Ben and Jerry’s Still Refuses to Return Stolen Indigenous Land


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
It’s been a year now. They still even have it up on their website.
Why are Leftists such land thieves from minorities?

Their ice cream might have fancy names but it's the same as any other factory made stuff. The difference is that the two hypocrites jumped into the political arena before they understood what they were doing. Now their product is tainted with liberalism.
Ben and Jerry aren't so woke after all.


They pretend to be though.

Really. What company, let alone an ice creme company would dive in head first into political and social agendas?

Don't they realize they gain nothing? So they scream social agenda woke shit and lose 1 customer like myself, but do they really gain 2 customers that they didn't already have?

When a company takes a stance like they do I'd wager they lose more customers than ones they gain. Even if they did gain and lose the same amount then what was the point of breaking even?

I saw a commercial on YouTube last night by them that mentioned abortion rights. Why? I have refused to buy their products a long time ago once they went heavy into the BLM garbage and I'll never buy their ice cream again.
It’s been a year now. They still even have it up on their website.
Why are Leftists such land thieves from minorities?

Ben and Jerry's sucks as an ice cream. But to be sure, a few FACTS:
  1. Every country exists on stolen land. Go back far enough and you will find that almost everywhere, whatever people live there today, at one time beforehand, they went to war with a conquered people that lived there before and took the land for themselves. Survival of the strongest.
  2. Even the Native Indians here are technically not indigenous--- our best evidence suggests they came over the Aleutian/Siberian land bridge into North America about 23,000 years ago. Then proceeded to slaughter the Woolly Mammoth, Giant Ground Sloth and other species to extinction for food. They were still a nomadic, tribal, loosely neolithic community when they were met by 15th century Spanish with ships, swords, and muskets. No contest. Then there were the diseases we brought which they had no immunity to.
But yeah, the Indians were lied to, cheated and almost exterminated, and by rights, should have been given far more rights to a lot more land than they have today.

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