Believing the lies of satan has a very high cost.

Belgium's silent heart of darkness | World news | The Observer

I met Nihoul in a restaurant in Brussels. 'I am the Monster of Belgium,' he roared at me by way of greeting. He is confident he will never come to trial and that the evidence against him will never be heard by any jury. During the course of our meal he, apparently playfully, grabbed me, tickling, and finally pulled me over on to him in the restaurant booth until I had to appeal to my colleagues for rescue.

He will never come to court, he said, because the information he has about important people in Belgium would bring the government down. The Monster of Belgium denies he's a paedophile but seemed to enjoy his notoriety and demanded £1,000 for his story. We declined his offer. Every documentary likes a monster but we don't pay for interviews and frankly I'd already had enough.

But we did need to offer Nihoul a right to reply to the accusations made by Regina Louf, a woman now aged 33 whose testimony has divided Belgium. Louf came forward after Judge Connerotte made an appeal to victims of paedophiles to tell police what they knew. Connerotte, the man who had arrested Dutroux and saved two teenage girls from his dungeon, was a hero in Belgium. Louf was the first of 10 to come forward.

She told investigators how from the age of 12 she'd been 'given' by her parents to a family friend, Tony Van den Bogaert, who'd had a key to their house. He would collect her from school and take her away for weekends to sex parties where she was 'given' to other men and secretly filmed having sex with them. 'It was highly organised,' she says. 'Big business. Blackmail. There was a lot of money involved.'

Cont reading on link...

*** Michel never did go to prison. The Solvay family told the King of Belgium not to investigate him - to let him go - according to his claims. They did. Nihoul boasted about it later. He had a bar in Muno, Belgium not far from Dennis Solvays castle which bears the address 666 Serpont du loc.
(Home of the Serpent ) That is the legal adress of Chateau de Amerios otherwise known as The Mothers Of Darkness Castle. Look it up.

Dutroux kidnapped the girls, supplied them to Nihoul who has many, many "Dutrouxs" on his payroll - then he delivers the children to these illuminati lucifereans for their rituals / black masses, etc. Nihoul is a satanist. He fails to mention it in the interview but others confirm he is part of the International - Finders Organization. ( he works for them ) They use these sex parties, child such as Regina Louf ( who grew up and lived to tell about how Nihoul used her ) to blackmail high level politicians, world leaders, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, you name it. They've got something on everyone.
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Yet another news story of teens involved in satanism and murder:

Clear Lake teen involved in Satanic killing | CW39 NewsFix

Note the way the journalist mocks this story as if Satan is the easter bunny. This is common. There are satanists in journalism, law enforcement, CIA, FBI, Church ministries - Catholic priests, evangelical preachers, you name it and they have infiltrated. They cover for each other. That is why you haven't heard another word about Miranda Barber the confessed satanist who murdered 22 people. They won't be digging up any graves until the satanists have had plenty of time to remove all the evidence. Not a word from the media on her story as Craigs list killer. From anyone. I told you that would happen. They have their own members inside law enforcement. - Jeremiah
More people have been killed for Christ (crusades, inquisition...) and god (Jihads...) than for Satan. many, many more.
Yet another news story of teens involved in satanism and murder:

Clear Lake teen involved in Satanic killing | CW39 NewsFix

Note the way the journalist mocks this story as if Satan is the easter bunny. This is common. There are satanists in journalism, law enforcement, CIA, FBI, Church ministries - Catholic priests, evangelical preachers, you name it and they have infiltrated. They cover for each other. That is why you haven't heard another word about Miranda Barber the confessed satanist who murdered 22 people. They won't be digging up any graves until the satanists have had plenty of time to remove all the evidence. Not a word from the media on her story as Craigs list killer. From anyone. I told you that would happen. They have their own members inside law enforcement. - Jeremiah
More people have been killed for Christ (crusades, inquisition...) and god (Jihads...) than for Satan. many, many more.

The Catholics involved in the Inquisition ( leadership included ) were not Christians or they could never have tortured people, burned them at the stake, etc. Look at the fruit there. That is satanic. As for the jihadists - I would consider them victims of mind control in the same vein as satan's serial killers. They just haven't met the boss yet. Only difference. Not all Muslims are jihadists either. In fact, most are not. The same cannot be same for Satanists. If you are a Satanist? You are a serial killer. Because the killing doesn't stop with the first ritual. It keeps going until you leave this earth or wind up in the electric chair...., Which is why a satanists only hope is calling on the name of Jesus Christ to save them. Many are doing that today. God is good. All the time. - Jeremiah
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Jesus Christ has saved people who sold their souls to Satan and today those people are full of the joy of the LORD and are freeing others. Thank God they didn't believe the lie it was too late for them.

Jesus Christ has saved people who sold their souls to Satan and today those people are full of the joy of the LORD and are freeing others. Thank God they didn't believe the lie it was too late for them.


So Satan is willing to sell you your soul back? :dunno:
Satan isn't God. He doesn't have a say in it! Ha! Ha!

Thanks for that reply, Mr. Max. Gotta rep you for that one...

Satan isn't God. He doesn't have a say in it! Ha! Ha!

Thanks for that reply, Mr. Max. Gotta rep you for that one...


So you can sell your soul to the devil, then get it back. Kinda like indian-giving?
In this next example of satans lies we see quotes from these killers for Satan and it's quite revealing! Great research done by Stephen Williams.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 20 (Serial Killer Quotes & Occult) - YouTube[/ame]

These confessions by the most infamous serial killers in the world all give credit to Satan for their actions. All were involved in satanism, occult, etc. Amazing how this link has been overlooked by the mainstream news media, law enforcement, court sytems, judges. Why is that? Any ideas?
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Meet Col Russel Williams. A satanist who rose to the top ranks of military very quickly. In charge of such assignments as even arranging security for our own President Barack Obama! Williams is a serial killer who specialized in snuff films - the ones your FBI tell you don't exist? Yes, Thanks to Col. Russell Williams that cat is now out of the bag! Incredible story! Be prepared to be amazed!!!

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 21 (Col. Russell Williams) - YouTube[/ame]

So sad. At the end of the story you'll see he attempted to kill himself by choking on a toilet paper roll. Guess Satan didn't protect him forever, eh? What a fall this man had. From the highest echelons of the military - involving himself in Satanism and ending up tossed in cage ( albeit bigger than the cages some Satanists put their victims inside ) trying to choking on a toilet paper roll. Satan really does enjoy making a fool out of his servants once they have served their purpose. He tosses them like yesterdays trash. They are more fuel for his fire down below.

Hell is enlarging its mouth every single day.

- Jeremiah
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Pickton story. He was a killer for satan - on his pig farm. This story was never told either. Listen to what really happened. His satanic family got away but he didn't. Another one who believed Satans lies bites the dust:

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 22 (Robert Pickton) - YouTube[/ame]

At end of video you'll note a recording police made of his conversation with an inmate. He says there are at 15 more people going down with me if I go down. I'm being nailed to the cross. His final statement to the other cell mate? They were my friends...........I mean...........I thought they were my friends!


Youre a satanist running a mass murder / rape / torture outfit on a pig farm with obvious political connections very high up and you're surprised the satanists were not your friends? Hello out there?! Does anyone else believe satans lies still? After viewing this video? I don't see how you could.
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Remember Charles Ng and Leonard Lake? Those are two more Satanists that both have occult involvment, satanic rituals,,,snuff films and once again the news media leaves out what you're about to learn here. Two more souls Satan decieved with his lies and temptations. What destruction these men caused because of Satanism! What devastation to innocent lives - all caused by satanism which creates these monsters - known as satans killers - also known as serial killers. Interchangable, folks.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 23 (Leonard Lake & Charles Ng) - YouTube[/ame]
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A high cost? you mean like we might start sounding like you?
Satan isn't God. He doesn't have a say in it! Ha! Ha!

Thanks for that reply, Mr. Max. Gotta rep you for that one...


So you can sell your soul to the devil, then get it back. Kinda like indian-giving?

The Precious Blood Of Jesus Christ has ransomed every soul that was ever born from heaven above, Max. All one has to do is repent of their sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, confess with their mouth and believe in their hearts Jesus Died on the Cross for their sins and that he rose on the 3rd day and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Where Christ makes intercession for us day and night.

It is an invitation to Whosever will come. That includes Satanists. It is an invitation to murderers, to every sort of sinner. The Blood of Jesus Christ has redeemed us. He paid the ransom. He's God. He calls the shots. Not Satan. Got it now?
God loves sinners. He sent His Son to die on a cross to redeem mankind. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Satan offers no future - only death at the most unexpected moment..

Choose Life. Choose Jesus Christ.
A high cost? you mean like we might start sounding like you?

I'm giving GISMY the benefit of the doubt here. Since I have pointed out Satan is our enemy and put him under the spotlight - GISMY has gone silent. Now it could be he isn't on the board right now so I'll wait for him on this one.. but the truth is people who are really on the offense with Satan? Are usually the easiest on human beings - even the satanists who fall into the very deepest traps of the Occult. They do not call them names and don't belittle them for sport.

Why is that?

I think when you get up close and see the destruction Satan has waged on human lives you get a deep sense of compassion and mercy for people and your heart cries out have mercy God!

There are many people posing as Christians out there ( some are satanists sent to message boards like this one ) but they never stop attacking people! (Christians are their target - also constant threads mocking God - questioning reality of God - anything to destroy faith - these satanists are promised immorality for their service to Satan ) They are always targeting individuals and never get around to going after Satans Kingdom. It's a dead giveaway. No pun intended.

As to Christians who attack unbelievers and the backslider... If a Christian doesn't have control over their tongue their religion is useless. I have the feeling some folks are not only not christians but write in an effort to misrepresent Christians because the real story is they are on assignment.

* Of course I expect GISMY will agree with the abundant evidence on here concerning the connection with Satanism and Satans lies. He's probably at dinner. - Jeremiah
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Meet Satanists Fred and Rose West. A couple whose career was in snuff films for satanist underground - elitist Luciferians clientelle - etc. Disturbing story.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 24 (Fred and Rose West & Ultimate Evil) - YouTube[/ame]
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Fred and Rose West - Satanists - More on their satanic rituals - these two were busy! All this for a Satan that doesn't exist?! Ha. Better rethink that one, folks.

[ame=]25 Cromwell Street Murders - Fred and Rose West - YouTube[/ame]
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Remember Anders Breivick? I'm guessing these are things you've never heard about him. Another satanist / mind control slave- Illuminati family ties to military and drug business.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 25 (Anders Behring Breivik - Norway Shooting 2011) - YouTube[/ame]
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