Ben Carson Assures Conservatives He Will Only Target Liberal Free Speech

Wow, does this mean that if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins the presidency we can expect them to okay the monitoring and punishment of right wing free speech? I don't think this would fly in a Democratic government and I wonder why something like the thought police isn't soundly condemned on the right. Whatever it is in the Republican party that breeds and allows this kind of constitutional insanity needs to be removed. Ben Carson is polling higher than Trump in Iowa and if he becomes the nominee you can pretty much guarantee an impeachment in his future. This level of quiet and gentle insanity belongs in a sanitarium.

In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dana Loesch yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson repeated his plan to have the federal government monitor college campuses for “extreme bias,” explaining that he would have “very strict guidelines” that would ensure that his plan wouldn’t hurt conservatives.

“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.

As an the example, Carson cited the story of a Florida college professor who supposedly told students to “stomp on” a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” written on it — a story unsurprisingly manufactured by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. In reality, the professor, a “very religious” Sunday school teacher, was using a lesson on the importance of symbols included in a textbook written by an instructor at a Christian college and reported a student who physically threatened him after the exercise.

Loesch agreed with Carson’s accusations of liberal bias on college campuses, but said, “There are some who would say that it’s kind of like monitoring political speech. Do you agree with their assessment of that?”

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

- See more at: Ben Carson Assures Conservatives That His Campus Speech Monitoring Would Only Target Liberals

Good. Liberals have been doing that to conservatives for years.

Didn't the IRS do something like this under Obama?

Yes, they did. The IRS did target right wing groups and tried to crb to free speech!!

come on guys. Can't you tell 'bait' when you see it?

Taxpayers aren't government employees, numskull. University professors are employees of the government. It's rather hypocritical of the people whining about "Free speech" when they support campus speech codes and physically assaulting conservative speakers who are brave enough to appear on campus.
I see Carson also is against abortion in case of rape and incest. No exceptions.

Game over pal.
I didn't realise government employees were non tax payers. I can see why you're against big government.
'“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.'

Again, Carson is exhibiting his ignorance of, or contempt for, First Amendment jurisprudence. Any such policy would be struck down by the courts as un-Constitutional.

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

Carson is as much a liar as he is ignorant of the Constitution.
There is no 'indoctrination' in colleges and universities, 'liberal' or otherwise.

That facts and truth taught in colleges and universities conflict with errant conservative dogma doesn't constitute 'indoctrination.'

Sorry, but Constitution doesn't require government to subsidize only pinko professors.
I didn't realise government employees were non tax payers. I can see why you're against big government.

Of course the don't pay taxes. They merely perform a bookkeeping transaction where they deduct an amount from the tax money they receive.
Wow, does this mean that if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins the presidency we can expect them to okay the monitoring and punishment of right wing free speech? I don't think this would fly in a Democratic government and I wonder why something like the thought police isn't soundly condemned on the right. Whatever it is in the Republican party that breeds and allows this kind of constitutional insanity needs to be removed. Ben Carson is polling higher than Trump in Iowa and if he becomes the nominee you can pretty much guarantee an impeachment in his future. This level of quiet and gentle insanity belongs in a sanitarium.

In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dana Loesch yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson repeated his plan to have the federal government monitor college campuses for “extreme bias,” explaining that he would have “very strict guidelines” that would ensure that his plan wouldn’t hurt conservatives.

“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.

As an the example, Carson cited the story of a Florida college professor who supposedly told students to “stomp on” a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” written on it — a story unsurprisingly manufactured by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. In reality, the professor, a “very religious” Sunday school teacher, was using a lesson on the importance of symbols included in a textbook written by an instructor at a Christian college and reported a student who physically threatened him after the exercise.

Loesch agreed with Carson’s accusations of liberal bias on college campuses, but said, “There are some who would say that it’s kind of like monitoring political speech. Do you agree with their assessment of that?”

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

- See more at: Ben Carson Assures Conservatives That His Campus Speech Monitoring Would Only Target Liberals

Good. Liberals have been doing that to conservatives for years.

Great! Since the next Republican president hasn't been born yet, get ready for a lot of speech monitoring.
Wow, does this mean that if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins the presidency we can expect them to okay the monitoring and punishment of right wing free speech? I don't think this would fly in a Democratic government and I wonder why something like the thought police isn't soundly condemned on the right. Whatever it is in the Republican party that breeds and allows this kind of constitutional insanity needs to be removed. Ben Carson is polling higher than Trump in Iowa and if he becomes the nominee you can pretty much guarantee an impeachment in his future. This level of quiet and gentle insanity belongs in a sanitarium.

In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dana Loesch yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson repeated his plan to have the federal government monitor college campuses for “extreme bias,” explaining that he would have “very strict guidelines” that would ensure that his plan wouldn’t hurt conservatives.

“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.

As an the example, Carson cited the story of a Florida college professor who supposedly told students to “stomp on” a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” written on it — a story unsurprisingly manufactured by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. In reality, the professor, a “very religious” Sunday school teacher, was using a lesson on the importance of symbols included in a textbook written by an instructor at a Christian college and reported a student who physically threatened him after the exercise.

Loesch agreed with Carson’s accusations of liberal bias on college campuses, but said, “There are some who would say that it’s kind of like monitoring political speech. Do you agree with their assessment of that?”

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

- See more at: Ben Carson Assures Conservatives That His Campus Speech Monitoring Would Only Target Liberals

Does media matters write your thread titles? Talk about hysteria.
Wow, does this mean that if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins the presidency we can expect them to okay the monitoring and punishment of right wing free speech? I don't think this would fly in a Democratic government and I wonder why something like the thought police isn't soundly condemned on the right. Whatever it is in the Republican party that breeds and allows this kind of constitutional insanity needs to be removed. Ben Carson is polling higher than Trump in Iowa and if he becomes the nominee you can pretty much guarantee an impeachment in his future. This level of quiet and gentle insanity belongs in a sanitarium.

In an interview with conservative talk radio host Dana Loesch yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson repeated his plan to have the federal government monitor college campuses for “extreme bias,” explaining that he would have “very strict guidelines” that would ensure that his plan wouldn’t hurt conservatives.

“What I would do is I would solicit examples of extreme bias and I would use those as the basis for helping to determine which places need to have their federal funding cut,” he said.

As an the example, Carson cited the story of a Florida college professor who supposedly told students to “stomp on” a piece of paper with the word “Jesus” written on it — a story unsurprisingly manufactured by Fox News’ Todd Starnes. In reality, the professor, a “very religious” Sunday school teacher, was using a lesson on the importance of symbols included in a textbook written by an instructor at a Christian college and reported a student who physically threatened him after the exercise.

Loesch agreed with Carson’s accusations of liberal bias on college campuses, but said, “There are some who would say that it’s kind of like monitoring political speech. Do you agree with their assessment of that?”

“No, I don’t, I think it’s a very big difference,” Carson responded. “But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this. And it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

- See more at: Ben Carson Assures Conservatives That His Campus Speech Monitoring Would Only Target Liberals

Does media matters write your thread titles? Talk about hysteria.

No, Ben Carson writes my thread titles. The hysteria is all his.
Not surprising that low information racist lefties would rely on Media Matters interpretation of Dr. Carson's statement. College campuses have morphed from open forums of free speech and the sharing of ideas and opinions to closed minded Orwellian institutions where students might be turned in and expelled for using politically incorrect words. There is actually a list of words that are forbidden on college campuses. According to Dr. David Horowitz, every single conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on a college campus at sometime in their careers. Dr. Carson wants to open college campuses to free speech and the idiot left is afraid of any educated Black man who doesn't conform to the democrat party plantation mentality.
I didn't realise government employees were non tax payers. I can see why you're against big government.

Of course the don't pay taxes. They merely perform a bookkeeping transaction where they deduct an amount from the tax money they receive.
Oh. So they do pay taxes. You could have said.

No, they don't pay taxes. They live on tax money, so how would they possibly pay any?
I see Carson also is against abortion in case of rape and incest. No exceptions.

Game over pal.

The nerve of that guy, believing that ALL life has value!

He doesn't, and neither do you.

Telling others what they believe ... Typical of your ilk.

I have an ilk? Isn't that telling people what they believe?

Got ilk? ilk: an ill elk. ilk it for all its worth.
No, they don't pay taxes. They live on tax money, so how would they possibly pay any?
By paying a portion of their income in payroll, income, property and sales taxes.

Well, ok, you actually have got me on that one, what I explained only applies outside flat earth.

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