Belief Systems Left and Right . . .

When they say Socialism is a religion, they don't mean it's a religion, but that it's similar to. That the traits people follow when being religious are often played out by socialists, communists etc.

They believe, rather than know, they hide the truth to make sure what they believe "becomes true", they attack those that don't think the same as them. Similarities, therefore they can say that it's a religion
If what you say is true, and I do believe it is a dubious claim, then why aren't the religionists cognizant of their own actions?

The religionists are claiming they are no different from communists and socialists.

They're not aware of what they're doing because they choose to ignore.

Imagine you grow up. Your parents tell you there's a God. You teachers tell you there's a God. Your friends believe.

Are you going to turn around and say they're all stupid? No.
I did, lol.

Anyway they must be cognizant of their own behavior or they couldn't draw a connection.

People avoid understanding things. That's what sports, alcohol, drugs, pets, etc are for. Politics and religion are just other ways of avoiding reality.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

Two things. First of all Marzism is its own religion and it is a very jelous one. Marxism promises a paradise on Earth and it brooks no competition from the other kind of heaven.
And second yes rebellion. Childish rebellion. Leftists are emotionally children and I am sure you have noticed their weakness for propaganda and fads and charismatic leaders. Like 12 year olds. And with children comes rebellion. Child against parent. Wife against husband. Government against citizens.

Thank you. Well laid out response.

I also believe their faith in radical Leftism is almost solely about rebellion; about being able to do what their parents, teachers, religious doctrines and even peers have always told them they should not do. Seems they will sacrifice anything and everything for this ultimate responsibility without consequence—or at least without anyone holding hem accountable.

Like children the left attacks what they don’t understand. And they destroy what they didn’t build.
Look what they did to Marriage. With their weird Skinnerism and obsession, again like children, with sex without responsibility.
Today they cry that we need abortion and welfare to clean up the mess they made.
They pushed for no fault divorce and condemned millions of women to poverty and now run ad campaigns begging men to be fathers and insist on huge government programs to replace male breadwinners.

Childish rebellion. With the results they were warned of.

The OT states
According to the biblical account, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. The wives were described as foreign princesses, including Pharaoh's daughter and women of Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon and of the Hittites. ... The only wife mentioned by name is Naamah the Ammonite, mother of Solomon's successor, Rehoboam.
Solomon - Wikipedia
Solomon - Wikipedia

And according to the NT Jesus nor Paul had a wife and Jesus told men to follow him and leaved their children. Paul actually says only get married if you can't control your sexuality.

Abraham had a concubine, Sarah's slave women.

I find the Democrats much more moral than the Republicans who fake it.

And you talk abortion, al men use a condom, because you do not have a right to tell a women what she can or can't do.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?

N_S, the religion of statism demands that the pirmary foundation for moral code be the government. That the goverment is the giver of our civil liberties.

Unfortunately, this religion of statism where the government is God causes the erosion of morality and virtue in society. And this erosion of morality and virtue in society is the most unrecognized threat to liberty today. This decay has resulted from negligence on the part of many and from very calculated attacks on the part of a few.

As always, the primary foundation for moral code, God's Law, the Natural Law, and the fundamerntal principles of our Individual, God-given liberties, must always be accepted or rejected Indivisibly. They cannot be accepted or rejected piece meal. To do so only ensures that one will not benefit from any of freedom's fruits. We cannot contend to favor rights while excluding responsibility. Really, liberty should never be spoken or written absent the word responsibility.

To steal an excellent reference snip from a very good book on the topic, The American Ideal of 1776 - The Twelve Basic American Principles by Hamilton Abert Long, ©1976 -- "for every such right there is a correlative, inseparable duty--for every aspect of freedom there is a corresponding responsibility; so that it is always Right-Duty and Freedom-Responsibility, or Liberty-Responsibility. There is a duty, or responsibility, to God as the giver of these unalienable rights: a moral duty--to keep secure and use soundly these gifts, with due respect for the equal rights of others and for the right of Posterity to their just heritage of liberty. Since this moral duty cannot be surrendered, bartered, given away, abandoned, delegated or otherwise alienated, so is the inseparable right likewise unalienable. This concept of rights being unalienable is thus dependent upon belief in God as the giver. This indicates the basis and the soundness of Jefferson's statement (1796 letter to John Adams): "If ever the morals of a people could be made the basis of their own government it is our case . . ."

I suspect that you already know all of this, so, I'm just adding my thought on it. It's early. Could likely expand on it. Leviticus 25:10 rings a bell here. As does the wisdom of Madison when he correctly stated his belief that "...there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

End of the day, the Declaration is specific in the fundamental foundation for our form of government. That "all men are created...endowed by their Creator."

The religion of statism, however, dictates that man is endowed by his government. "License''....
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I wonder if the right wing religious zealots recognize that since the fall of the Soviet Union they have supported an endless war in the name of their ideology and to the detriment of the common citizens of Western liberal societies. Frankly, I am sick of it. The physical and emotional violence perpetrated in this war is a far cry from any supposed "intellectual violence", lol, from those who resist the right wing ideological bullshit.

Poor babies, proving Marx accurate yet again.

I am a man of faith. I have been a Christian all 61 years of my life. When I became politically aware back in the late 1960s, I took a Lineral [sic] stance and I have not backed away from it. But I do not for one second want my fath to inform my politics. I do not, for one second, think that it is right, appropriate or American to call my politics my faith or my faith politics.

If your “faith” fails to provide you with a solid sense of right and wrong, or if you feel that you ought to disregard that distinction with regard to your political positions, then your “faith” is really rather meaningless—nothing more than an empty costume for you to don, on occasion, so that you can pretend that you are, as you say, “a man of faith”.
I am buoyed by my faith. I am inspired by my politics.

What I never do is force my politics into the template of my faith, and vice versa.

As an American I recognize that imposing my faith in the political arena is not appropriate. Others doing that are failing to understand the foundation of our republic. Religious dogma has no place in American politics.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, ...

I think the reason so many on my side of the aisle look askance at 'Chritianity' is due to the dogmatic and twisted interpretations so many 'Christians' use when defending indefensible political positions.

When 'Christians' take it upon themselves to harass ...

as to why ... violently reject religion, namely Christianity

violently is your choice _son, for some christianity is a 4th century political agenda disguised as a religion, not a religion at all that was configured over nearly an entire century to refine their product and is not a reflection of the 1st century as christians claim.

your political confusion is derived from a political persuasion, christianity and not a religion - perpetuated by you, violently since the 4th century to the present day.

the 1st century was a reflection of the original religion of Antiquity - christianity has tried to replace.
I can't pick a dog in this fight, largely because few 'leftists' or 'right wingers' actually believe any of the ideological rubbish or practice it in everyday life, as they're just shopping around for a false veneer of 'respectability' for their narcissism and mindless self-indulgence, so it's irrelevant. Ditto for those who cater to that market and are happy to write up pretentious ideologies for the lazy and selfish, and hopefully getting lucrative Talking Head gigs and media attention, thus avoiding having to get real jobs or having to work hard at actually thinking.

Many of the practicing Christians are sincere; only those who attend church regularly count for me, though,, as most when asked just give their parents' or grandparent's sect and don't actually attend services or give a hoot about being personally inconvenienced by it any more than the political ideologues do. The Christians have done far more positive good in general than any other demographic on the planet, so they get lots of slack from me, and many others as well; most of the hate comes from the Angry Faggots and other venal, petty deviants and sociopaths who hate them for the obvious reason that they're in the way of complete mindless self-indulgence of their fetishes and needs to harm others in order to make themselves feel important.

And, the self-styled 'rationalists' are frankly delusional lunatics who think they know it all and have all the info they need to make decisions, know the results ahead of time, etc., etc, and of course they're full of crap, and end up like Lenin, having to resort to mass murder, police states, and terrorism when their nice little fantasy constructs fail miserably and completely. This is why you never see any of the radicals in academia being caught dead leaving their nice little ivory towers and go be genuine 'revolutionaries' and doing any 'social justice warring' in genuinely oppressed countries; they know they're liars and full of shit from the get go. For the unwashed masses, 'left' and 'right' wing dictators are distinctions without a difference in how it affects their lives; they both look exactly the same form the bottom..
And by the way, though Hegel was an atheist, he had a positive view of Christianity, and religion in general. So did F.A. Hayek. Many make the mistake of conflating Marx's views with Hegel's on a number of issues, and they are wrong to do so; Marx deliberately positioned himself as the 'Anti-Hegel', using Hegel's own dialectics methodology to arrive at the opposite views Hegel arrived at.
And by the way, though Hegel was an atheist, he had a positive view of Christianity, and religion in general. So did F.A. Hayek. Many make the mistake of conflating Marx's views with Hegel's on a number of issues, and they are wrong to do so; Marx deliberately positioned himself as the 'Anti-Hegel', using Hegel's own dialectics methodology to arrive at the opposite views Hegel arrived at.
You are mistaken in your belief that Hegel was atheist.

Marx rejected Hegel's idealist philosophy. He took Hegel's dialectic method and applied it to the material world.

You are correct that it is not useful to conflate the two people. It is usually only done so for the purpose of discrediting Marx by people who have little knowledge of things that they feel very confident in condemning.
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How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
More specifically, lefties are averse to Christianity. Therein, no single unifying leader resides whom the faithful can call teacher or father (Mt 23:8-9). In the kingdom of God, the wolf lies down with the lamb; that is, all are equal. No one oppresses and no one is oppressed.

Christianity, in other words, is much more like republicanism, whose governing principle is a rule of law, than like democracy, whose governing principle is popular will.

The majority is no different than an authoritarian when it can impose on the whole, and Christians and conservatives absolutely oppose such tyranny.
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I am a man of faith. I have been a Christian all 61 years of my life. When I became politically aware back in the late 1960s, I took a Lineral [sic] stance and I have not backed away from it. But I do not for one second want my fath to inform my politics. I do not, for one second, think that it is right, appropriate or American to call my politics my faith or my faith politics.

If your “faith” fails to provide you with a solid sense of right and wrong, or if you feel that you ought to disregard that distinction with regard to your political positions, then your “faith” is really rather meaningless—nothing more than an empty costume for you to don, on occasion, so that you can pretend that you are, as you say, “a man of faith”.
I am buoyed by my faith. I am inspired by my politics.

What I never do is force my politics into the template of my faith, and vice versa.

As an American I recognize that imposing my faith in the political arena is not appropriate. Others doing that are failing to understand the foundation of our republic. Religious dogma has no place in American politics.
If you compartmentalize your faith, you have no faith. You have a tool.
You are mistaken in your belief that Hegel was atheist.

Some debate whether he was or not; by my own readings of his theories he was, and I don't consider it debatable.

Marx rejected Hegel's idealist philosophy. He took Hegel's dialectic method and applied it to the material world.

Yes. And Marx wasn't as smart as Hegel.

You are correct that it is not useful to conflate the two people. It is usually only done so for the purpose of discrediting Marx by people who have little knowledge of things that they feel very confident in condemning.

Many go into Hegel as an exercise in confirmation bias. I'm not a left or a right winger and don't care about conforming to anybody's ideological purity tests. Hegel's views highlight many of the absurdist fantasies of both 'rationalists' and those who rely on metaphysical semantics as well. The claims he wasn't an atheist rely a lot on terminological fallacies, at least those arguments I've read do, same as those who claim the Judeo-Christan theology is allegedly 'stolen from earlier pagan myths, which is an absurd claim as well.
I am buoyed by my faith. I am inspired by my politics.

What I never do is force my politics into the template of my faith, and vice versa.

As an American I recognize that imposing my faith in the political arena is not appropriate. Others doing that are failing to understand the foundation of our republic. Religious dogma has no place in American politics.

To divorce your political positions from any religious faith is ultimately, to divorce them from any roots in the distinction between right and wrong, between good and evil.

Those, such as yourself, who say that “Religious dogma has no place in American politics.” invariably end up dismissing issues of basic decency, ethics, and morality as “religious dogma”.

That is how we get a government that is compelled to treat evil as being at least as valid as good.
I am buoyed by my faith. I am inspired by my politics.

What I never do is force my politics into the template of my faith, and vice versa.

As an American I recognize that imposing my faith in the political arena is not appropriate. Others doing that are failing to understand the foundation of our republic. Religious dogma has no place in American politics.

To divorce your political positions from any religious faith is ultimately, to divorce them from any roots in the distinction between right and wrong, between good and evil.

Those, such as yourself, who say that “Religious dogma has no place in American politics.” invariably end up dismissing issues of basic decency, ethics, and morality as “religious dogma”.

That is how we get a government that is compelled to treat evil as being at least as valid as good.
I disagree. It's the imposition of religious dogma that gets our society in trouble. That is not to say there is a divorce of religion and civil ethics. The Golden Rule applies in all things secular and ecclesiastical.

All religious philosophies include the tenets of justice, fair play and brotherhood. All nations based on the rule of law do too. But saying 'we're a Christian nation and therefore we must...' is anathema to our secular government.

We do not legislate morality. We tried to do it through Prohibition and it failed spectacularly. We cannot use dogma to render tax paying, sober, civilly involved American citizens to second class status because their legal lifestyle is considered sinful by a handful of dogmatic 'Christians'.

We cannot, as a nation, proclaim abortions should be unsafe and unregulated because a handful of people say 'my priest admonished us against all forms of abortion. Therefore as a nation, we should follow that dogma'.

We cannot, as a nation, proclaim that evolution is a mere theory. God created man whole in a day because my Bible told me so. Ignoring science in favor of myth is leading a 21st century society down a path to ruin.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
Lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking

Now that's a mouth full.
Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
Lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking

Now that's a mouth full.
Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?
Once you subscribe to tribalism, it's hard to separate each aspect of life from the whole. I understand you hold your political opposition in contempt. That divides you from so many of your fellow Americans. And that's rather sad for you. If you live that sort of short sighted, myopic life must have been founded on real despair. Real fear. And real anguish.

So it's a natural inclination to ascribe the worst things you can imagine to those people you fear, you're suspicious of and don't interact with. Because they are the source of all your worries and woes, they must,therefore, be demonic as well. Once your mindset has not merely become baked in but kiln dried, it would be impossible to adopt an open mind and an open heart.

You would tend to feel superior in morality and righteousness. To see hypocrisy in your perceived enemies.

What I cannot understand is why you see Leftists as immoral and support someone like Donald Trump? Is he the paragon of moral comportment? St. Donald? Because of Donald Trump, more people know about porn stars, Playboy bunnies and grabbing women by their gentials. He is on his third wife after multiple affairs and sex scandals.

And yet, you call Leftists immoral. And hypocrites. Can you see the disparity in that?

But you have that insular, suspicious and fearful mindset that, like love, makes you blind.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
Lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking

Now that's a mouth full.
Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?
Once you subscribe to tribalism, it's hard to separate each aspect of life from the whole. I understand you hold your political opposition in contempt. That divides you from so many of your fellow Americans. And that's rather sad for you. If you live that sort of short sighted, myopic life must have been founded on real despair. Real fear. And real anguish.

So it's a natural inclination to ascribe the worst things you can imagine to those people you fear, you're suspicious of and don't interact with. Because they are the source of all your worries and woes, they must,therefore, be demonic as well. Once your mindset has not merely become baked in but kiln dried, it would be impossible to adopt an open mind and an open heart.

You would tend to feel superior in morality and righteousness. To see hypocrisy in your perceived enemies.

What I cannot understand is why you see Leftists as immoral and support someone like Donald Trump? Is he the paragon of moral comportment? St. Donald? Because of Donald Trump, more people know about porn stars, Playboy bunnies and grabbing women by their gentials. He is on his third wife after multiple affairs and sex scandals.

And yet, you call Leftists immoral. And hypocrites. Can you see the disparity in that?

But you have that insular, suspicious and fearful mindset that, like love, makes you blind.
Whoa, I don't support Trump. When I said, "Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?", I was making an interpretation of night sons rather wordy confusing post.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
Lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking

Now that's a mouth full.
Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?
Once you subscribe to tribalism, it's hard to separate each aspect of life from the whole. I understand you hold your political opposition in contempt. That divides you from so many of your fellow Americans. And that's rather sad for you. If you live that sort of short sighted, myopic life must have been founded on real despair. Real fear. And real anguish.

So it's a natural inclination to ascribe the worst things you can imagine to those people you fear, you're suspicious of and don't interact with. Because they are the source of all your worries and woes, they must,therefore, be demonic as well. Once your mindset has not merely become baked in but kiln dried, it would be impossible to adopt an open mind and an open heart.

You would tend to feel superior in morality and righteousness. To see hypocrisy in your perceived enemies.

What I cannot understand is why you see Leftists as immoral and support someone like Donald Trump? Is he the paragon of moral comportment? St. Donald? Because of Donald Trump, more people know about porn stars, Playboy bunnies and grabbing women by their gentials. He is on his third wife after multiple affairs and sex scandals.

And yet, you call Leftists immoral. And hypocrites. Can you see the disparity in that?

But you have that insular, suspicious and fearful mindset that, like love, makes you blind.
Whoa, I don't support Trump. When I said, "Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?", I was making an interpretation of night sons rather wordy confusing post.
That the OP is wordy and confusing I cannot refute.

But your synopsis draws a conclusion that deserves refute.
How many of you also are curious as to why the most sanctimonious of American Leftists in particular so intellectually violently reject religion, namely Christianity, while at the same time just as intellectually violently embrace what essentially amounts to a much more dogmatic, oppressive and lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking?

Many American Leftists instantly attack mere mention of belief in the Logos, dismiss God outright, and then venerate their ideologue Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment orthodox radical Left philosophers as deities who wore flesh and bones. They raise mortal atheist men up as Gods, while refusing God of time immemorial. They dismiss one religion while trading said belief for another religion, a much more baleful one.

Is their hypocritic naiveté in fact simply all about rebellion? Is their hatred of Christianity about the freedom of breaking ancient taboo, and their subscription to radical Leftist philosophy simply made because such philosophies assure them moral facts do not exist and so they can practice whatever depravity they so desire? For them, is it all about unlimited freedom without the self-imposed restraint of moral personal responsibility? Essentially, how blind foolish and anti-truth must one be to worship these godless men who have convinced them no consequence exists for existence without moral restraint?
Lethal religion of orthodox postmodernism derived from blends of radical revolutionary Enlightenment Era Atheism, French Revolutionism, Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Utopianism, Hegelian Dialectic, Deconstructionism, Antipositivism, Transcendentalism, Moral Relativism, Moral Nihilism, Moral Anti-Realism and associated anti-truth, anti-fact materialist thinking

Now that's a mouth full.
Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?
Once you subscribe to tribalism, it's hard to separate each aspect of life from the whole. I understand you hold your political opposition in contempt. That divides you from so many of your fellow Americans. And that's rather sad for you. If you live that sort of short sighted, myopic life must have been founded on real despair. Real fear. And real anguish.

So it's a natural inclination to ascribe the worst things you can imagine to those people you fear, you're suspicious of and don't interact with. Because they are the source of all your worries and woes, they must,therefore, be demonic as well. Once your mindset has not merely become baked in but kiln dried, it would be impossible to adopt an open mind and an open heart.

You would tend to feel superior in morality and righteousness. To see hypocrisy in your perceived enemies.

What I cannot understand is why you see Leftists as immoral and support someone like Donald Trump? Is he the paragon of moral comportment? St. Donald? Because of Donald Trump, more people know about porn stars, Playboy bunnies and grabbing women by their gentials. He is on his third wife after multiple affairs and sex scandals.

And yet, you call Leftists immoral. And hypocrites. Can you see the disparity in that?

But you have that insular, suspicious and fearful mindset that, like love, makes you blind.
Whoa, I don't support Trump. When I said, "Simply stated, American leftists are Godless immoral hypocrites. Is this what you're trying to say?", I was making an interpretation of night sons rather wordy confusing post.
That the OP is wordy and confusing I cannot refute.

But your synopsis draws a conclusion that deserves refute.
Ok, it was suppose to be ridicule but I guess it fell flat.
We cannot, as a nation, proclaim abortions should be unsafe and unregulated because a handful of people say 'my priest admonished us against all forms of abortion. Therefore as a nation, we should follow that dogma'.

This is a perfect example of what I am talking about.

Abortion is nothing more or less than the cold-blooded killing of an innocent human being. It is one of the greatest evils of which an individual is capable. No sane, civilized society would ever think of allowing it.

But here, we've allowed what ought to be the most basic and obvious of common decency to be dismissed as “religious dogma”, resulting in the government-sanctioned murders of thousands of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, on a daily basis.

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