
Believe all women, believe all survivors of assault.

Well, unless the survivor is accusing the co-chair of the Dimocrat party.
/ˈwiCH ˌhənt/

  1. a search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch.
      a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.

What "unorthodox or unpopular views" did any of these guys hold? If they were wrongly accused, it was personal vendettas.
Nor was the investigation into Kavanaugh or the Mueller investigation. Trump has himself to thank for the Mueller investigation. The FBI would have concluded its look see a long time ago if he hadn't fired Comey.
You all need to settle down.
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

Did you read, what people like you, did to this poor innocent guy?
It's as if the ONLY people who lie about crimes committed against them are women accusing men. Poor men....poor poor men. The world's greatest victims.
Men are in fact far more likely to falsely accused of a sex crime than any other type of crime.

It is simply easier to make the accusation with few or no penalties and no evidence.

By comparison you almost always have to have a dead body to accuse someone of murder ( with a very few exceptions ). You have to show where a fire burned to charge someone with arson. Someone else's property has to be missing before someone can be accused of theft. And so on.

With accusations of rape and sexual assault one can wait years or decades and make accusations with zero evidence. Such accusations can still cause massive damage. This has been known for a long long time.

Trump was proven correct to say he feared for his son as much or more than his daughter because of this problem
I've said nothing like that. Many men are rapists, their denials of their crimes should not be believed and they should serve long prison sentences.


Your claim that ANYTHING I said, claimed otherwise, is just shit coming out of your face anus.

That you went there, shows that you are NOT really concerned about the proper working of our legal system.
Why do you lie so glibly? Oh....that's right. Deplorable trumpanzees do that.....

Read my first post in this thread again.

Nah, you called me a chimpl FUCK YOU.
So...you self identified. Even tho a trumpanzee is a trumpanzee, not a chimpanzee. Notice the spelling difference? You're welcome. Any time I can step up and give an opportunity to move past 3rd grade English class to trump's base, I will take it.........

Shut your face anus.
Name calling.

What was your "point" that I dodged by calling you a name, you moron?
Err, their name is "believe all women".

From the information we have from the op, it seems the college believed the woman, despite strong evidence that she was lying.

From the behavior of the left, in the Kavanaugh Hearing, they believed all the women, despite a complete lack of any evidence, decades after the fact, and with testimony to the contrary.

This is a witch hunt. Any person of good faith and intent should oppose it.

You do not.
The left already had decided due to his decisions on the bench that they were not going to support him. Of course the committee--led by a Republican--looked into the women's allegations because when someone being appointed to the Supreme Court is accused of attempted rape and being a drunk, however long ago, it needs to be looked at. Doesn't it? Or are you actually in the "believe all men" camp? Considering how long ago it was, is there anything that would have stopped you from wanting a conservative on the Court?
You are being overly generous to people on your side, and way to suspicious of people on the other side.

THe name of the hashtag is "believeallwomen" not "listentoallwomenandthenjudge".

The example in the OP, looks like the libs in the college believed the woman, despite STRONG evidence against her story.

The behavior we saw in the Kavanaugh Hearing showed libs believing the women despite a complete lack of any evidence.
I'm a woman, Correll. I have a different perspective on this than you do.

1. Any allegation that anyone wanted to be taken seriously should have been presented months before the vote, not days. No, there was pretty much NOTHING that could have been presented that I would not have taken to be a vile delaying tactic.

2. Being a woman does not give you a pass on supporting a witch hunt.
And being a man does not give you a right to tell me what my perspective is.

Supporting a witch hunt is not a matter of perspective.

The young man in the op, has had his life fucked up for no reason.

Other man are in jail for less.
That is not a witch hunt.
Geez, you guys learn a new word like "Witch Hunt" from Fox for the Mueller Investigation and now everything you see is a "Witch Hunt."

That you libs are down to just a few tactics, is not a reason to give you a pass on them.

You want to explain WHAT about the example in the OP shows that the "hearing" was not a witch hunt?
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
It could well be true that half of allegations of DV or sexual assault are dropped or recanted, and that is due to pressure on the victim from the system and the accused.
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
It could well be true that half of allegations of DV or sexual assault are dropped or recanted, and that is due to pressure on the victim from the system and the accused.
The system does not pressure them that way and the accused are barred from contact with the alleged victim until the system finishes its job.
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.

And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
It could well be true that half of allegations of DV or sexual assault are dropped or recanted, and that is due to pressure on the victim from the system and the accused.
The system does not pressure them that way and the accused are barred from contact with the alleged victim until the system finishes its job.
The system (the prosecutor) puts enormous pressure on the victim. Christina Ford is an excellent example of what folks on social media did to her. The prosecutor will look for any behavior that could make her look "loose" or "wild" or "dishonest" or "crazy," regardless of what she is actually like. And then there is the accuser's family, mutual friends, and the fact that no one wants to believe their friend, coworker, brother, nephew .... is a rapist. Boys will be boys, eh? Why make such a big deal out of it?

Listen to all women. Respect their right to say no.
And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations
I did say half or more might be fake accusations and that is a true statement.

The fbi and your other sources are not measuring or estimating how many accusations are false. Instead they are estimating how many are KNOWN to be false.

On the other hand only a small number of accusations are proven true. Leaving anbast unknown. That vast unknown could be mostly true accusations or mostly false accusations or anything in between but we just do not know.

Since we do not know it is a proven falsehood to claim only a small percentage of accusations are false. Especially when one recognizes the fact that it is easy to make such false accusations with little or no fear of punishment
And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
It could well be true that half of allegations of DV or sexual assault are dropped or recanted, and that is due to pressure on the victim from the system and the accused.
The system does not pressure them that way and the accused are barred from contact with the alleged victim until the system finishes its job.
The system (the prosecutor) puts enormous pressure on the victim. Christina Ford is an excellent example of what folks on social media did to her. The prosecutor will look for any behavior that could make her look "loose" or "wild" or "dishonest" or "crazy," regardless of what she is actually like. And then there is the accuser's family, mutual friends, and the fact that no one wants to believe their friend, coworker, brother, nephew .... is a rapist. Boys will be boys, eh? Why make such a big deal out of it?

Listen to all women. Respect their right to say no.

You really don't still believe her BS do you? Really? LOL
And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
It could well be true that half of allegations of DV or sexual assault are dropped or recanted, and that is due to pressure on the victim from the system and the accused.
The system does not pressure them that way and the accused are barred from contact with the alleged victim until the system finishes its job.
The system (the prosecutor) puts enormous pressure on the victim. Christina Ford is an excellent example of what folks on social media did to her. The prosecutor will look for any behavior that could make her look "loose" or "wild" or "dishonest" or "crazy," regardless of what she is actually like. And then there is the accuser's family, mutual friends, and the fact that no one wants to believe their friend, coworker, brother, nephew .... is a rapist. Boys will be boys, eh? Why make such a big deal out of it?

Listen to all women. Respect their right to say no.
They do not put pressure on accusers to recant.

Ford does not count as she did not report it to the police
And what about the lying hobags who falsely accuse?
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations

Consider the difficulty of proving that a sexual encounter, where generally only the two people involved were there, was consensual or not.

There will normally be no witnesses, and no hard physical evidence. THe rape kit shows sex occurred? That's nice. It does not show that it was not consensual.

Much like those who like to talk about the rapes not reported, rape accusations that are not PROVEN false, but are not proven true, we have no way of knowing how many of them were actually false.

Consider that liberals, or even moderates/conservatives afraid of being pilloried, are not likely to charge or even investigate whether a rape charge is false.
lying hobags?
Ask any law enforcement officer or prosecutor how often that happens. It ain't many.
This man has a right to sue and if she was truly accusing him of rape in order to look "innocent" herself, she deserves to not only lose but be prosecuted for making a false report.
We are only hearing one side of the story, here, though, as the article itself admits. I like two sides before making a guess who is telling the truth.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations

Consider the difficulty of proving that a sexual encounter, where generally only the two people involved were there, was consensual or not.

There will normally be no witnesses, and no hard physical evidence. THe rape kit shows sex occurred? That's nice. It does not show that it was not consensual.

Much like those who like to talk about the rapes not reported, rape accusations that are not PROVEN false, but are not proven true, we have no way of knowing how many of them were actually false.

Consider that liberals, or even moderates/conservatives afraid of being pilloried, are not likely to charge or even investigate whether a rape charge is false.
Oh, I hear what you and Nazi are saying. It's typical argument from pigs who see nothing wrong with taking sex whether the woman is onboard or not.
You are gross and so is he. "Women are liars" is what you're saying. That is what these threads are all about.
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations

Consider the difficulty of proving that a sexual encounter, where generally only the two people involved were there, was consensual or not.

There will normally be no witnesses, and no hard physical evidence. THe rape kit shows sex occurred? That's nice. It does not show that it was not consensual.

Much like those who like to talk about the rapes not reported, rape accusations that are not PROVEN false, but are not proven true, we have no way of knowing how many of them were actually false.

Consider that liberals, or even moderates/conservatives afraid of being pilloried, are not likely to charge or even investigate whether a rape charge is false.
Oh, I hear what you and Nazi are saying. It's typical argument from pigs who see nothing wrong with taking sex whether the woman is onboard or not.
You are gross and so is he. "Women are liars" is what you're saying. That is what these threads are all about.

Some women are liars just as some men are violent.

That is what it is about.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations

Consider the difficulty of proving that a sexual encounter, where generally only the two people involved were there, was consensual or not.

There will normally be no witnesses, and no hard physical evidence. THe rape kit shows sex occurred? That's nice. It does not show that it was not consensual.

Much like those who like to talk about the rapes not reported, rape accusations that are not PROVEN false, but are not proven true, we have no way of knowing how many of them were actually false.

Consider that liberals, or even moderates/conservatives afraid of being pilloried, are not likely to charge or even investigate whether a rape charge is false.
Oh, I hear what you and Nazi are saying. It's typical argument from pigs who see nothing wrong with taking sex whether the woman is onboard or not.
You are gross and so is he. "Women are liars" is what you're saying. That is what these threads are all about.

Some women are liars just as some men are violent.

That is what it is about.
Is that some kind of news flash? Worthy of threads? Shall I start one stating the sky is blue?
You are taking advantage of an unknown to discredit women who come forward. We all know that in that mix, there could be women who are lying. That is why these matters are investigated.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations

Consider the difficulty of proving that a sexual encounter, where generally only the two people involved were there, was consensual or not.

There will normally be no witnesses, and no hard physical evidence. THe rape kit shows sex occurred? That's nice. It does not show that it was not consensual.

Much like those who like to talk about the rapes not reported, rape accusations that are not PROVEN false, but are not proven true, we have no way of knowing how many of them were actually false.

Consider that liberals, or even moderates/conservatives afraid of being pilloried, are not likely to charge or even investigate whether a rape charge is false.
Oh, I hear what you and Nazi are saying. It's typical argument from pigs who see nothing wrong with taking sex whether the woman is onboard or not.
You are gross and so is he. "Women are liars" is what you're saying. That is what these threads are all about.

Some women are liars just as some men are violent.

That is what it is about.
Is that some kind of news flash? Worthy of threads? Shall I start one stating the sky is blue?
You are taking advantage of an unknown to discredit women who come forward. We all know that in that mix, there could be women who are lying. That is why these matters are investigated.
To you yes it is a news flash.

NO ONE has said all women are liars but you are one. You stated a bald faced lie accusing people of saying such things.

The fact is some women lie about rape and the fact is we do not know how many it could be very many and it is not an unreasonable thing to say,

You however wish to marginalize due process by making a claim that few women lie and there fore we should believe all accusers.

Pointing out the very real danger of false accusations and the damage they do is something you try to ignore and pretend is trivial.

No one is shaming victims except those liars like you who ignore half of the problem
It is in fact many.

Possibly half or more of all accusations and the average prosecutor or cop would not know or probably even agree.
No, many cops and prosectors have been asked (why would they NOT know?) and the highest I've ever seen estimated is about 7%. Look it up.
Wrong and wrong.

They would not know because the experiences of a cop is anecdotal not nation wide data and the same is true of prosecutors .
The estimates are not as low as 7% they are much much higher. The 7% figure is a KNOWN and MEASURED number based on accusers who have recanted.

We have NO idea whatsoever how many others accuse and never recant
FBI says 8%. No, we don't know how many accuse and never recant, so why don't you say 50%

Over the past 20 years, only 2-10% of rape accusations (Prof Ford's lawyer says she believes this was attempted rape) are proven to be fake, argue the authors of a 2010 US study.

That figure does not include any unsubstantiated accusations where an investigation was unable to prove a sexual assault occurred, so an accurate figure for the total remains unknown.

Other studies have figures in the same range. The FBI has put the number of "unfounded" rapes - those determined to be false after investigation - at 8%.

The truth about false assault accusations

Consider the difficulty of proving that a sexual encounter, where generally only the two people involved were there, was consensual or not.

There will normally be no witnesses, and no hard physical evidence. THe rape kit shows sex occurred? That's nice. It does not show that it was not consensual.

Much like those who like to talk about the rapes not reported, rape accusations that are not PROVEN false, but are not proven true, we have no way of knowing how many of them were actually false.

Consider that liberals, or even moderates/conservatives afraid of being pilloried, are not likely to charge or even investigate whether a rape charge is false.
Oh, I hear what you and Nazi are saying. It's typical argument from pigs who see nothing wrong with taking sex whether the woman is onboard or not.
You are gross and so is he. "Women are liars" is what you're saying. That is what these threads are all about.

Nothing I said supports that.

If that is what you saw, you are allowing your emotions to GREATLY affect your perceptions, and seeing a LOT that is not there.




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