Believing the lies of satan has a very high cost.

Ukraine satanists - 19 yrs of age - 21 murders - 10 more were covered up by the prosecution - this one is quite a story. They wanted to make it big in the satanic snuff film industry. That was the supposed motive. The parents said they kids were the fall guys for Ukrainian officials. That isn't out of the realm of possibilities. They dabbled in the occult and ended up taking the fall for the guys who did it? Could be. Lots of Satanists in office. No big surprise there.

The second half of this video is Bob Berdella,confessed satanist who wants people to know this is what was required of him. The ritual sacrifices to Satan, the murders, etc. He is upset satanism gets a pass while he is considered a monster. His reasoning is that by becoming a satanist they turned him "into a monster".. In the final analysis he also blames the police who he claims knew the neighborhood was marked by satanists and allowed it to go on for years.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 26 (Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs & Bob Berdella) - YouTube[/ame]
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GISMYS, a word of counsel from one who knows: attack Satan, not your fellow humans.
The Mystery surrounding the Stayner Family. This covers the history of the family fairly well. Satans lies uncovered again...

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 27 (Cary Stayner - The Yosemite Killer) - YouTube[/ame]
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Believing the lies of satan has a very high cost.


"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period. MuahahHAHAHAhhahahaHHAhahhahaha"
Making the Military Connection - Satan exposed - continues... in CANADA.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 29 (Serial Killers - Military Connection) - YouTube[/ame]
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Paul Bernardo / Homolka Connection - More of Satans lies exposed..

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 30 (Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka) - YouTube[/ame]
What a powerful truth! What are we doing, people? When we attack people who are already being attacked by the same enemy we are being attacked by! Satan! We need to love each other! This is the truth! The plan of the enemy is chaos, division and hatred. Let's put him on a starvation diet!
Back to America - this is a famouse case you all will remember. Jon Benet Ramsey murder. Here is the story you didn't hear reported on the mainstream media - Once again it goes straight back to Luciferians, Satanism and a Cover up.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 31 (JonBenét case John & Patsy Ramsey) - YouTube[/ame]

This proves that Satan is a liar and the truth eventually comes out. Even in a cover - up.
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Oh my! Here's another one loaded with suprises. The Tim McVey story as you've never heard it before! McVeigh complained of a microchip implant he was given by the Army. Many strange conflicts between media reports and those who knew Tim McVey? Another cover -up? Looks like it.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 33 (Timothy McVeigh: Manchurian Candidate?) - YouTube[/ame]
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What a powerful truth! What are we doing, people? When we attack people who are already being attacked by the same enemy we are being attacked by! Satan! We need to love each other! This is the truth! The plan of the enemy is chaos, division and hatred. Let's put him on a starvation diet!

Satan is not negative 'energy' or a disembodied entity that makes people do bad things. Satan, the talking serpent in the garden of Eden, is an analogy for a specific type of living flesh and blood talking human being, a low life but just a person who is brazen, malicious and deceitful who feigns humility, passes himself off as an angel of light but preys on the gullible by getting them to defy the commands of God and by the power of death consequent to disobedience collects people like possessions that are doomed to remain in confusion and are easily fleeced for life.

Find someone who claims that a person can defy the laws of God and worship a false roman trinity and not die but will receive eternal life and you will finds a real living venomous descendant of that serpent of old.

Starvation diet? nah, When you find one, and they are everywhere, throw the bastard alive into that sulfurous lake of fire.
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MK Ultra - Mind Control - Project Monarch - how its used by Satanists / Luciferian illuminists / CIA, etc. This is another one of Satans weapons exposed.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 34 (MK-ULTRA CIA Mind Control) - YouTube[/ame]
Meet Pietro Pacciani - notorious Satanist serial killer and key player used for master mind Satanist Ring in Italy. This story will chill you to the bone! These were very rich powerful Italian families involved in this one. Homeless people and prostitutes are easy sacrifices because they are rarely missed. Family members do not know to report them. Italy has a serious occult problem. Watch this.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 35 (Pietro Pacciani - The Monster of Florence) - YouTube[/ame]
Meet Herb Baumeister, another satanist who mass murdered and left penagrams and inverted crosses at the scene of the crime.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 36 (Herb Baumeister Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]
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Were the Trench Coat Mafia really Neo Nazi Satanists? You decide. Watch this for more of satans lies and the high cost of listening to him :

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 38 (Were The Trench Coat Mafia Neo-Nazi Satanists?) - YouTube[/ame]
More work done by Satans killers - otherwise known as serial killers.

The Zodiac Murders:
[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 39 (The Zodiac Killer) - YouTube[/ame]
Meet Son of Sam. David Berkowitz was a satanist and member of a satanic church. Other members were involved but never charged. David came to Christ while in prison and left his practice of satanism behind. Berkowitz was a member of The Church of the Final Process, same as Andre of Willow wood child murders, Charles Manson and other famous satanists. They are supposedly an affiliate to Church of Satan.

[ame=]Programmed To Kill/Satanic Cover-Up Part 40 (Satanism & Occult - David Berkowitz) - YouTube[/ame]

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