Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

Religious zealots such as evangelicals are a fringe. They are single-handedly responsible for the decline of religiosity in America.


Like there are holier than thou types on this site who hate on LGBT people.

I wonder if that is what is driving young people away from church.

I remember a church i went to once, the father was preaching a sermon against LGBT people and everyone in the church clapped and i felt very uncomfortable just listening to what he had to say about LGBT people.

Actually Trump is conning you to believe he is a Christian

Just a hint
When asked for a favorite Bible verse……he said all of them
When reading a verse he called it Two Corinthians
He had to borrow that Bible for the photo shoot

Trump has never read the Bible or any other book
You don't know what Trump has read but, I don't really care anyway. I can't quote the bible either but I have read it. For me, the Bible represents the values America was built on which is Judeo/Christian. I guess you can diss it all you want but, that foundation has afforded you the right to say what you want about Trump. Godless lefties would cancel you for talking the same shit about them in public.
You don't know what Trump has read but, I don't really care anyway. I can't quote the bible either but I have read it. For me, the Bible represents the values America was built on which is Judeo/Christian. I guess you can diss it all you want but, that foundation has afforded you the right to say what you want about Trump. Godless lefties would cancel you for talking the same shit about them in public.
And chemistry was built on alchemy. And physics was built on philosophy. And Relativity was built on newtonian physics.

But we grew up since then and learned when to put away the childish toys.
Lowest level in US history and down 10 percent in the last decade

You are speaking about "moral relativism". What's changed? Why the decrease in faith? God does not change.....thus, the change must have come because of the human trait of MORAL RELATIVISM: Each person is endowed by God with Free Will, each person decides his/her own fate by the judgements/decisions made every minute while living.

I simply look at it like this......Why concern oneself with something that is beyond one's personal control.........the decisions made by others? The scriptures are clear. Belief/Faith is an individual endeavor, each person is responsible for their own decision making or as the Apostle stated, " out your own salvation with fear and trembling".

What we are witnessing with such a thread is nothing but a form of "yellow journalism". As Mark Twain once stated, "Figures do not lie..........but LIARS sure do figure." Meaning what? Meaning the demonstrable fact that one can use stats and trend charts to work out any mathematical algorithm they wish in order to make a favorable and biased opinion....depending upon the information provided and or omitted from said algorithm.

I find it a most difficult thing to use the provided information on this thread as an indication of a disbelief in a transcending Creator. Fact: There is a world population that totals about 8 Billion people. Fact: Exactly a decade ago....10 years, 8 in 10 people accepted a religious belief in a Creator/God......according to the Washington Post. In 2012 the world's population totaled 6.9 its 8 Billion Total. God has not changed in that short decade.........that leaves only one logical conclusion.......that extra billion people must have diluted the public opinion poll..........not because God has changed but because man has changed and concentrated more on SELF. The 80% + that believed in God 10 years ago......still exists. Its like pouring water into a whisky to dilute its total alcohol content.......the core remains non effected.

Some stats have 95% of the total earth's population believing in God....with less than 5% remaining that are atheists or agnostic. Lets go with the left wing rags own admission.............about 84% have a belief in God as of 2012. I am simply pointing out how any mathematical algorithm can be used to deceive others.

Consider this algorithm.....which clearly demonstrates that 70% of the US population still believes/has faith in the existence of a Supreme Being. Thus what is really being demonstrated by this thread? Its an attack on the supposed ignorance of anyone who would place their faith in a set of manipulated numbers. God will separate the wheat from the chaff when his longsuffering has come to an end with the human condition.

The belief in a supreme being is not in decline..........propaganda from the less than 5% who refuse to come to the knowledge of truth is in a state of "incline". One does not have to pick up a piece of Bull Crap......smell and taste of it in order to know when he/she has just stepped into a big pile of it.

Being free from religion is therefore the normal human condition; since the advent of civilization religion has been the bane of humankind.
Here we disagree. Throughout the world's cultures, and throughout time, people have observed (mostly imperfectly) God. Mankind is the bane of mankind, no matter what we do because some cannot go forego power, wealth, and territory. I will guarantee that was going on well before the advent of religion. Erase religion entirely, and there will still be horrible events and at the base of those horrible events will be greed for power, wealth, and territory.

In reality, true people of faith are less prone to the above downfalls, but move so far in the other direction that they pay little attention to those who go about accumulating great wealth, power, and territory. Those no longer interest us--until one side or the other drags us into the conflict. Those who covet the above are going to look at who will ignore their cons, and also those who will fall for them. In that respect we are easily manipulated by the selfish. What makes for even greater manipulation is that as a group we are too willing to help.
I was raised a Catholic

By about 12, I started to realize all this stuff doesn’t seem true. I thought some may be true but the rest was made up

By my teens, I did not believe any of it

I did not decide on atheism
Atheism is just a label for the act of non-belief
Boy do I understand. By the time I was twelve, I did have an experience of God, so no belief was never an option. Still, because of that experience, some of the stuff still didn't seem true, and some of it had to have been made up (or so I thought).

I totally get teens giving it up and giving up. However, I could not. And slowly, after decades of study--hours upon hours--mostly by delving into Judaism and Hebrew, I realized how poorly Hebrew (and even some Latin and Greek) translated into modern English. What makes little sense in English, makes a great deal of sense in the original language. But how can I tell teens, "Just spend about a half-million more hours on this, and it will fall into place."

Trust me, wise are those who take it on faith. It seems those of us who don't fall into two categories--those who spend no more time on it, and those who spend the rest of a lifetime on it.
Like God cares that belief in Him has dropped.

GOD ain't no politician you know?

If the vain God of the Bible exists, He definitely cares.

GOD is above human sentiments.....above and beyond IMO.

God is not human not a mortal being like us. HE is way up ......way up above.......and beyond the futility of Earth.
GOD is above human sentiments.....above and beyond IMO.

God is not human not a mortal being like us. HE is way up ......way up above.......and beyond the futility of Earth.
It would make more sense that he does care what we do and think, given that he uniquely made us in his image and revealed an instruction book to us.

You can’t be serious.

Trump has nothing but contempt for values that created this great country – he proved that on 1/6.

I have contempt for IGNORANCE and GULLIBILITY.
Yeah.........that's why Trump did not take a single cent of the wages associated with the office. When was the last time you saw a liberal refuse to take wages from the taxpayers of America? Contempt for the United States of America would be entering office with gas less than 2.00 dollars a gallon.........then regulating the market to the point that fuel is now 5.00 dollars a gallon causing super inflation across the board.

The state of the union is quite different now than it was under Trump. The jobs are now flowing back to the Chicoms with all the democrats getting rich with kickbacks for the favors.

We have what was promised by the puppet masters that control the brain dead Biden...........and the reality that is being delivered to WE THE PEOPLE. More Taxes, Less Energy, Rampant Inflation, More mass shootings, More drugs than ever crossing our southern border, more "ILLEGAL" aliens crossing into the US, more Bums living on the streets than ever before..........this is what happens when a party has CONTEMPT for THE PEOPLE and the Untied States Constitution.

What are they doing on Capitol Hill to solve these problems? A dog and pony show for the press over a single days protesting in DC........while having ignored the countless acts of violence protesting over the past 4 years under Trump that resulted in actual deaths and billions worth of property destruction.

Now they are attempting to get the FACE DIAPER Bigrade in action again with the mid terms coming up (feigning another Covid outbreak) they can attempt to steal another election with manufactured paper ballots.

I used to say Mr. Peanut was the worst President in the past 100 years..........that is until Biden was placed into power by the DC power brokers. Its like watching a beheaded chicken flop around.....
Lowest level in US history and down 10 percent in the last decade

The a priori imperatives of logic and mathematics, the fundamental imperatives of physics, and the first principles of ontology tell us that the Universe (the physical world) began to exist in the finite past and that God necessarily exists.
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