Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

howabout are able to confront the desert religions, their forgeries and fallacies and will better themselves with the true knowledge available to enhance their metaphysical spiritual well being for their continued existance beyond their physical, physiological presence and its expiration.
But you miss the nicest thing about how superior, secular ideas have slowly but surely reformed western society:

We only have to "confront" them in discussions and at the ballot box.

“About half of those who believe in God -- equal to 42% of all Americans -- say God hears prayers and can intervene on a person's behalf.” ibid

A minority of Americans believe in such nonsense.
I'm envious in a way, that something like that can bring you so much happiness.

Beats having to work toward goals, or something, right?
there is a forgery or fallacy on nearly every page, the 4th century c bible and all three desert religions claim - etched tablets from the heavens with 10 commandments - that never existed ...

they have abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity the surest means for humanities salvation and the return to paradise as sought from the beginning.
How would any of that be an answer to "what's your favorite part of that 'great work of fiction?'"

Nobody ‘choses atheism’ – acknowledging the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists is not a ‘choice’; it’s that theists chose to believe in a ‘god’ that does not exist.
If someone was raised in a faith and upon due consideration decided on atheism, is not that a choice not to pursue God or faith? Keep in mind, in that paragraph I was commenting on those who once had a faith, but have no longer--not those (like my grandfather) who never held any belief.
But you miss the nicest thing about how superior, secular ideas have slowly but surely reformed western society:

We only have to "confront" them in discussions and at the ballot box.

not in the least, the religion of antiquity is itself secular - the triumph of good vs evil - is simply the means for ataining judgement and admission to the everlasting - when acomplished one way or the other. spiritual purity is the means to surpass ones physiology.
Feel better, then?

Somehow more self-confident?
There is no consensus as to what constitutes ‘god.’

‘God’ does exist as a creation of man, a contrivance of human culture, a metaphor for man’s potential to do good works, or justification for man to do great evil – that ‘god’ does exist.

But there is no omnipotent extraterrestrial deity that hears prayers, intercedes on behalf of mortals, and issues edicts of religious dogma that must be obeyed lest transgressors are consigned to eternal damnation – that ‘god’ does not exist.
How would any of that be an answer to "what's your favorite part of that 'great work of fiction?'"

well, babyface - there is no favorite piece to the c bible written by the crucifiers that would lend to any redeemable spiritual resolution - that's just part of its many shortcomings.
not in the least, the religion of antiquity is itself secular - the triumph of good vs evil - is simply the means for ataining judgement and admission to the everlasting - when acomplished one way or the other. spiritual purity is the means to surpass ones physiology.
No it isn't.
If someone was raised in a faith and upon due consideration decided on atheism, is not that a choice not to pursue God or faith? Keep in mind, in that paragraph I was commenting on those who once had a faith, but have no longer--not those (like my grandfather) who never held any belief.
The mistake theists make is to perceive – incorrectly – that being free form religion is the ‘aberration,’ when in fact the opposite is true.

Humans have existed for some 315,000 years, for only 12,000 of those years have humans practiced theism; indeed, the concept of ‘god’ is a very recent human invention.

Being free from religion is therefore the normal human condition; since the advent of civilization religion has been the bane of humankind.
If someone was raised in a faith and upon due consideration decided on atheism, is not that a choice not to pursue God or faith? Keep in mind, in that paragraph I was commenting on those who once had a faith, but have no longer--not those (like my grandfather) who never held any belief.
I was raised a Catholic

By about 12, I started to realize all this stuff doesn’t seem true. I thought some may be true but the rest was made up

By my teens, I did not believe any of it

I did not decide on atheism
Atheism is just a label for the act of non-belief
yes -

it's the evolutionary path - succeed or go extinct or be a gator and try and remain the same - it's a matter of the spiritual content and physiological response.
And yet explains nothing and yields no useful predictions.

Just like the desert religions.
I was raised a Catholic

By about 12, I started to realize all this stuff doesn’t seem true. I thought some may be true but the rest was made up

By my teens, I did not believe any of it

I did not decide on atheism
Atheism is just a label for the act of non-belief
Me too. I rejected most of the dogma however I retained my belief in a higher power. IMO, belief is an important part of human beings.
An American President that believes in the same values that created this great country is 'creepy' to you? I guess you prefer Obama whose 'bible' is 'Rules For Radicals.'
Actually Trump is conning you to believe he is a Christian

Just a hint
When asked for a favorite Bible verse……he said all of them
When reading a verse he called it Two Corinthians
He had to borrow that Bible for the photo shoot

Trump has never read the Bible or any other book

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