Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

I don't know. You could be right. I kind of think people are less attuned to higher spirituality in general. Society has progressed as technology has progressed, yet as society ascends, being less attuned to spirituality does not comport with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. People seek completeness else where or not at all. I don't have a handle on it.
Americans are simply being dumbed down by the state schools. Atheism is rank stupidity.
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The concept of a God
Doesnt pass the common sense test
The a priori imperatives of logic and mathematics, the fundamental imperatives of physics, and the first principles of ontology tell us that the Universe (the physical world) began to exist in the finite past and that God necessarily exists.

Your blather is silly.

Like there are holier than thou types on this site who hate on LGBT people.

I wonder if that is what is driving young people away from church.

I remember a church i went to once, the father was preaching a sermon against LGBT people and everyone in the church clapped and i felt very uncomfortable just listening to what he had to say about LGBT people.

Homofascits and transfascists are jackbooted thugs.
What's changed? Why the decrease in faith? God does not change.....thus, the change must have come because of the human trait of MORAL RELATIVISM:

I attribute the change to Closet Atheism

People grow up in church, their families and friends belong, they enjoy the social network of their congregation.
If they begin to question their faith, they keep it to themselves to not be driven from that social construct

I think the sharp rise in atheism is a willingness to abandon that church and a societal acceptance of atheism
The a priori imperatives of logic and mathematics, the fundamental imperatives of physics, and the first principles of ontology tell us that the Universe (the physical world) began to exist in the finite past and that God necessarily exists.

Your blather is silly.

OK who made God?
The a priori imperatives of logic and mathematics, the fundamental imperatives of physics, and the first principles of ontology tell us that the Universe (the physical world) began to exist in the finite past and that God necessarily exists.

really, ring - the finite universe began during eternity ... would be the correct interpretation. per your comment.

the metaphysical forces being what made it to exist. - not the desert religions.
People grow up in church, their families and friends belong, they enjoy the social network of their congregation.
If they begin to question their faith, they keep it to themselves to not be driven from that social construct

I think the sharp rise in atheism is a willingness to abandon that church and a societal acceptance of atheism
With everyone glued to their devices these days, then church may not be the only social construct with falling numbers. We can communicate online. We can be entertained online. We can even go to church services online.

Perhaps it is not God and church being is actual face-to-face socialization and interaction with people. Is it God we no longer value...or is it other people we no longer value?
I attribute the change to Closet Atheism

People grow up in church, their families and friends belong, they enjoy the social network of their congregation.
If they begin to question their faith, they keep it to themselves to not be driven from that social construct

I think the sharp rise in atheism is a willingness to abandon that church and a societal acceptance of atheism

the desert religions persist by their glorification of paterfamilias - which in the natural world and underlying 1st century message is the primary evil, nature and the religious are meant to be aware of in attaining heavenly aspirations.

mary never married joseph and happily lived together - without a contract - for as long as they lived ... the true opening scene of the noted 1st century events.
The decline in religion is juxtaposed to the increase in crime
Has nothing to do with it

But it does tie into the narrative you have been taught that there is no morality without God.

Atheists are perfectly willing to not Kill, steal, lie without the fear of a Superior Being
What about wanting to see evidence of things you believe in is stupid?
As far as public education goes, he does have a point. I have been teaching for nearly twenty-five years, and the change has been appalling. It starts with putting students of all levels into the same class. Then teachers are instructed to teach at the C level. Those above that level will look after themselves, those below that level...know what they were called? Flatliners. Therefore they could be safely ignored.

Back in the day, thirty math problems, minimum, were given to insure students understood and remembered the concept. Today, if the students can manage five to ten, we call it good.

I heartily recommend to every student and parent that they do the work to first get into--and then stay in--the few honors and gifted classes there are. Those who have students under C level...home school until you get that child up to at least C level, or better yet, into honors/gifted classes.

Keep in mind, some schools in California are working to do away with the honors program--and grades.
Lowest level in US history and down 10 percent in the last decade

And belief in Biden is how much again?
The Biblical God is very selfish and temperamental
True. Many “Gods,” especially tribal gods, are like that. The idea that “God is Good” or “God is Love” or that there is a “God of Reason” which should guide us and serve as a moral compass — these types of gods tend to be associated with religions that claim to have “universal” relevance.

There are and have been many possible expressions of religious belief — there are gods of war, gods of money, gods of health, trickster gods. I note the survey asked only one question related to what Americans mean by “God” today:
“A follow-up question in the survey probed further into what Americans' belief in God entails. Specifically, the question asked whether God hears prayers and whether God intervenes when people pray. About half of those who believe in God … say God hears prayers and can intervene on a person's behalf.”
Thus only 42% of Americans today believe in a “personal” Christian God who hears prayers and can then intervene to answer them. If I’m not mistaken, even Christianity / Catholicism often rejected such beliefs in the past.

A more useful survey on “Belief in God” would have to ask many more such questions.

I think most Americans haven’t really considered religion or what they mean by “God” from many different points of view. Or else perhaps many have, and when asked just answer this conventional question as best they can, choosing reluctantly according to the “yes or no” suggested answers.
Thus only 42% of Americans today believe in a “personal” Christian God who hears prayers and can then intervene to answer them.
Maybe they are beginning to understand that God who cares for them still will not act as their personal genii.
True. Many “Gods,” especially tribal gods, are like that. The idea that “God is Good” or “God is Love” or that there is a “God of Reason” which should guide us and serve as a moral compass — these types of gods tend to be associated with religions that claim to have “universal” relevance.
Old Testament God was a God to be feared
The God of Jesus was a God of Love
Homofascits and transfascists are jackbooted thugs.
A thug would be someone that demands "special treatment" due to their free will choice of engaging in animalistic sexual practices. I agree........I believe that all homosexuals should receive the same equal treatment as do any other members of the human race that have a Special Need that requires special treatment. What type of mental imbalance does it take to continually attempt to place a square peg into a round hole and declare it "normal"?

Issue handicap privilege status to everyone with such an anomaly.....allow them to take the choice parking places closest to their destination....etc. Treat all such effected people with all the humanity you would any other human being with a mental handicap. A special status deserves a special treatment.

Just like a BUM is no longer a BUM that is physically capable of work but refuses.............but today, they are HOMELESS people who deserve special treatment and income redistribution from those who do work. Just like an unborn child is no longer an unborn child.........ITS A FETUS with no humanity whatsoever, a thing to be discarded like a invasive parasite from the human body. Just like those who cross the border without authorization are now called Unregistered Aliens instead of ILLEGAL CRIMINALS whose first act in this nation is breaking the law of the land. A person who freely chooses to engage in perverted sexual activity is no longer queer..........they are GAY.

Since when is the type of sex one chooses to engage a HUMAN RIGHT that if not granted will result in death, like the right to food, shelter, medical treatment, etc.? What? If that is the case all Catholic priests sign a death warrant when they enter the clergy and vow to remain celibate.

The way I approach this charge? Don't urinate down my back and attempt to tell me, relax its only rain. Everyone freely chooses their sexual partner and type of sex they wish to engage.......if not, YOU HAVE JUST BEEN RAPED.

Homosexuality has always been diagnosed as a MENTAL CONDITION.......until just recently in history. Just like all things liberal and fascist they attempt to change the argument by changing the descriptive language of that which they want to force upon humanity. Such tactics come from the liberal's bible, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
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