Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

was it not a crazed liberal who tried to kill Kavanaugh and his family? Was it not a crazed liberal who shot Scalise and others at a softball practice?
Nope. But you’re the crazed right wing terrorist groups, pollution supporting, non science, unvaccinated dullard conspiracy theorist responsible for the vast majority of unnecessary deaths. I guess you don’t go to medical doctors either.
God loves everyone, if you reject Him he may reject you. but you are free to do that if you choose. See, I don't care what you believe. Why do you care what I believe?
Not what you said.

You said there is evidence of gods in the people who believe in gods. So do you mean to say there is no evidence of gods in people that do not believe?
You're wrong of course.
Gee, I’m hard pressed to see any of the policies supported by liberals that isn’t supported by a majority of American citizens…….let’s try. Bernie Sanders doesn’t get dissed much by most conservatives…..they agree with him on the issues. The gop doesn’t deal in issues…..just fear.
Gee, I’m hard pressed to see any of the policies supported by liberals that isn’t supported by a majority of American citizens…….let’s try. Bernie Sanders doesn’t get dissed much by most conservatives…..they agree with him on the issues. The gop doesn’t deal in issues…..just fear.
I'm not a conservative and I do not agree with Bernie on much
AGW is a hoax. IF our planet is warming (and there is no hard evidence of that) then the cause is the sun, wobbles of earth's tilt on its axis, and changing ocean currents. soccer moms in SUVs have nothing to do with it. But why don't you worry about the real problem-----------pollution of our air and water by the Chinese, Indians, and others? Pollution is a real problem, AGW is bullshit. Your false prophet Algore said that by now florida would be under water and there would be no polar ice. Neither has happened, so was he wrong or lying, or both?
You’re embarrassing yourself again. All your remarks are just Tuckerisms….. There is no university, country or major corporation that doesn’t think what you said is babble.
I never said that. But you aren’t in the majority. Name issues you disagree with Bernie. His major issues are no brainers.
Bernie is a died in the wool socialist who wants government control of just about everything
Bernie is a died in the wool socialist who wants government control of just about everything
Nope…..wrong again. Btw, name the things you normally do during the day that aren’t already gov regulated. Not much.

Govt regulation in many major areas is what the majority of people want more of. That’s not socialism. Universal healthcare for example is not socialism. Most hospitals are PRIVATE NON PROFIT. they aren’t govt owned.
Flood waters are able to distinguish between babies, puppies, and kittens--and then treat them more gently?
Maybe a real God could punish those who actually deserve punishment without wiping out the planet
Nope…..wrong again. Btw, name the things you normally do during the day that aren’t already gov regulated. Not much.

Govt regulation in many major areas is what the majority of people want more of. That’s not socialism. Universal healthcare for example is not socialism. Most hospitals are PRIVATE NON PROFIT. they aren’t govt owned.
Harvard is a nonprofit too and yet still one of the richest colleges in the world.

I don't know why you think the term nonprofit somehow implies virtue.

And for all you say that "most people" believe in Bernie's ideas the democrats haven't been able to get him on the ballot for president
The Bible says God sent the flood
Not a very nice thing to do
Keep in mind the belief held at that time, since God is creator, was that every action was an act of God. You didn't move your little finger, it was an act of God because God created you. The intent was not to create the image of God as puppet master, but a reminder of our own humbleness before God.

Therefore at the time, "God sent the flood" is very much on par with "God just moved my little finger." All actions are acts of God. Cultural perspective and true that the Creator is the ultimate cause/reason for everything.

Rephrasing the question: What was the immediate cause of the flood? Would you agree the immediate cause to be a natural disaster on the same order as volcanoes and blizzards? Or do you believe that on one earthly morning, God chose to snap His fingers, bring about the flood, and if there had been no God the flood never would have happened?
Keep in mind the belief held at that time, since God is creator, was that every action was an act of God. You didn't move your little finger, it was an act of God because God created you. The intent was not to create the image of God as puppet master, but a reminder of our own humbleness before God.

Therefore at the time, "God sent the flood" is very much on par with "God just moved my little finger." All actions are acts of God. Cultural perspective and true that the Creator is the ultimate cause/reason for everything.

Rephrasing the question: What was the immediate cause of the flood? Would you agree the immediate cause to be a natural disaster on the same order as volcanoes and blizzards? Or do you believe that on one earthly morning, God chose to snap His fingers, bring about the flood, and if there had been no God the flood never would have happened?
You either believe the Bible that said God did it in a pique of rage or you believe the Bible was written by man to support his Religion
much like the religion of man made climate change, right?

What does climate change have to do with religion? Conservatives used to be conservationists. Christians too. Are you expecting Scofield's rapture before we ruin the planet?
Keep in mind the belief held at that time, since God is creator, was that every action was an act of God. You didn't move your little finger, it was an act of God because God created you. The intent was not to create the image of God as puppet master, but a reminder of our own humbleness before God.

Therefore at the time, "God sent the flood" is very much on par with "God just moved my little finger." All actions are acts of God. Cultural perspective and true that the Creator is the ultimate cause/reason for everything.

Rephrasing the question: What was the immediate cause of the flood? Would you agree the immediate cause to be a natural disaster on the same order as volcanoes and blizzards? Or do you believe that on one earthly morning, God chose to snap His fingers, bring about the flood, and if there had been no God the flood never would have happened?

The flood in 2900 BC was caused by snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and heavy spring rains.
Nope…..wrong again. Btw, name the things you normally do during the day that aren’t already gov regulated. Not much.

Govt regulation in many major areas is what the majority of people want more of. That’s not socialism. Universal healthcare for example is not socialism. Most hospitals are PRIVATE NON PROFIT. they aren’t govt owned.

Single payer private delivery is not Socialism.

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