Being unemployed & paying taxes is irrelevant for having the entitled rights morally or legally


Active Member
Oct 3, 2015
Being unemployed & paying taxes is irrelevant for having the entitled rights morally or legally. It's a matter of social contract. Legally, this is easy. We all know that the citizens are legally protected by the legal rights whether employed or unemployed (no income tax). That's the laws; the laws don't care about such. I've had people claiming this to be immoral, & I am saying that this is moral as a matter of human rights, social contract, system by humans grouping into power, reasonable obligations exchanged, responsibilities, having the legal messages established, increasing the population power by 1, purchasing powers with rights, etc.

What? If someone not paying taxes does an illegal act, you are not going to apply the laws on him? So, you are clearly exercising the legal powers "anyway" regardless of paying taxes. That power is from that citizen in a "mutual agreement" called the laws. Then, the rights are morally protected (legally? rights are protected anyway) regardless of paying taxes. You purchased the power (borrowed from the citizens) with the rights. The rights are entitled both legally & morally regardless of paying taxes. The laws purchased its powers (borrowed from its citizens) by rights. Regardless of paying taxes, the rights are entitled morally. As for the legality, legally, you are entitled to your rights anyway regardless of taxes. Also, I list other moral reasons like "human right".

Morally, the laws purchase its powers with rights. Since it purchased powers, its citizens should morally be protected with rights. You bought the powers with rights. Legally? There are no such things. Being a citizen & a human being alone entitle you to your legal rights. I am just talking about being morally entitled to rights in many different ways because some human trashes claim that "being unemployed & not paying income taxes" make you not entitled to the legal rights even if they commit wrongful illegal things to the victim. This is false both morally & legally. Still entitled anyway.
On top of that, you are not obligated to pay income tax when you have no income. Also, you pay taxes with purchasing goods & services anyway. It is just that paying taxes is irrelevant to the rights. I also explain in many different correspondences of concepts for being morally entitled to the rights (legally? the laws ensure the rights regardless) regardless of tax, but this was pretty much the point. I just go on showing in different ways.

Tax is not a requirement to use laws or rights. Morally, think of rights being exchanged with duties while duties do not include income tax if there’s no income. What are charged as duties & what are not charged as duties are specific case by case.
Legally, you only need citizenship to use the laws & rights. So, whether we look at legally or morally, you only need to be a citizen to use the laws & rights.
My rights & the laws have nothing to do with whether I pay income tax. Legally, I am entitled to the laws simply because of citizenship. Morally, the laws get to say “keep the laws” in exchange for providing legal protections & rights.
Also, morally, I follow duties such as following the laws in general. If we look at legally, citizenship alone suffices in me being entitled to the laws & my rights. If we look at morally, I am entitled to my rights & laws by my duties & the laws “exchanging its message to keep the laws with its service of legal protection”. The laws exchange rights with its message “keep the laws, live this way, etc”.
Legal view is easy. Moral view is more complicated as it is not really an exchange between rights & duties as “even the people who violate duties are entitled to rights” morally & legally both. Although it is simpler to say “exchanging duties with rights”, it is more of “exchanging messages with rights”. Like exchanging the message “keep the laws” with the rights & the laws. So, that’s the moral view.
As for the legal view, you don’t need anything; being a citizen & a member of the society alone, in fact, being a human being alone, entitles you to rights & the laws. Even morally, the same also goes. Even morally, being a citizen & a member of the society & being a human being alone entitle you to rights & the laws. For legal view, the same. Whatever you bullshit, when you get sued, you lose as a matter of legality, not to mention as a matter of morality by being entitled to the rights simply by being a human being & a member of society.
Society, group, country gain power from its members. The grouping is where the group gets its power from. Hence, rights being exchanged with being a human being & a member of society, group, country can be thought as rights being exchanged with giving power through grouping. Morally, being a human being & being a member of group, country, society alone give you rights. Legally, being a human being & being a citizen alone give you rights. Either way, same. Rights are exchanged with grouping (giving a group power through grouping) as a human being. A better way to say is “rights are exchanged with the functionality as a group, society, country”. That is the moral view.
As for the legal view, there is no such complicated things. You are entitled to rights “anyway” regardless of whatever just by being a citizen. It is just that the moral view also happens to be the same (more or less). Also, legally, there is nothing complicated. If you did something illegal to someone, regardless of what you bullshit & how things are, you are illegal & you lose when you get sued. You lose legally. Also, morally, everything coincides too.

Another view on the rights being earned is by responsibilities instead of duties. This works better in logic because of rights do not require you to do anything morally but only to be ready upon certain things, matching the concept responsibilities than duties morally.
As for the legal view, rights don’t require you to do or be anything but just a human being & a citizen. Anyway, the point is how paying taxes has nothing to do with my entitled rights neither morally nor legally. I am going over different correspondences in concepts. Even morally, rights just require you to be a human being & a citizen. There are words & concepts like civil rights, human rights, etc. So, both morally & legally, I am entitled to my rights simply by being a human being & a citizen. Morally, I am entitled to my rights simply because of being a human being & a citizen (not to mention how I already went over other relationships as well like having responsibilities like the laws) without having anything to do with paying taxes.
Legally, I am entitled to my rights just by being a human being & a citizen without having any to do with paying taxes. Either way, entitled. I already went over that paying taxes has nothing to do with my rights. Simply put, when I sue you on the violation of my rights, I win morally (I am entitled to my rights without having to do with taxes in any concept relationship) or legally (I am entitled to my rights without having to do with taxes) regardless of having anything to do with paying taxes. Simply put, I win when I sue.

Paying taxes has nothing to do with being governed & protected by the laws, but just keeping laws & being a citizen entitle to such. You are not purchasing laws with tax money. You are purchasing being protected & governed by the laws with your citizenship & you keeping the laws. The laws mutually accept you acting in the boundary of the laws while also accepting you being governed & protected by the laws. That is the “moral” purchase of the laws.
As for the legal purchase of the laws, you are protected simply by living & having a citizenship. There is no purchase. You are entitled to the laws & being protected by the laws & suing according to laws. Also, if you look at laws in terms of norms (the general morality), you are protected by the laws by agreeing to live in that society & country instead of not agreeing to live in that society & country. That is the moral purchase or the exchange of services (the service of you living in that group, country, society, or the service of you acting according to the laws) what you do for the laws (you are joining a group as a service instead of living separate from the group & country) while what the laws do for you (protecting you legally).
As for the legal exchange of services (the laws), that is simply done by your possession of the citizenship & you living in that society. This was obvious in the first place just like young children not paying taxes are protected by the laws. Morally, you purchase the protection by the laws by “being a citizen or keeping the laws”. That is the moral purchase or the moral exchange of services. Legally? Just need to be a citizen. You are legally entitled to the protection of the laws just by being a citizen (+ morally entitled).
I am entitled (both morally & legally) to legal protection whether I pay tax or not. It’s my “right”. Simply put, the laws exchange the service of “legal protection” with the service of the mutual agreement “message (the laws exchange the service of sending this message with the service of legal protection): you keep these laws” or the service of “being in this group, country, society”.
Yes, “being in a group, country, society” is also a service. Also, the laws purchase “message”. Paying taxes is an obligation, but it is just for funding & mutual agreement in existence & system. For purchasing being protected & governed by the laws, paying taxes is irrelevant but citizenship. It is the service of “increasing the population by 1” that purchases the legal protection in society. That is the moral purchase. As for the legal, the laws apply for protection or for punishment whether you pay taxes or not. Legally, paying taxes is “separate” from the laws. + morally so. Legal protection is entitled morally & legally just by being a citizen. Paying taxes is irrelevant to being governed. Think of it as the laws purchasing the right to legally punish with the citizen’s right to be legally protected. Exchanging the service of the rights for the laws & for the citizens. That is the moral exchange of services & moral purchase by & to the laws.
As for the laws, the legal purchase of the services of being protected & governed by the laws is from being in society. Simply put, the laws state to legally protect whether the victim is paying taxes or not. Paying taxes has nothing to do with the laws legally protecting victims.
As for the funding from the citizens, tax, it is only applicable to certain cases such as your income or the purchases of goods & services. When you don’t meet such cases, you have no obligation nor duty to pay taxes. You are legally not paying taxes. Laws allow no tax for 0 income. The tax funding is charged for you making your income; if you make no income, there is nothing to pay tax about. Think of tax as the fees charged to you safely making your income.
Simply put, you purchase your rights by “being a citizen”, “adding 1 to population”, duties not limited to just tax. Also, you do not have the duty to pay taxes in some cases like no income or not purchasing goods & services. Some duties are not required, neither legally nor morally, in some cases such as the tax. Not paying taxes “legally & morally” doesn’t mean the rights are taken away.
You are still entitled to the rights both morally & legally just by being a citizen while the government purchases the service of the message “be governed by the laws” with your rights such as legal protection instead of human trashes, violating laws & your rights, left alone. As for the tax, you have no duty to pay taxes in some cases as 0 income, but you still have rights. Morally & legally, in such cases, have 0 duty to pay taxes; such duty is exempted for your rights.
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Low income folks pay no federal tax. Who's taking away their rights? What are you babbling about?

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