Believing the lies of satan has a very high cost.

Every single serial killer you see in the above video - involved in Satanism and some had high contacts inside CIA - Washington. Same goes for Marc Dutroux in Belgium. A satanist who procured children, put them in dungeons and stored them for the satanist elite of Belgium - the satanist he worked for Michael Nihoul said he'd never be touched. He wasn't. Look up Monster of Belgium. The have two schools of satanism in Belgium. That is why Brussels, Belgium controls everything. You see why Kerry has to run to Brussels? Obama has to run to Brussels? NATO HQ is there? UN HQ is there? EU meetings there? What did Satan say to Jesus, GISMY??


Now believing the lies of Satan is going to cost these people something. Like the title of your thread says, Believing the lies of satan has a very high cost! They will eventually pay with their eternal souls. Why do these admitted Satanists - now behind bars - say they did it? Same reason they always give - to gain power, to have immortality ( Satan promises his followers immortality for sex with children -murdering / kidnap of children) etc ) they actually believe they will be protected by these demons and nothing can touch them. While they may be afforded a reprieve you never know when Satan may see in the spirit realm a folllower is about to slip out of his hand. So he plans a fatal car accident and before the soul can repent it finds itself in hell. Too late.
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WRONG!!! ALL are sons of God or children of satan. and you??

Im glad you like your religion.

we do not have to believe it.

pretending you can tell us what to do because you believe in some myth is silly

You're right, TM. You don't. I respect your right not to believe. I don't think anyone has the right to tell you what to do whether christian or not - you are your own person and can make your own decisions. You have a free will. We all do. It was good of you to bring it up.
Wrong, Spiderman because satan is not God. God is God. Satanists are idolaters by that very fact. But worshipers of God? No. They have made themselves enemies of God. Still the Christian response is to pray for these people that the compassion of God, the mercy of God, the understanding and revelation of God would be enough to set them free from the fear of leaving Satanism. I do not judge satanists who have involved themselves in child sacrifice, witnessed horrific rituals, sexual / ritualistic abuse of children, etc. Their guilt is great enough! These people need to be set free by the Love of Jesus Christ - they need to encounter Jesus Christ who defeated Satan at the cross and can deliver them out of Satanism.

Many satanists want to get out of Satanism but fear for their lives, fear the demonic attack they know is coming - not realizing the power of God can SNAP those chains in a flash! Once a satanist comes to Jesus Christ and is washed in the blood - they are brand new -forgiven children of God and satanists admit their curses / etc. are powerless over such ones. - Jeremiah

FACT*** I can list so many stories of ex satanists who waited too late and are in prison or death row today. Dozens and dozens of world famous serial killers and the common denominator to all of them was Satanism / Occult activity. Some killed for others in Satanism who had lists. Some procured children for Satanists - thousands of stories from ex satanists about sacrifices they witnessed with kidnapped children used. This is where the kids on your milk cartons go. The ex satanists will tell you this is one of their methods. There are over 100,000 satanists in one particular city in Texas. One city. Imagine that? ( Satanists are serial killers and and the serial killers and kidnappers are quite busy in America, Folks )

God made satan.

Satan is a son of god

therefore son children of satan are children of god.

You can't have it both ways. either god created everything or he didn't.

And btw god killed way more people than satan ever did
God is not a created being, Spiderman. Lucifer is. He's not God. He was created as an angel of worship. He is now a fallen angel and seeks to be worshiped as god. Therefore he is called the god of this world - to those who serve this world. He is not my god and he has no authority over me. I have complete authority over him and all of his powers. It's Luke 10:19. Look it up. Satan has a short time to accomplish whatever destruction, chaos, confusion he can manage - through his followers. We are about to enter a very dark ages type of future. It is going to be a real wake up call to some folks who thought satan was just some fairy tale character in a red cape. There is definitely a warfare going on.
Henry Lucas testimony about his involvment in Satanism is classic. Ditto for Manson who was a member of the Church of the Final Process. Watch this:

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 3 (Henry Lee Lucas & Charles Manson) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 4 (Bob Berdella, Dean Corll & David Berkowitz) - YouTube[/ame]
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Here are some more lies satan told his followers and the results of that story:

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 7 (Jeffrey Dahmer) - YouTube[/ame]

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Here comes some more who bought into Satans lies and paid the ultimate price:

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 10 (Arthur Shawcross & The Occult) - YouTube[/ame]
Yet another news story of teens involved in satanism and murder:

Clear Lake teen involved in Satanic killing | CW39 NewsFix

Note the way the journalist mocks this story as if Satan is the easter bunny. This is common. There are satanists in journalism, law enforcement, CIA, FBI, Church ministries - Catholic priests, evangelical preachers, you name it and they have infiltrated. They cover for each other. That is why you haven't heard another word about Miranda Barber the confessed satanist who murdered 22 people. They won't be digging up any graves until the satanists have had plenty of time to remove all the evidence. Not a word from the media on her story as Craigs list killer. From anyone. I told you that would happen. They have their own members inside law enforcement. - Jeremiah
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Wait until you hear the real story on Jim Jones. Another satanist / mind controller - outed finally.....

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 11 (Jim Jones & O.J. Simpson) - YouTube[/ame]
Exposing the Satanic roots of Columbine mass murder:

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 12 (Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold) - YouTube[/ame]
Manson was housed at Boytowns during the time of the famous satanic Franklin cover up.. It was there he was first introduced to Satanism. Bet you didn't know that. Now it is time to tear down Satans Kingdom and expose the truth about Satans lies, his Cult Followers, His Crime family! Today is the day of Salvation! If you are watching and are involved in the Occult this is your day of deliverance. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Watch the entire series and get your eyes wide open, people.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 18 (Charles ''Charlie'' Manson) - YouTube[/ame]
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Missed a few.. hang on.. this is satanist serial killer no. 13 although some of these videos will cover 4 or 5 famous serial killers at a time involved in satanism. When we get finished here the reader will see what the profile of a serial killer is and how it is portrayed in media ( random events - nonsense ) are two different things. Bottom line? Don't get involved with Satanism. Turn your lives over to Jesus. Satan is no one's friend. If Anton Lavey could come back and tell you he would. Unfortunately he's busy.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 13 (Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka) - YouTube[/ame]

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Did any of you ever know that Eileen Wuornos was married at age 20 to a wealthy blue blood illuminati luciferian? You do now! He married her when he was 60 plus years old. Look at their photo together. It's all on the video. Watch this to find out what the mainstream media didn't find it necessary for the public to know about.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 16 (Aileen Wuornos) - YouTube[/ame]
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Edmond Kemper. His childhood abuse was clearly satanic in nature and his father used mind control. He cut the head off of his cat when he was 11 yrs old. After being convicted as a serial killer his childhood was whitewashed because his father worked for the government. Here's his story:

Another life destroyed over Satans lies.
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Believing the lies of satan has a very high cost.
GISMYS, then you stop believing the lies.
I'll take Europe for 500, Alex. Thanks.

Name the country that is the headquarters for Global Satanism.

Answer: Belgium.

Watch this one:

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 19 (Marc Dutroux) - YouTube[/ame]
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