Belief Systems Left and Right . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
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American democrats are philosophically driven by Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung. Though most of the democrat voters don't grasp what the ideals espoused by the democrat politicians are based on, those with an understanding of political theory see that the rhetoric of Occasio-Cortez, Sanders, O'Rourke, et al are Stalinist in nature.

Anyone who wants to know what the democrats want for America, study the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
American democrats are philosophically driven by Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung. Though most of the democrat voters don't grasp what the ideals espoused by the democrat politicians are based on, those with an understanding of political theory see that the rhetoric of Occasio-Cortez, Sanders, O'Rourke, et al are Stalinist in nature.

Anyone who wants to know what the democrats want for America, study the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

Yes, thank you, I agree completely. But why are radical American Leftists, or rather, would be peaceful communal living progressive hippies, so easily taken and veered or radicalized into the violent cult of postmodernism? Even after one presents them with the historical source of their neo-atheist religion, and the associated mass murder result, most of them still deny and cling stubbornly to this insanity.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Those who choose to do evil over good do not like being judged; do not like being told that they are doing wrong.

Religion remains the primary, consistent source of guidance in distinguishing between right and wrong, between good and evil. It is no surprise that religion is hated and condemned by those who choose evil.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Two things. First of all Marxism is its own religion and it is a very jealous one. Marxism promises a paradise on Earth and it brooks no competition from the other kind of heaven.
And second yes rebellion. Childish rebellion. Leftists are emotionally children and I am sure you have noticed their weakness for propaganda and fads and charismatic leaders. Like 12 year olds. And with children comes rebellion. Child against parent. Wife against husband. Government against citizens.
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How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Those who choose to do evil over good do not like being judged; do not like being told that they are doing wrong.

Religion remains the primary, consistent source of guidance in distinguishing between right and wrong, between good and evil. It is no surprise that religion is hated and condemned by those who choose evil.

I agree with you. However, those American Leftists who have been brainwashed into the cult of radical Leftism, young people in particular, are not inherently evil and should be capable of reasoning their way out of the cult or intellectualizing their way out. Seems the indoctrination is just too effective, huh?
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Two things. First of all Marzism is its own religion and it is a very jelous one. Marxism promises a paradise on Earth and it brooks no competition from the other kind of heaven.
And second yes rebellion. Childish rebellion. Leftists are emotionally children and I am sure you have noticed their weakness for propaganda and fads and charismatic leaders. Like 12 year olds. And with children comes rebellion. Child against parent. Wife against husband. Government against citizens.

Thank you. Well laid out response.

I also believe their faith in radical Leftism is almost solely about rebellion; about being able to do what their parents, teachers, religious doctrines and even peers have always told them they should not do. Seems they will sacrifice anything and everything for this ultimate responsibility without consequence—or at least without anyone holding hem accountable.

How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Two things. First of all Marzism is its own religion and it is a very jelous one. Marxism promises a paradise on Earth and it brooks no competition from the other kind of heaven.
And second yes rebellion. Childish rebellion. Leftists are emotionally children and I am sure you have noticed their weakness for propaganda and fads and charismatic leaders. Like 12 year olds. And with children comes rebellion. Child against parent. Wife against husband. Government against citizens.

Thank you. Well laid out response.

I also believe their faith in radical Leftism is almost solely about rebellion; about being able to do what their parents, teachers, religious doctrines and even peers have always told them they should not do. Seems they will sacrifice anything and everything for this ultimate responsibility without consequence—or at least without anyone holding hem accountable.

Like children the left attacks what they don’t understand. And they destroy what they didn’t build.
Look what they did to Marriage. With their weird Skinnerism and obsession, again like children, with sex without responsibility.
Today they cry that we need abortion and welfare to clean up the mess they made.
They pushed for no fault divorce and condemned millions of women to poverty and now run ad campaigns begging men to be fathers and insist on huge government programs to replace male breadwinners.

Childish rebellion. With the results they were warned of.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Yes, it's very strange.

But then you find so many people who want to believe, they've been trained to believe since they were kids, what with religion being a part of daily life.

Kids should be taught to think, not believe.
I would venture to say that no two persons on earth, whether they identify as right or left, share identical belief systems.

Personal beliefs are just that, personal, and, I suspect, as unique to the individual as fingerprints or DNA.
Why do so many Right Wingers actively seek to conflate faith and politics, two subjects along with money ought to be avoided in polite conversation. Why do Right Wingers want to wrap themselves in the two most potent symbols in our culture; the flag and the Bible?

Surely it makes their political/Ecclesiastal world more comfortable, but not unassailable. Faith is not a matter for compromise. No one of faith would broach compromising their belief in God. Similarly, they feel that their political ideology is inviolate, pure, absolutely correct and anyone opposing it is a heretic.

I am a man of faith. I have been a Christian all 61 years of my life. When I became politically aware back in the late 1960s, I took a Lineral stance and I have not backed away from it. But I do not for one second want my fath to inform my politics. I do not, for one second, think that it is right, appropriate or American to call my politics my faith or my faith politics.

I think the reason so many on my side of the aisle look askance at 'Chritianity' is due to the dogmatic and twisted interpretations so many 'Christians' use when defending indefensible political positions. Creation vs. evolution, marriage equality, racial relations and, the big one, reproductive freedom. These issues, these wedge issues, these cultural issues are, in the absence of a polarizing president, what divide this culture the most.

When a baker discriminates against a customer not because the customer is completing himself in an unseemly manner, but because the baker thinks the customer's lifestyle is icky, 'Christians' twist a beautiful, loving faith based on forgiveness and empathy ito something unrecognizable as Christianity.

When 'Christians' take it upon themselves to harass a frightened young woman who has made the most emotionally excruciating decision of her young life, one must ask what ever happened to the Golden Rule?

So the righteousness of a narrow interpretation of faith collides with the righteousness of those who harbor political paranoia, we get to the point of why and how the Left feels justified in dismissing 'Christianity'. By the way, if you want a paradigm for what happens when faith meets politics, look no further than the Taliban. Fundamentalism attracts strange bedfellows.
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How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

These days I fear it is much more simplistic than that. It is base self-righteousness--it makes them feel good, morally superior. And from their morally superior perch they can shame and degrade everyone else, publicly, through social media, and receive vast attaboys too.

They are the veriest Puritans since Plymouth Rock*. And I tell them so whenever I get the chance, because the brainwashing is so effective they don't even think about it. They don't have to.

*But of course, much worse than Puritans: all of the judgment, none of the mercy and atonement of Jesus Christ.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
Because socialism is a religion.
One wonders why so many seek to destroy the term 'religion' by constantly misusing it to speak of socio-political ideas.
One wonders why so many seek to destroy the term 'religion' by constantly misusing it to speak of socio-political ideas.

People will often use words that compare things.

It's like saying "modern day slavery". They don't actually mean slavery, they mean it's akin to slavery.

When they say Socialism is a religion, they don't mean it's a religion, but that it's similar to. That the traits people follow when being religious are often played out by socialists, communists etc.

They believe, rather than know, they hide the truth to make sure what they believe "becomes true", they attack those that don't think the same as them. Similarities, therefore they can say that it's a religion.
I am a man of faith. I have been a Christian all 61 years of my life. When I became politically aware back in the late 1960s, I took a Lineral [sic] stance and I have not backed away from it. But I do not for one second want my fath to inform my politics. I do not, for one second, think that it is right, appropriate or American to call my politics my faith or my faith politics.

If your “faith” fails to provide you with a solid sense of right and wrong, or if you feel that you ought to disregard that distinction with regard to your political positions, then your “faith” is really rather meaningless—nothing more than an empty costume for you to don, on occasion, so that you can pretend that you are, as you say, “a man of faith”.
When they say Socialism is a religion, they don't mean it's a religion, but that it's similar to. That the traits people follow when being religious are often played out by socialists, communists etc.

They believe, rather than know, they hide the truth to make sure what they believe "becomes true", they attack those that don't think the same as them. Similarities, therefore they can say that it's a religion
If what you say is true, and I do believe it is a dubious claim, then why aren't the religionists cognizant of their own actions?

The religionists are claiming they are no different from communists and socialists.
When they say Socialism is a religion, they don't mean it's a religion, but that it's similar to. That the traits people follow when being religious are often played out by socialists, communists etc.

They believe, rather than know, they hide the truth to make sure what they believe "becomes true", they attack those that don't think the same as them. Similarities, therefore they can say that it's a religion
If what you say is true, and I do believe it is a dubious claim, then why aren't the religionists cognizant of their own actions?

The religionists are claiming they are no different from communists and socialists.

They're not aware of what they're doing because they choose to ignore.

Imagine you grow up. Your parents tell you there's a God. You teachers tell you there's a God. Your friends believe.

Are you going to turn around and say they're all stupid? No.
When they say Socialism is a religion, they don't mean it's a religion, but that it's similar to. That the traits people follow when being religious are often played out by socialists, communists etc.

They believe, rather than know, they hide the truth to make sure what they believe "becomes true", they attack those that don't think the same as them. Similarities, therefore they can say that it's a religion
If what you say is true, and I do believe it is a dubious claim, then why aren't the religionists cognizant of their own actions?

The religionists are claiming they are no different from communists and socialists.

They're not aware of what they're doing because they choose to ignore.

Imagine you grow up. Your parents tell you there's a God. You teachers tell you there's a God. Your friends believe.

Are you going to turn around and say they're all stupid? No.
I did, lol.

Anyway they must be cognizant of their own behavior or they couldn't draw a connection.

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