Zone1 Belief in God drops to 81 percent

AGW is a hoax. IF our planet is warming (and there is no hard evidence of that) then the cause is the sun, wobbles of earth's tilt on its axis, and changing ocean currents. soccer moms in SUVs have nothing to do with it. But why don't you worry about the real problem-----------pollution of our air and water by the Chinese, Indians, and others? Pollution is a real problem, AGW is bullshit. Your false prophet Algore said that by now florida would be under water and there would be no polar ice. Neither has happened, so was he wrong or lying, or both?

Yes, and COVID is a hoax
Any election you lose is a hoax
Polls that you are behind in is a hoax
Economic and employment numbers are a hoax

This is todays Conservative movement
Any news that makes you uncomfortable is declared a hoax
And what would Republicans do about it?
exactly ! We won’t get a workable answer

It’s hilarious. The biggest complainers of oil prices are the opponents of energy independence and renewables for decades. They helped cause these prices. Their solution for gun violence is more guns, and their solution to higher oil prices is more dependency on oil. How much if an idiot does one have to be to join their club ?
I said it is biased. I said that many libs want their opponents dead, both are true.
Look you claimed that some people ( I assume it's those damn lefties) are calling for the government to kill people who do not agree with them.

Now you're saying something completely different
Nice try
There is ample evidence of man made climate change that has been reviewed and validated by science

God has had no such review
there is no such evidence. there is evidence of man made pollution, but there is no direct proven link between pollution and climate. Pollution is bad for humanity, why can't you libs take that up as a cause? why do you need a fake link between pollution and climate? Answer: you need it to mandate human behavior and control the activities of everyone on earth.
there is no such evidence. there is evidence of man made pollution, but there is no direct proven link between pollution and climate. Pollution is bad for humanity, why can't you libs take that up as a cause? why do you need a fake link between pollution and climate? Answer: you need it to mandate human behavior and control the activities of everyone on earth.
and God?
Those people you speak of included innocent babies and children who could have done nothing worthy of extermination
Puppies, kittens, innocent animals
Has there ever been a great flood where no life was lost? I am telling you, the flood and the loss of life is the setting--not the main event. The main event in this setting is what, in hindsight, society felt they had wrong.
Look you claimed that some people ( I assume it's those damn lefties) are calling for the government to kill people who do not agree with them.

Now you're saying something completely different
was it not a crazed liberal who tried to kill Kavanaugh and his family? Was it not a crazed liberal who shot Scalise and others at a softball practice?
there is no such evidence. there is evidence of man made pollution, but there is no direct proven link between pollution and climate. Pollution is bad for humanity, why can't you libs take that up as a cause? why do you need a fake link between pollution and climate? Answer: you need it to mandate human behavior and control the activities of everyone on earth.
There is no evidence at the soup kitchen where conservatives hang out to get their free meals. There is in every country, university and major corp.

Tell Exxon, Raytheon and Amazon they’re all FOS and the dullards of the world know better. Go ahead, keep embarrassing yourself.
was it not a crazed liberal who tried to kill Kavanaugh and his family? Was it not a crazed liberal who shot Scalise and others at a softball practice?
OK I'll ask you one more time.

Who is calling for the government to kill people that do not agree with them?
evidence of God resides inside every human being who believes in a higher power. You are free to be an non believer, I feel sorry for you, but that's your freely made decision. If we are wrong it doesn't matter, if you are wrong it matters a lot to only you.
evidence of God resides inside every human being who believes in a higher power. You are free to be an non believer, I feel sorry for you, but that's your freely made decision. If we are wrong it doesn't matter, if you are wrong it matters a lot to only you.
So there is no evidence of gods in people who don't believe in gods?

Evidence exists by definition whether one believes or not
So there is no evidence of gods in people who don't believe in gods?

Evidence exists by definition whether one believes or not
God loves everyone, if you reject Him he may reject you. but you are free to do that if you choose. See, I don't care what you believe. Why do you care what I believe?

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