Being A Democrat.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....means never having to obey the law.

1. The United States Constitution is known as the 'Law of the Land."

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."
Article VI

a. On two separate occasions, Barack Hussein Obama has sworn this oath:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

3. As he has provably broken this oath on numerous occasions, any who voted for him are guilty as accomplices and facilitators of lawlessness.
Defying the Constitution, it seems, is Obama's personal to-do agenda.

In his latest tome, "By The People," Charles Murray reveals the lawless nature of Obama and his Democrats, some of which follow:
4. Examples abound in his eponymous healthcare artifice.

a. unilaterally allowed a one-year grace period dureing which people cpi;d continue to purchase health plans that violated the ACA

b. unilaterally delayed implementation of the employer mandate

c. unilaterally delayed the implementation of out-of-pocket caps on health-insurance costs. (See "Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obama’s Impeachment," by Andrew C McCarthy, p. 96-154.)

5. This thread should be seen as a clear indication of how the Democrats view laws, and whether they are held responsible under them.

Obama unilaterally waived the statutory requirement of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act that employers must give notice to workers sixty days in advance of plant closing, and, on the same basis, decided to subsidize companies sued by employees for failure to comply with that requirement.

" Obama administration is advising government contractors to “break the law” by telling them they do not need to follow mandates of the “WARN Act,” .... continues to advise defense contractors that they do not need to observe the law, and the White House Office of Management and Budget has said it would reimburse companies that are sued by employees for breaking the law.... forcing taxpayers to pick up the tab,”
Republicans slam Obama administration over WARN Act waivers - Washington Times

This was the America under which Americans agreed to be governed:
"in America, the law is King. For as in absolute governments the king is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."
'Common Sense,' Thomas Paine.

No longer.
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This is the generation of Dems who finally openly embrace their Inner Mao. They've been waiting for a Savior who will let them know the Constitution is either just a suggestion or hopelessly outdated, written by slave owners before the invention of all the cool stuff we have today.

Surely, a Dictatorship lead by an American Progressive will end differently than those in China, Cuba, the USSR, Pol Pots Cambodia, Hitlers Germany or Venezuela. The Constitution is the second to last obstacle to bringing the Progressive Workers Paradise to the USA. They just have to find a way to eliminate or neutralize the Second Amendment
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Do you guys always write your own Heritage version of stupidity or is this an extra special occasion?
Since when I was a republican I discovered that they were the same a Dems, only with a different group association...
The delaying of the employer mandate showed how much the Obama administration cared for the middle class. Again he asked the most burdened to carry the load.
Do you guys always write your own Heritage version of stupidity or is this an extra special occasion?
Since when I was a republican I discovered that they were the same a Dems, only with a different group association...

You may be correct..."I discovered that they were the same a Dems,..."

....and, if you can prove it, get off that lazy butt that you keep revealing, and let's see the the proof.

I'm gonna prove my I always do......

...let's see you do the same.
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Where oh where are those pesky Rabid repubs to implement the impeachment proceedings? Are they also on the edge of ethical violations that may be exposed if they step in the direction of impeachment?
This is yet another example of a fang-less diatribe over putting on blinders to see what the opposite party has done, but ignoring your own party also..It serves no purpose in the balance of justice.....
This is yet another example of a fang-less diatribe over putting on blinders to see what the opposite party has done, but ignoring your own party also..It serves no purpose in the balance of justice.....

You may be correct..."I discovered that they were the same a Dems,..."

....and, if you can prove it, get off that lazy butt that you keep revealing, and let's see the the proof.
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This is yet another example of a fang-less diatribe over putting on blinders to see what the opposite party has done, but ignoring your own party also..It serves no purpose in the balance of justice.....

You may be correct..."I discovered that they were the same a Dems,..."

....and, if you can prove it, get off that lazy butt that you keep revealing, and let's see the the proof.
My azz is getting ready to renovate a 75 year old home, complete with rotten floors and sagging breast, er beams....
This is yet another example of a fang-less diatribe over putting on blinders to see what the opposite party has done, but ignoring your own party also..It serves no purpose in the balance of justice.....

You may be correct..."I discovered that they were the same a Dems,..."

....and, if you can prove it, get off that lazy butt that you keep revealing, and let's see the the proof.
My azz is getting ready to renovate a 75 year old home, complete with rotten floors and sagging breast, er beams.... you support for your defense of the lawlessness of Democrats is ..... have no actually support.

Your earlier post, then, is simply more of the hot air that you Liberals consider to be 'proof.'

Let's hope that you employ more reality in your construction skills than you have offer in your political expertise.

Have a good day.
And for dems, selling their political office to foreign governments to the detriment of the U.S. and it's people is no big deal.........just ask the democrats who still think hilary isn't a crook....

or who think that all the allegations of sexual assault against bill "the serial sexual predator" clinton are necessary to be ignored because he allowed them to kill babies.....
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This is yet another example of a fang-less diatribe over putting on blinders to see what the opposite party has done, but ignoring your own party also..It serves no purpose in the balance of justice.....

You may be correct..."I discovered that they were the same a Dems,..."

....and, if you can prove it, get off that lazy butt that you keep revealing, and let's see the the proof.
My azz is getting ready to renovate a 75 year old home, complete with rotten floors and sagging breast, er beams.... you support for your defense of the lawlessness of Democrats is ..... have no actually support.

Your earlier post, then, is simply more of the hot air that you Liberals consider to be 'proof.'

Let's hope that you employ more reality in your construction skills than you have offer in your political expertise.

Have a good day.
I live and let live, sorry you feel the need to play stooge.....
And for dems, selling their political office to foreign governments to the detriment of the U.S. and it's people is no big deal.........just ask the democrats who still think hilary isn't a crook....

or who think that all the allegations of sexual assault against bill "the serial sexual predator" clinton are necessary to be ignored because he allowed them to kill babies.....
I believe Reagan is still the man that sold out main street America..derp....
I see another totally fun yet crispy golden PoliticalShit thread developing.

"Obama's not obeying the Constitution, Obama's not obeying the... oh, wait, he's not doing what I want him to do!!"


. You seem upset....were you mistaken for Max Schreck again??

And, your contribution today? Another imbecile with a non-post that boils down to 'is not, is not.'

Advice: don't read the rest of this'll really roil you.
And you know what the doctor said about watching your blood pressure.
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And for dems, selling their political office to foreign governments to the detriment of the U.S. and it's people is no big deal.........just ask the democrats who still think hilary isn't a crook....

or who think that all the allegations of sexual assault against bill "the serial sexual predator" clinton are necessary to be ignored because he allowed them to kill babies.....
I believe Reagan is still the man that sold out main street America..derp....

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

Ronald Reagan
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6. Central to the Founder's view of governance was that 'checks and balances' are needed to mitigate the corruption that is part of human nature. This requires an opposition that watches the party in power, and applies remedies when it goes astray.

We no longer have that. The Republican Party, all too often, agrees to illegality....or simply shrugs.

7.But the Democrats endorse outright illegality: they ignore law. The Obama regime unilaterally waived the work requirement in the 1996 Welfare Reform Act.

"...Obama’s administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare reform legislation big enough to make the law ineffective. Its work requirement — the central feature of the legislation — has been diluted beyond recognition by the [Democrat] bureaucrats....

The Congress specifically prohibited the use of education or training to fulfill the requirement. When it passed welfare reform, Congress expressly limited the authority of the secretary of HHS to waive the work requirement.... shall not affect the applicability of section 607 of this title [which applies the work requirements] .... “blatant violation of the law,”..." Obama kills welfare reform TheHill

So far I've provided two specific examples of Democrats ignoring and breaking legislation passed by Congress in accordance with the United States Constitution.

And from Liberal posters....sneering and blaming your humble messenger.
I see another totally fun yet crispy golden PoliticalShit thread developing.

"Obama's not obeying the Constitution, Obama's not obeying the... oh, wait, he's not doing what I want him to do!!"


. You seem upset....were you mistaken for Max Schreck again??

And, your contribution today? Another imbecile with a non-post that boils down to 'is not, is not.'

Advice: don't read the rest of this'll really roil you.
And you know what the doctor said about watching your blood pressure.

Oh, hell no. It's fun to watch you squirm trying to press some "logic" out of your cut-and-paste stuff!

Ready to come out with that hot blockbuster about FDR and Mao's wife?!?!?!

Go for it!! Whee!!!

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