorant of the fact that this isn't the matador Israel's first rodeo with the HAMAS bull that it has yet again been thrown into the metaphoric Roman Colosseum with.
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