Ben Carson Assures Conservatives He Will Only Target Liberal Free Speech

I thought the 'free speech zone' was Fuckwit43's idea. I didn't realise he was a leftist censoring the right by that action.
Wow, does this mean that if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins the presidency we can expect them to okay the monitoring and punishment of right wing free speech? I don't think this would fly in a Democratic government and I wonder why something like the thought police isn't soundly condemned on the right. Whatever it is in the Republican party that breeds and allows this kind of constitutional insanity needs to be removed. Ben Carson is polling higher than Trump in Iowa and if he becomes the nominee you can pretty much guarantee an impeachment in his future. This level of quiet and gentle insanity belongs in a sanitarium.

In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dana Loesch yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson repeated his plan to have the federal government monitor college campuses for “extreme bias,” explaining that he would have “very strict guidelines” that would ensure that his plan wouldn’t hurt conservatives.

“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.

As an the example, Carson cited the story of a Florida college professor who supposedly told students to “stomp on” a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” written on it — a story unsurprisingly manufactured by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. In reality, the professor, a “very religious” Sunday school teacher, was using a lesson on the importance of symbols included in a textbook written by an instructor at a Christian college and reported a student who physically threatened him after the exercise.

Loesch agreed with Carson’s accusations of liberal bias on college campuses, but said, “There are some who would say that it’s kind of like monitoring political speech. Do you agree with their assessment of that?”

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

- See more at: Ben Carson Assures Conservatives That His Campus Speech Monitoring Would Only Target Liberals

leftist censor the right now.

your claim that it doesn't happen is a complete and utter lie.


Modesto Junior College: Students Barred from Distributing Constitutions on Constitution Day - FIRE

Ban on Halloween celebrations in schools has parents fuming

Free speech zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now you can apologize for lying.

And how does asking for an example equate to lying?

Unless you live under a rock, you knew about these.

Unless you joined yesterday, you most likely saw threads on these.

you lied or are have a very very poor memory and should seek medical help
'“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.'

Again, Carson is exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence. Any such policy would be struck down by the courts as un-Constitutional.

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

Carson is as much a liar as he is ignorant of the Constitution.
There is no 'indoctrination' in colleges and universities, 'liberal' or otherwise.

That facts and truth taught in colleges and universities conflict with errant conservative dogma doesn't constitute 'indoctrination.'
'“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.'

Again, Carson is exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence. Any such policy would be struck down by the courts as un-Constitutional.

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

Carson is as much a liar as he is ignorant of the Constitution.
There is no 'indoctrination' in colleges and universities, 'liberal' or otherwise.

That facts and truth taught in colleges and universities conflict with errant conservative dogma doesn't constitute 'indoctrination.'
You are as bad a liar as the op.

You know damn well colleges censor conservatives and are openly hateful twards them.

If you are going to lie, at least read the thread so you know you can't repeat the same lie as the op, since I've already proven you lies to be lies.
'“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.'

Again, Carson is exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence. Any such policy would be struck down by the courts as un-Constitutional.

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

Carson is as much a liar as he is ignorant of the Constitution.
There is no 'indoctrination' in colleges and universities, 'liberal' or otherwise.

That facts and truth taught in colleges and universities conflict with errant conservative dogma doesn't constitute 'indoctrination.'
You are as bad a liar as the op.

You know damn well colleges censor conservatives and are openly hateful twards them.

If you are going to lie, at least read the thread so you know you can't repeat the same lie as the op, since I've already proven you lies to be lies.
The Regressive Lefties will never admit to their tactics, ever. It's like expecting a devout Christian to denounce God. Forget it.

Carson's wrong and he's just playing to the crowd. You can't have some government entity monitoring colleges. Bringing down the college PC machine can only be done through the culture. They have to be called out on their tactics whenever possible, as consistently as possible, as creatively as possible.
Ben is just taking the next logic steps under the Obama doctrine where you bring the weight and power of the government down on the enemy. We must liberate, by force if necessary, the helpless, unarmed victims of Progressivism
'“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.'

Again, Carson is exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence. Any such policy would be struck down by the courts as un-Constitutional.

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

Carson is as much a liar as he is ignorant of the Constitution.
There is no 'indoctrination' in colleges and universities, 'liberal' or otherwise.

That facts and truth taught in colleges and universities conflict with errant conservative dogma doesn't constitute 'indoctrination.'
You are as bad a liar as the op.

You know damn well colleges censor conservatives and are openly hateful twards them.

If you are going to lie, at least read the thread so you know you can't repeat the same lie as the op, since I've already proven you lies to be lies.
The Regressive Lefties will never admit to their tactics, ever. It's like expecting a devout Christian to denounce God. Forget it.

Carson's wrong and he's just playing to the crowd. You can't have some government entity monitoring colleges. Bringing down the college PC machine can only be done through the culture. They have to be called out on their tactics whenever possible, as consistently as possible, as creatively as possible.
They do it publicly and they do it to the students.

All it takes is a phone number for people to call, and the fbi shows up for a public investigation.
If the fbi finds anything, the school no longer is allowed to accept money from the government.

no direct cash
no loans
no grants

Fuck one school over for the hate they teach, and the rest get in line, b/c all leftist want to get paid.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
Excellent (if predictable & tedious) condescension and thinly-veiled insults, but of course it avoids the primary point entirely.

Let's return colleges to real bastions of free expression, let's promote all views to be heard as much and clearly as possible, let's promote civil yet rigorous discourse and open minds on our college campuses. Let's expect our colleges, instructors and students not to shout down those with opposing viewpoints. Let's give full exposure to all ideas and opinions and let the students decide for themselves.

Not expecting you to agree with that.
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I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
gotta love honest bigotry on display.

cons don't know anything, that's why scientist work for them.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
Excellent (if predictable & tedious) condescension and thinly-veiled insults, but of course it avoids the primary point entirely.

Let's return colleges to real bastions of free expression, let's promote all views to be heard as much and clearly as possible, let's promote civil yet rigorous discourse and open minds on our college campuses. Let's expect our colleges, instructors and students not to shout down those with opposing viewpoints. Let's give full exposure to all ideas and opinions and let the students decide for themselves.

Not expecting you to agree with that.

And if you go to college that is what you get, except when you try to demand everyone acknowledge that magic is just as important as science.

Only conservatives view colleges like you do because actual knowledge is taught there. For example, this whole thing where Faux News on con-media/radio carry this Global Warming 'hoax' thing, this only exists is the conservative bubble. People that are educated know it is real and accelerating. YOU sitting in a class repeating what you heard on Faux or Limbaugh isn't going to fly because you are sitting with people that are only interested in reality.

I know, you want desperately to deny it's real and to have others join you in this fantasy. Sorry, as I said go to 'liberty u' for that nonsense, or the 'creation museum'.

You conservatives need to escape from this bubble that keeps you ignorant of facts. Sound condescending? No more so than if I were talking to someone that believed the world was flat. There isn't an 'equal' argument for a flat Earth and there is no reason to listen to or entertain someone that believes that crap. The same goes with all knowledge. If facts are known, you having a differing 'opinion' does not change facts even though in your mind because you think two opposing viewpoints are ALWAYS an equal argument and discussion. They aren't. That is daytime tv reality.

Reality among the educated is not subject to magic or something not based on evidence.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” - Isaac Asimov -

And that is the rub of it. Ignorance is NOT as good as knowledge. If that offends you too bad. To deny facts is to deny reality, and this is why many conservatives have such a hard time in college. They want to deny facts. Ben Carson says "Earth is 6,000 years old". That will get you laughed at in every college in the country.

Way too long and I don't blame anyone for not reading.
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I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
Excellent (if predictable & tedious) condescension and thinly-veiled insults, but of course it avoids the primary point entirely.

Let's return colleges to real bastions of free expression, let's promote all views to be heard as much and clearly as possible, let's promote civil yet rigorous discourse and open minds on our college campuses. Let's expect our colleges, instructors and students not to shout down those with opposing viewpoints. Let's give full exposure to all ideas and opinions and let the students decide for themselves.

Not expecting you to agree with that.

And if you go to college that is what you get, except when you try to demand everyone acknowledge that magic is just as important as science.

Only conservatives view colleges like you do because actual knowledge is taught there. For example, this whole thing where Faux News on con-media/radio carry this Global Warming 'hoax' thing, this only exists is the conservative bubble. People that are educated know it is real and accelerating. YOU sitting in a class repeating what you heard on Faux or Limbaugh isn't going to fly because you are sitting with people that are only interested in reality.

I know, you want desperately to deny it's real and to have others join you in this fantasy. Sorry, as I said go to 'liberty u' for that nonsense, or the 'creation museum'.

You conservatives need to escape from this bubble that keeps you ignorant of facts. Sound condescending? No more so than if I were talking to someone that believed the world was flat. There isn't an 'equal' argument for a flat Earth and there is no reason to listen to or entertain someone that believes that crap. The same goes with all knowledge. If facts are known, you having a differing 'opinion' does not change facts even though in your mind because you think two opposing viewpoints are ALWAYS an equal argument and discussion. They aren't. That is daytime tv reality.

Reality among the educated is not subject to magic or something not based on evidence.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

And that is the rub of it. Ignorance is NOT as good as knowledge. If that offends you too bad. To deny facts is to deny reality, and this is why many conservatives have such a hard time in college. They want to deny facts.

Way too long and I don't blame anyone for not reading.
As I predicted.

And by the way, since you have to continue with the thinly veiled insults, I lean left. I'm just not afraid of opposing viewpoints.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
Excellent (if predictable & tedious) condescension and thinly-veiled insults, but of course it avoids the primary point entirely.

Let's return colleges to real bastions of free expression, let's promote all views to be heard as much and clearly as possible, let's promote civil yet rigorous discourse and open minds on our college campuses. Let's expect our colleges, instructors and students not to shout down those with opposing viewpoints. Let's give full exposure to all ideas and opinions and let the students decide for themselves.

Not expecting you to agree with that.

And if you go to college that is what you get, except when you try to demand everyone acknowledge that magic is just as important as science.

Only conservatives view colleges like you do because actual knowledge is taught there. For example, this whole thing where Faux News on con-media/radio carry this Global Warming 'hoax' thing, this only exists is the conservative bubble. People that are educated know it is real and accelerating. YOU sitting in a class repeating what you heard on Faux or Limbaugh isn't going to fly because you are sitting with people that are only interested in reality.

I know, you want desperately to deny it's real and to have others join you in this fantasy. Sorry, as I said go to 'liberty u' for that nonsense, or the 'creation museum'.

You conservatives need to escape from this bubble that keeps you ignorant of facts. Sound condescending? No more so than if I were talking to someone that believed the world was flat. There isn't an 'equal' argument for a flat Earth and there is no reason to listen to or entertain someone that believes that crap. The same goes with all knowledge. If facts are known, you having a differing 'opinion' does not change facts even though in your mind because you think two opposing viewpoints are ALWAYS an equal argument and discussion. They aren't. That is daytime tv reality.

Reality among the educated is not subject to magic or something not based on evidence.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

And that is the rub of it. Ignorance is NOT as good as knowledge. If that offends you too bad. To deny facts is to deny reality, and this is why many conservatives have such a hard time in college. They want to deny facts.

Way too long and I don't blame anyone for not reading.
As I predicted.

And by the way, since you have to continue with the thinly veiled insults, I lean left. I'm just not afraid of opposing viewpoints.

You live by magic, shadow, innuendo, and opinion. Whatever floats your boat, just don't expect me to go easy on you or anyone else. Don't like it don't read.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
Excellent (if predictable & tedious) condescension and thinly-veiled insults, but of course it avoids the primary point entirely.

Let's return colleges to real bastions of free expression, let's promote all views to be heard as much and clearly as possible, let's promote civil yet rigorous discourse and open minds on our college campuses. Let's expect our colleges, instructors and students not to shout down those with opposing viewpoints. Let's give full exposure to all ideas and opinions and let the students decide for themselves.

Not expecting you to agree with that.

And if you go to college that is what you get, except when you try to demand everyone acknowledge that magic is just as important as science.

Only conservatives view colleges like you do because actual knowledge is taught there. For example, this whole thing where Faux News on con-media/radio carry this Global Warming 'hoax' thing, this only exists is the conservative bubble. People that are educated know it is real and accelerating. YOU sitting in a class repeating what you heard on Faux or Limbaugh isn't going to fly because you are sitting with people that are only interested in reality.

I know, you want desperately to deny it's real and to have others join you in this fantasy. Sorry, as I said go to 'liberty u' for that nonsense, or the 'creation museum'.

You conservatives need to escape from this bubble that keeps you ignorant of facts. Sound condescending? No more so than if I were talking to someone that believed the world was flat. There isn't an 'equal' argument for a flat Earth and there is no reason to listen to or entertain someone that believes that crap. The same goes with all knowledge. If facts are known, you having a differing 'opinion' does not change facts even though in your mind because you think two opposing viewpoints are ALWAYS an equal argument and discussion. They aren't. That is daytime tv reality.

Reality among the educated is not subject to magic or something not based on evidence.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

And that is the rub of it. Ignorance is NOT as good as knowledge. If that offends you too bad. To deny facts is to deny reality, and this is why many conservatives have such a hard time in college. They want to deny facts.

Way too long and I don't blame anyone for not reading.
As I predicted.

And by the way, since you have to continue with the thinly veiled insults, I lean left. I'm just not afraid of opposing viewpoints.

You live by magic, shadow, innuendo, and opinion. Whatever floats your boat, just don't expect me to go easy on you or anyone else. Don't like it don't read.
I know. Your way or the highway, too bad.

The regressive left marches on.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.
Excellent (if predictable & tedious) condescension and thinly-veiled insults, but of course it avoids the primary point entirely.

Let's return colleges to real bastions of free expression, let's promote all views to be heard as much and clearly as possible, let's promote civil yet rigorous discourse and open minds on our college campuses. Let's expect our colleges, instructors and students not to shout down those with opposing viewpoints. Let's give full exposure to all ideas and opinions and let the students decide for themselves.

Not expecting you to agree with that.

And if you go to college that is what you get, except when you try to demand everyone acknowledge that magic is just as important as science.

Only conservatives view colleges like you do because actual knowledge is taught there. For example, this whole thing where Faux News on con-media/radio carry this Global Warming 'hoax' thing, this only exists is the conservative bubble. People that are educated know it is real and accelerating. YOU sitting in a class repeating what you heard on Faux or Limbaugh isn't going to fly because you are sitting with people that are only interested in reality.

I know, you want desperately to deny it's real and to have others join you in this fantasy. Sorry, as I said go to 'liberty u' for that nonsense, or the 'creation museum'.

You conservatives need to escape from this bubble that keeps you ignorant of facts. Sound condescending? No more so than if I were talking to someone that believed the world was flat. There isn't an 'equal' argument for a flat Earth and there is no reason to listen to or entertain someone that believes that crap. The same goes with all knowledge. If facts are known, you having a differing 'opinion' does not change facts even though in your mind because you think two opposing viewpoints are ALWAYS an equal argument and discussion. They aren't. That is daytime tv reality.

Reality among the educated is not subject to magic or something not based on evidence.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

And that is the rub of it. Ignorance is NOT as good as knowledge. If that offends you too bad. To deny facts is to deny reality, and this is why many conservatives have such a hard time in college. They want to deny facts.

Way too long and I don't blame anyone for not reading.
As I predicted.

And by the way, since you have to continue with the thinly veiled insults, I lean left. I'm just not afraid of opposing viewpoints.

You live by magic, shadow, innuendo, and opinion. Whatever floats your boat, just don't expect me to go easy on you or anyone else. Don't like it don't read.
I know. Your way or the highway, too bad.

The regressive left marches on.

Your mind couches things in a way that soothes it. The only 'highway' is evidence but in your mind you like to attach things to people so you can pidgeon-hole them and keep things simple.

Again, knock yourself out.
I hate to break it to conservatives but it is knowledge and reality that has a liberal bent, it isn't something anyone purposely does on college campuses.

If free thinking and knowledge were the forte of conservatives then college campuses would have a conservative bent. Instead nascar and red state welfare has a conservative bent but you don't see anyone trying to keep you from watching your racing or getting your welfare checks.

If you want to talk to someone about archeology go to a campus, if you want to talk to someone about fishing, drinking beer, or left turn, left turn, left turn, fill up with gas, left turn, left turn, left turn, avoid crash, left turn, left turn, awww, wait until next race, you can go to any red state.

Or try 'liberty university' where they tell you the Earth is 6,000 years old, like Ben Carson does.

I used to think that too, until I joined USMB and met the Liberal Intellectual Elite

Didn't the IRS do something like this under Obama?

Yes, they did. The IRS did target right wing groups and tried to crb to free speech!!

come on guys. Can't you tell 'bait' when you see it?

And they got away with it, scot free.

Carson is a loon if he's ok with monitoring any type of speech. It's either free or it isn't. Period.

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