Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

No you were pointing out what "the bible says"

No one really knows what happens
I do because I read the Bible and science backs up the Bible. OTOH, you claim you do not know what happens. That's understandable as your science isn't backed up by anything concrete or something that science backs up.

I am the one telling you the answers because I have the Bible and experimental science on my side. OTOH, you do not know and have no experimental science.
I do because I read the Bible and science backs up the Bible. OTOH, you claim you do not know what happens. That's understandable as your science isn't backed up by anything concrete or something that science backs up.

I am the one telling you the answers because I have the Bible and experimental science on my side. OTOH, you do not know and have no experimental science.
What science is there that backs up what the bible says happens to believers after death?
...while also telling them to avoid the sin from then on...

liar, mary and joseph were never married and lived happily everafter same with the other two heavenly exemplars - jesus and mary magdalene ... free spirits, their love they shared for all not with false legal trappings and sullen dispositions - meriweather.
No you were pointing out what "the bible says"

No one really knows what happens
Again, I know what happens to the atheists and the unforgiven in the afterlife. It's like one knows car mechanics, science, math or other educational areas, but Christians know it mentally, physically and spiritually.
I do because I read the Bible and science backs up the Bible. OTOH, you claim you do not know what happens. That's understandable as your science isn't backed up by anything concrete or something that science backs up.

I am the one telling you the answers because I have the Bible and experimental science on my side. OTOH, you do not know and have no experimental science.
Admit it. You don’t know shit. Your god doesn’t reveal himself to you until the afterlife. Christ could easily have been gay.
but Christians know it mentally, physically and spiritually.
Bullshit. All you know is how a “ Christian acts” in your presence. You don’t know shit about the secondary lives they live and the number of people they lie, debouch and fraud in their business dealings and their personal lives. Look at you. You‘re about as far from being Christlike as Trump and his minions, slandering non believers.
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Again, I know what happens to the atheists and the unforgiven in the afterlife.
You don’t know shit. You haven’t died and come back to life yet to tell us. Besides, you have no answer for the Jews, Muslims, Hindus or any one else who may live a much better life then you. They have to be atheist too. They sure as shit don’t believe your shit and god. How about the 23,000 children who dies each day ? Oh, yore going to tell us they go into a holding pen…..then claim again we don’t know till we die. Hypocrite.
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It's like one knows car mechanics, science, math or other educational areas,
Geesus, the vast majority if people dont know much about math, science and auto mechanics, including you ! They all atheist ? Not only they, they could suffer dementia and lose their “ so called devotion” as well as worldly knowledge like any Christian could.
The true God whom you do not know because of faith in the wrong atheist beliefs and its science.
As soon as you’re cornered, you start spouting gibberish. Its just like woo woo. You keep implying that believers have science and non agnostics have science…..there’re is only one science, and you don’t seem to know shitz about it.
Lowest level in US history and down 10 percent in the last decade

/----/ Belief in Joe Bidum drops to 22%
Again, I know what happens to the atheists and the unforgiven in the afterlife. It's like one knows car mechanics, science, math or other educational areas, but Christians know it mentally, physically and spiritually.
You do?

Have you actually witnessed it or is it that your fairy tales tell you to believe it
The OP started this thread as if a drop in the percentage of those who believe in G-d is a good thing.

G-d tells us to do mitvot, give to charity, be kind, show compassion to animals, help care for the sick, honor our parents, don’t steal or bear false witness, and so much more.

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