
His career was destroyed by false allegations --I don't recall conservatives coming to his defense

This man spent 35 years of his life in prison over a false allegation, I don't recall conservative lawyers working pro-bono to get him exonerated

Another man falsely accused of rape -- spent 17 yrs in prison -- don't recall any conservative lawyers coming to his defense to get him exonerated

In fact, in most instances where there has been an effort to free people wrongfully convicted due to false allegations, police framing, prosecutorial misconduct -- it WAS NOT conservatives who led the charge -- like in Texas, where it took a "democrat" DA to get the ball rolling on forming "The Texas Conviction Integrity Unit" where tons of people have been exonerated after being falsely and/or wrongfully convicted.

Why 2015 was a record year for the wrongfully convicted

So you conservatives who feel all oppressed and under fire over the #Metoo movement -- black men been dealing with that for decades and you and your cult leader didn't give a fuck....just ask these 5 young men about being falsely accused

Well to be fair Hillary did say they all look alike :wtf:
Ouch! Lol
I believe in the justice system and letting it work thru the issue. You cry "male victim" immediately.

Who's the one supporting injustice here?

If that was true, you would be as concerned as I am, about the political and social and economic and physical THREATS, brought to bear on people to "believeallwomen",

as it is obviously a threat to the proper working of the legal system.

YOU and YOURS are the ones supporting Injustice.
Not interested in your #Believeallmen victimhood.

I've said nothing like that. Many men are rapists, their denials of their crimes should not be believed and they should serve long prison sentences.


Your claim that ANYTHING I said, claimed otherwise, is just shit coming out of your face anus.

That you went there, shows that you are NOT really concerned about the proper working of our legal system.
Why do you lie so glibly? Oh....that's right. Deplorable trumpanzees do that.....

Read my first post in this thread again.

Nah, you called me a chimpl FUCK YOU.
So...you self identified. Even tho a trumpanzee is a trumpanzee, not a chimpanzee. Notice the spelling difference? You're welcome. Any time I can step up and give an opportunity to move past 3rd grade English class to trump's base, I will take it.........
His career was destroyed by false allegations --I don't recall conservatives coming to his defense

This man spent 35 years of his life in prison over a false allegation, I don't recall conservative lawyers working pro-bono to get him exonerated

Another man falsely accused of rape -- spent 17 yrs in prison -- don't recall any conservative lawyers coming to his defense to get him exonerated

In fact, in most instances where there has been an effort to free people wrongfully convicted due to false allegations, police framing, prosecutorial misconduct -- it WAS NOT conservatives who led the charge -- like in Texas, where it took a "democrat" DA to get the ball rolling on forming "The Texas Conviction Integrity Unit" where tons of people have been exonerated after being falsely and/or wrongfully convicted.

Why 2015 was a record year for the wrongfully convicted

So you conservatives who feel all oppressed and under fire over the #Metoo movement -- black men been dealing with that for decades and you and your cult leader didn't give a fuck....just ask these 5 young men about being falsely accused

Well to be fair Hillary did say they all look alike :wtf:
Ouch! Lol
Apparently deflecting to Hillary is supposed to change the fact that conservatives never gave a damn about false allegations ruining lives when those lives were these men here...

Let me know when she or you can address that fact
His career was destroyed by false allegations --I don't recall conservatives coming to his defense

This man spent 35 years of his life in prison over a false allegation, I don't recall conservative lawyers working pro-bono to get him exonerated

Another man falsely accused of rape -- spent 17 yrs in prison -- don't recall any conservative lawyers coming to his defense to get him exonerated

In fact, in most instances where there has been an effort to free people wrongfully convicted due to false allegations, police framing, prosecutorial misconduct -- it WAS NOT conservatives who led the charge -- like in Texas, where it took a "democrat" DA to get the ball rolling on forming "The Texas Conviction Integrity Unit" where tons of people have been exonerated after being falsely and/or wrongfully convicted.

Why 2015 was a record year for the wrongfully convicted

So you conservatives who feel all oppressed and under fire over the #Metoo movement -- black men been dealing with that for decades and you and your cult leader didn't give a fuck....just ask these 5 young men about being falsely accused

I don't know the other pic you posted, but the Central Park 5 were clearly guilty.

It is an injustice, a racial injustice that those animals were released.
I rest my case......

This is why this conservative outrage over the Metoo movement is bullshit...

5 black men can be exonerated, have police officers force witnesses to lie, have ZERO DNA evidence, have the ACTUAL rapist confess to the crime, who ACTUALLY had DNA evidence linking him to the victim -- and you trump dick suckers will still say they are guilty.

And the reason you don't know about the other men I posted is because it doesn't fit the conservative narrative, so once again, fuck ya fake outrage over the MeToo movement.

DNA evidence, by it's very nature, cannot "clear" an accused rapist of a crime.

They always knew there were other rapist(s) who were there that got away. That one of the confessed, in no way means the others were not still guilty.

And my "outrage" over the witchhunt metoo movement is still ongoing. YOur dismissal is denied.
If that was true, you would be as concerned as I am, about the political and social and economic and physical THREATS, brought to bear on people to "believeallwomen",

as it is obviously a threat to the proper working of the legal system.

YOU and YOURS are the ones supporting Injustice.
Not interested in your #Believeallmen victimhood.

I've said nothing like that. Many men are rapists, their denials of their crimes should not be believed and they should serve long prison sentences.


Your claim that ANYTHING I said, claimed otherwise, is just shit coming out of your face anus.

That you went there, shows that you are NOT really concerned about the proper working of our legal system.
Why do you lie so glibly? Oh....that's right. Deplorable trumpanzees do that.....

Read my first post in this thread again.

Nah, you called me a chimpl FUCK YOU.
So...you self identified. Even tho a trumpanzee is a trumpanzee, not a chimpanzee. Notice the spelling difference? You're welcome. Any time I can step up and give an opportunity to move past 3rd grade English class to trump's base, I will take it.........

Shut your face anus.
I said "Listen," not automatically "believe."

That Kavanaugh accuser's accusations never saw the light of day thanks to an honest media that couldn't substantiate her claims, btw. I never heard her name once.

I already said that women making false accusations should be prosecuted. These continual threads bringing up isolated cases that "prove" women are liars just underscore the bias against women who do report forcible rape.

The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Of course some women lie. No one has said otherwise.......unless one is stupid enough to believe that #Believeallwomen represents "believe all women 100% of the time regardless of the evidence"....:71:

Err, their name is "believe all women".

From the information we have from the op, it seems the college believed the woman, despite strong evidence that she was lying.

From the behavior of the left, in the Kavanaugh Hearing, they believed all the women, despite a complete lack of any evidence, decades after the fact, and with testimony to the contrary.

This is a witch hunt. Any person of good faith and intent should oppose it.

You do not.
The left already had decided due to his decisions on the bench that they were not going to support him. Of course the committee--led by a Republican--looked into the women's allegations because when someone being appointed to the Supreme Court is accused of attempted rape and being a drunk, however long ago, it needs to be looked at. Doesn't it? Or are you actually in the "believe all men" camp? Considering how long ago it was, is there anything that would have stopped you from wanting a conservative on the Court?
I said "Listen," not automatically "believe."

That Kavanaugh accuser's accusations never saw the light of day thanks to an honest media that couldn't substantiate her claims, btw. I never heard her name once.

I already said that women making false accusations should be prosecuted. These continual threads bringing up isolated cases that "prove" women are liars just underscore the bias against women who do report forcible rape.

The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Listen to all women. That is all anyone is saying. I think the inference behind these threads is indeed to justify dismissing all women's allegations. Maybe you don't believe that, but a lot of men do.

You are being overly generous to people on your side, and way to suspicious of people on the other side.

THe name of the hashtag is "believeallwomen" not "listentoallwomenandthenjudge".

The example in the OP, looks like the libs in the college believed the woman, despite STRONG evidence against her story.

The behavior we saw in the Kavanaugh Hearing showed libs believing the women despite a complete lack of any evidence.
I'm a woman, Correll. I have a different perspective on this than you do.
I said "Listen," not automatically "believe."

That Kavanaugh accuser's accusations never saw the light of day thanks to an honest media that couldn't substantiate her claims, btw. I never heard her name once.

I already said that women making false accusations should be prosecuted. These continual threads bringing up isolated cases that "prove" women are liars just underscore the bias against women who do report forcible rape.

The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Of course some women lie. No one has said otherwise.......unless one is stupid enough to believe that #Believeallwomen represents "believe all women 100% of the time regardless of the evidence"....:71:

Err, their name is "believe all women".

From the information we have from the op, it seems the college believed the woman, despite strong evidence that she was lying.

From the behavior of the left, in the Kavanaugh Hearing, they believed all the women, despite a complete lack of any evidence, decades after the fact, and with testimony to the contrary.

This is a witch hunt. Any person of good faith and intent should oppose it.

You do not.
The left already had decided due to his decisions on the bench that they were not going to support him. Of course the committee--led by a Republican--looked into the women's allegations because when someone being appointed to the Supreme Court is accused of attempted rape and being a drunk, however long ago, it needs to be looked at. Doesn't it? Or are you actually in the "believe all men" camp? Considering how long ago it was, is there anything that would have stopped you from wanting a conservative on the Court?
I said "Listen," not automatically "believe."

That Kavanaugh accuser's accusations never saw the light of day thanks to an honest media that couldn't substantiate her claims, btw. I never heard her name once.

I already said that women making false accusations should be prosecuted. These continual threads bringing up isolated cases that "prove" women are liars just underscore the bias against women who do report forcible rape.

The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Listen to all women. That is all anyone is saying. I think the inference behind these threads is indeed to justify dismissing all women's allegations. Maybe you don't believe that, but a lot of men do.

You are being overly generous to people on your side, and way to suspicious of people on the other side.

THe name of the hashtag is "believeallwomen" not "listentoallwomenandthenjudge".

The example in the OP, looks like the libs in the college believed the woman, despite STRONG evidence against her story.

The behavior we saw in the Kavanaugh Hearing showed libs believing the women despite a complete lack of any evidence.
I'm a woman, Correll. I have a different perspective on this than you do.

1. Any allegation that anyone wanted to be taken seriously should have been presented months before the vote, not days. No, there was pretty much NOTHING that could have been presented that I would not have taken to be a vile delaying tactic.

2. Being a woman does not give you a pass on supporting a witch hunt.
Listen to all women. Respect women's right to say no. And don't be a ding.
That's presuming women don't lie for expedient reasons... money, fame....revenge.....

I've met some rotten people on this earth in my time. But by far the most foul, insidious, back-stabbing, lying swine have been of the female persuasion. Some bad blokes for sure too. But when you take a gender that from birth was taught never to express anger overtly, you create a seething cauldron of passive aggression or worse..

Do some men rape women? Yes. Do some women lie about being raped for expedient reasons? Yes. This is why a trial of the facts is necessary before reaching a verdict.
I said "Listen," not automatically "believe."

That Kavanaugh accuser's accusations never saw the light of day thanks to an honest media that couldn't substantiate her claims, btw. I never heard her name once.

I already said that women making false accusations should be prosecuted. These continual threads bringing up isolated cases that "prove" women are liars just underscore the bias against women who do report forcible rape.

The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Of course some women lie. No one has said otherwise.......unless one is stupid enough to believe that #Believeallwomen represents "believe all women 100% of the time regardless of the evidence"....:71:

Err, their name is "believe all women".

From the information we have from the op, it seems the college believed the woman, despite strong evidence that she was lying.

From the behavior of the left, in the Kavanaugh Hearing, they believed all the women, despite a complete lack of any evidence, decades after the fact, and with testimony to the contrary.

This is a witch hunt. Any person of good faith and intent should oppose it.

You do not.
The left already had decided due to his decisions on the bench that they were not going to support him. Of course the committee--led by a Republican--looked into the women's allegations because when someone being appointed to the Supreme Court is accused of attempted rape and being a drunk, however long ago, it needs to be looked at. Doesn't it? Or are you actually in the "believe all men" camp? Considering how long ago it was, is there anything that would have stopped you from wanting a conservative on the Court?
I said "Listen," not automatically "believe."

That Kavanaugh accuser's accusations never saw the light of day thanks to an honest media that couldn't substantiate her claims, btw. I never heard her name once.

I already said that women making false accusations should be prosecuted. These continual threads bringing up isolated cases that "prove" women are liars just underscore the bias against women who do report forcible rape.

The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Listen to all women. That is all anyone is saying. I think the inference behind these threads is indeed to justify dismissing all women's allegations. Maybe you don't believe that, but a lot of men do.

You are being overly generous to people on your side, and way to suspicious of people on the other side.

THe name of the hashtag is "believeallwomen" not "listentoallwomenandthenjudge".

The example in the OP, looks like the libs in the college believed the woman, despite STRONG evidence against her story.

The behavior we saw in the Kavanaugh Hearing showed libs believing the women despite a complete lack of any evidence.
I'm a woman, Correll. I have a different perspective on this than you do.

1. Any allegation that anyone wanted to be taken seriously should have been presented months before the vote, not days. No, there was pretty much NOTHING that could have been presented that I would not have taken to be a vile delaying tactic.

2. Being a woman does not give you a pass on supporting a witch hunt.
And being a man does not give you a right to tell me what my perspective is.
The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Of course some women lie. No one has said otherwise.......unless one is stupid enough to believe that #Believeallwomen represents "believe all women 100% of the time regardless of the evidence"....:71:

Err, their name is "believe all women".

From the information we have from the op, it seems the college believed the woman, despite strong evidence that she was lying.

From the behavior of the left, in the Kavanaugh Hearing, they believed all the women, despite a complete lack of any evidence, decades after the fact, and with testimony to the contrary.

This is a witch hunt. Any person of good faith and intent should oppose it.

You do not.
The left already had decided due to his decisions on the bench that they were not going to support him. Of course the committee--led by a Republican--looked into the women's allegations because when someone being appointed to the Supreme Court is accused of attempted rape and being a drunk, however long ago, it needs to be looked at. Doesn't it? Or are you actually in the "believe all men" camp? Considering how long ago it was, is there anything that would have stopped you from wanting a conservative on the Court?
The cases brought up showing that some women lie, are brought up in challenge to the witch hunt going on that calls for all women to be believed.

NO ONE is saying that "all women should NOT be believed" or "all women are liars".
Listen to all women. That is all anyone is saying. I think the inference behind these threads is indeed to justify dismissing all women's allegations. Maybe you don't believe that, but a lot of men do.

You are being overly generous to people on your side, and way to suspicious of people on the other side.

THe name of the hashtag is "believeallwomen" not "listentoallwomenandthenjudge".

The example in the OP, looks like the libs in the college believed the woman, despite STRONG evidence against her story.

The behavior we saw in the Kavanaugh Hearing showed libs believing the women despite a complete lack of any evidence.
I'm a woman, Correll. I have a different perspective on this than you do.

1. Any allegation that anyone wanted to be taken seriously should have been presented months before the vote, not days. No, there was pretty much NOTHING that could have been presented that I would not have taken to be a vile delaying tactic.

2. Being a woman does not give you a pass on supporting a witch hunt.
And being a man does not give you a right to tell me what my perspective is.

Supporting a witch hunt is not a matter of perspective.

The young man in the op, has had his life fucked up for no reason.

Other man are in jail for less.
His career was destroyed by false allegations --I don't recall conservatives coming to his defense

This man spent 35 years of his life in prison over a false allegation, I don't recall conservative lawyers working pro-bono to get him exonerated

Another man falsely accused of rape -- spent 17 yrs in prison -- don't recall any conservative lawyers coming to his defense to get him exonerated

In fact, in most instances where there has been an effort to free people wrongfully convicted due to false allegations, police framing, prosecutorial misconduct -- it WAS NOT conservatives who led the charge -- like in Texas, where it took a "democrat" DA to get the ball rolling on forming "The Texas Conviction Integrity Unit" where tons of people have been exonerated after being falsely and/or wrongfully convicted.

Why 2015 was a record year for the wrongfully convicted

So you conservatives who feel all oppressed and under fire over the #Metoo movement -- black men been dealing with that for decades and you and your cult leader didn't give a fuck....just ask these 5 young men about being falsely accused

Well to be fair Hillary did say they all look alike :wtf:
Ouch! Lol
Apparently deflecting to Hillary is supposed to change the fact that conservatives never gave a damn about false allegations ruining lives when those lives were these men here...

Let me know when she or you can address that fact
Never heard of them, but i hope they make the accuser pay.
His career was destroyed by false allegations --I don't recall conservatives coming to his defense

This man spent 35 years of his life in prison over a false allegation, I don't recall conservative lawyers working pro-bono to get him exonerated

Another man falsely accused of rape -- spent 17 yrs in prison -- don't recall any conservative lawyers coming to his defense to get him exonerated

In fact, in most instances where there has been an effort to free people wrongfully convicted due to false allegations, police framing, prosecutorial misconduct -- it WAS NOT conservatives who led the charge -- like in Texas, where it took a "democrat" DA to get the ball rolling on forming "The Texas Conviction Integrity Unit" where tons of people have been exonerated after being falsely and/or wrongfully convicted.

Why 2015 was a record year for the wrongfully convicted

So you conservatives who feel all oppressed and under fire over the #Metoo movement -- black men been dealing with that for decades and you and your cult leader didn't give a fuck....just ask these 5 young men about being falsely accused

Well to be fair Hillary did say they all look alike :wtf:
Ouch! Lol
Apparently deflecting to Hillary is supposed to change the fact that conservatives never gave a damn about false allegations ruining lives when those lives were these men here...

Let me know when she or you can address that fact
Never heard of them, but i hope they make the accuser pay.
The Central Park five made the "accusers" pay -- and Trump is still pissed about it to this day...now let's go thru the others...

Brian Banks, the first man pictured above -- his accuser ultimately had to pay back the money she was awarded from suing the school district, but she didn't do any jail time.

The next man James Bain was actually convicted in 1974 -- back when it easier for black men with no money to afford high priced lawyers could be wrongfully convicted -- he spent 35 years in prison before evil liberal lawyers got him exonerated due to DNA testing -- the people who should be paying him back or doing time are law enforcement officials, so we know that won't happen.

The next man is more of the same -- basically my point is, this "fear" so many so-called conservatives are having about the "Metoo" movement is fear black men have had for hundreds of years -- so in other words, Welcome to fear privileged white men, come on in -- but the water sucks....just ask Emmett Till

Perspective | Black men — not white guys — face false allegations and a presumption of guilt
His career was destroyed by false allegations --I don't recall conservatives coming to his defense

This man spent 35 years of his life in prison over a false allegation, I don't recall conservative lawyers working pro-bono to get him exonerated

Another man falsely accused of rape -- spent 17 yrs in prison -- don't recall any conservative lawyers coming to his defense to get him exonerated

In fact, in most instances where there has been an effort to free people wrongfully convicted due to false allegations, police framing, prosecutorial misconduct -- it WAS NOT conservatives who led the charge -- like in Texas, where it took a "democrat" DA to get the ball rolling on forming "The Texas Conviction Integrity Unit" where tons of people have been exonerated after being falsely and/or wrongfully convicted.

Why 2015 was a record year for the wrongfully convicted

So you conservatives who feel all oppressed and under fire over the #Metoo movement -- black men been dealing with that for decades and you and your cult leader didn't give a fuck....just ask these 5 young men about being falsely accused

Well to be fair Hillary did say they all look alike :wtf:
Ouch! Lol
Apparently deflecting to Hillary is supposed to change the fact that conservatives never gave a damn about false allegations ruining lives when those lives were these men here...

Let me know when she or you can address that fact
Never heard of them, but i hope they make the accuser pay.
The Central Park five made the "accusers" pay -- and Trump is still pissed about it to this day...now let's go thru the others...

Brian Banks, the first man pictured above -- his accuser ultimately had to pay back the money she was awarded from suing the school district, but she didn't do any jail time.

The next man James Bain was actually convicted in 1974 -- back when it easier for black men with no money to afford high priced lawyers could be wrongfully convicted -- he spent 35 years in prison before evil liberal lawyers got him exonerated due to DNA testing -- the people who should be paying him back or doing time are law enforcement officials, so we know that's won't happen.

The next man is more of the same -- basically my point is, this "fear" so many so-called conservatives are having about the "Metoo" movement is fear black men have had for hundreds of years -- so in other words, Welcome fear privileged white men, come on in -- but the water sucks....just ask Emmett Till

Perspective | Black men — not white guys — face false allegations and a presumption of guilt
Not interested in your #Believeallmen victimhood.

I've said nothing like that. Many men are rapists, their denials of their crimes should not be believed and they should serve long prison sentences.


Your claim that ANYTHING I said, claimed otherwise, is just shit coming out of your face anus.

That you went there, shows that you are NOT really concerned about the proper working of our legal system.
Why do you lie so glibly? Oh....that's right. Deplorable trumpanzees do that.....

Read my first post in this thread again.

Nah, you called me a chimpl FUCK YOU.
So...you self identified. Even tho a trumpanzee is a trumpanzee, not a chimpanzee. Notice the spelling difference? You're welcome. Any time I can step up and give an opportunity to move past 3rd grade English class to trump's base, I will take it.........

Shut your face anus.
Name calling.
Of course some women lie. No one has said otherwise.......unless one is stupid enough to believe that #Believeallwomen represents "believe all women 100% of the time regardless of the evidence"....:71:

Err, their name is "believe all women".

From the information we have from the op, it seems the college believed the woman, despite strong evidence that she was lying.

From the behavior of the left, in the Kavanaugh Hearing, they believed all the women, despite a complete lack of any evidence, decades after the fact, and with testimony to the contrary.

This is a witch hunt. Any person of good faith and intent should oppose it.

You do not.
The left already had decided due to his decisions on the bench that they were not going to support him. Of course the committee--led by a Republican--looked into the women's allegations because when someone being appointed to the Supreme Court is accused of attempted rape and being a drunk, however long ago, it needs to be looked at. Doesn't it? Or are you actually in the "believe all men" camp? Considering how long ago it was, is there anything that would have stopped you from wanting a conservative on the Court?
Listen to all women. That is all anyone is saying. I think the inference behind these threads is indeed to justify dismissing all women's allegations. Maybe you don't believe that, but a lot of men do.

You are being overly generous to people on your side, and way to suspicious of people on the other side.

THe name of the hashtag is "believeallwomen" not "listentoallwomenandthenjudge".

The example in the OP, looks like the libs in the college believed the woman, despite STRONG evidence against her story.

The behavior we saw in the Kavanaugh Hearing showed libs believing the women despite a complete lack of any evidence.
I'm a woman, Correll. I have a different perspective on this than you do.

1. Any allegation that anyone wanted to be taken seriously should have been presented months before the vote, not days. No, there was pretty much NOTHING that could have been presented that I would not have taken to be a vile delaying tactic.

2. Being a woman does not give you a pass on supporting a witch hunt.
And being a man does not give you a right to tell me what my perspective is.

Supporting a witch hunt is not a matter of perspective.

The young man in the op, has had his life fucked up for no reason.

Other man are in jail for less.
That is not a witch hunt.
Geez, you guys learn a new word like "Witch Hunt" from Fox for the Mueller Investigation and now everything you see is a "Witch Hunt."

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