Being Left Behind


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
Culture, and therefore society, is always changing. One might say "progressing". Another might say "degenerating".

America of the past was made up of predominately white, protestant, cultural conservatives. One might envision the 1940s and 1950s as the Golden era of that culture. Nuclear families, good paying, secure employment with guaranteed pensions, traditional Christian values, and a national culture dominated by white culture (i.e. movies, music, and the arts).

It could be that the counter culture of the 1950s came of age in the 1960s in the anti-war, feminism, and social equality movements. Black people began to have more prominent roles in culture (think Sydney Poitier, Jimi Hendrix, Motown, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.), young people explored outside the bounds of the restrictive society of the past decades with drugs, sex, and different cultural experiences.

That mentality of the counter culture of the late 1960s and early 1970s became mainstream in American society. Movies became edgier, more violent, allowing nudity and vulgar language, and following darker themes. The same with music. Culture became less homogeneous.

Perhaps the biggest reason why this happened is the change in American demographics. With growing populations of racial minorities, mainstream culture was influenced by them and began to reflect and represent more their cultures. With women feeling empowered, they were able to affect policy and culture - instead of staying home, raising children and keeping house, they worked or simply left their traditional roles behind. Social equality enabled racial minorities to do break out of their traditional roles as well. Instead of black people working in menial jobs, they began to follow their ambitions into more influential and important social roles.

This has continued over the past 3 decades. Social change has continued in almost only one direction: less traditional. And culture has only increased in its rate of change. Each subsequent generation has less in common culturally with the generation prior.

America is becoming browner, more tolerant of those who are different because social equality is more important, more open, and less traditional.

Gay marriage is nearly settled issue. We have a black man as President. Hip hop music is widely appreciated. Non-traditional families are becoming more numerous. More and more women and minorities are achieving roles of great influence and importance. Information is more easily accessed, simply using a computer or even a smart phone.

And those on the far right: older, white, male and married female, protestant, social conservatives are dying and their movement is smaller, less inclusive, and increasingly irrelevant.

So there is a resentment as they perceive themselves to be losing their country. They see culture becoming decadent, society less wholesome and different or alien to them. They fear homosexuality becoming a social norm, even so far that homosexuals are getting married. Non-religious believers are a growing voice in culture, and the conservatives fear that amorality could become more prevalent based on their own morality. Having little to no exposure to racial minorities and homosexuals, the conservatives fear these more omnipresent subcultures which they don't understand. Young people with tattoos, strangely dyed hair, piercings, more revealing clothes, and less inhibited behavior threaten what is the conservatives' ideal society.

Here's the rub: its inevitable. You conservatives are being left behind and there is no way you can change that.

Good luck and God bless.
The "non-traditional family" is not a healthy family. We conservatives have a legitimate reason to be deeply concerned about the destruction of the family unit. Singe parent families stunt the future intellectual, social, and economic growth of the children.

At the same time, there is no reason to exclude a group of people from the cash and prizes awarded by the government in its attempts to inflict behavioral modification on society. It is anti-American to exclude someone from the government's largesse for the sole reason you do not like them.

But the best solution is to stop the goverment's collectivist influence altogether.

Yes, there are white people who get all nostaligic for the 50s. They have a giant blind spot to the fact it sucked to be a non-white or non-heterosexual back then. One of the fundamental flaws of the Right is the inabilty to empathize whatsoever with those outside their demographic. The thinking is that if only we could go back to those golden days when the darkies and homos knew their place, life would be good again.

Another problem is the single paycheck family is nearly extinct. It is no longer economically feasible for only one parent to work and still provide a comfortable life. In light of this economic fact, it is unequivocally insane that we would calmly accept there are rising numbers of single parent families! We are told not to judge them, but through this insanity we are acquiescing to the inevitable ever increasing dependence on government for survival, with the burden to be carried by a shrinking number of stable families.

That's a death spiral. And there is nothing racist about it. It's math.

It's suicide to leave behind the economic backbone of the country.
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You're taking for granted that people of color have different values than white people. I don't think that's the case.
Our society is undergoing rapid changes coming from many difference sources.

Obviously US demographics is one of those.

But then changes in circumstances worldwide effect our society, too.

As does the now nearly impossible-to-predict advances in technology.

I do not care if every citizen in the USA agreed with a single party, the USA would still not be able to prevent the changes that are happening because many of these changing circumstances (and probably the most significant) are beyond the ability of LAWS to prevent from happening.
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