Ben Carson calls Obama a "psychopath"

He's admitted he got his degree thru affirmative action and that makes it honorary.

If he did the work, that makes it official. Affirmative action is merely a door into college.

What makes you think he did the work? If schools let unqualified people in, then they have to also give them more special treatment so they can graduate. Affirmative action grading is everywhere in our colleges. THINK
He's admitted he got his degree thru affirmative action and that makes it honorary.

That is an insanely stupid claim.

Only after I got to Yale and became cognizant of my classmates' many accomplishments did I realize that the admissions committee had taken a substantial risk on me and that I had been extended special consideration. My early academic experiences were traumatic, and but for the grace of God, I would have flunked out.

Fortunately, I was able to adjust to the academic rigors necessary to qualify for medical school admission at the University of Michigan. Medical school was transformative, and I was subsequently accepted into the selective neurosurgical residency at Johns Hopkins. By that time, no special considerations were expected or needed.}

Beyond Affirmative Action - Dr. Ben Carson - Page full

Thanks for proving my point. Carson admits he was completely unqualified for college and yet he got the spot over a more qualified applicant. He's a fraud and his degree is honorary.
I don't know about Psychopath. though he acts it.

he is one EVIL human being that out to bring us and our country down to it's knees

with help from the likes of YOUR elected Representatives like this:

Gutierrez: ‘Only Person Who Can Deport’ 11 Million Illegal Aliens Is ‘Barack Obama’
March 24, 2015 - 5:26 PM
By Penny Starr

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) spoke at a press conference about immigration on March 24, 2015 on Capitol Hill. ( Starr)

( – Speaking at a press conference held by the National Hispanic Construction Association (NHCA) on Tuesday on Capitol Hill, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said that President Barack Obama is the “only person” who can deport the estimated 11 million people who are in the United States illegally.

Citing the lawsuit filed by the state of Texas challenging Obama’s executive action to protect millions of illegal aliens from deportation, Gutierrez said it’s the president who can enforce – or not enforce – immigration laws.

“Because our immigrant community has to understand one thing – maybe the Republicans went to court and a judge put in an injunction against us giving them a work permit and a Social Security card, but the only person who can deport them from the United States is Barack Obama,” Gutierrez said. “The president of the United States and the executive branch of the government are the only people who can say ‘You gotta go.’”

ALL of it and a video here:
Gutierrez Only Person Who Can Deport 11 Million Illegal Aliens Is Barack Obama CNS News

Thanks for proving my point. Carson admits he was completely unqualified for college and yet he got the spot over a more qualified applicant. He's a fraud and his degree is honorary.

No, he does not. He states he was third in his high school class, and was helped in acceptance to Yale, where he worked his butt off and earned his way into UoM medical school.

Take off your racist blinders and read for content, next time.
Thanks for proving my point. Carson admits he was completely unqualified for college and yet he got the spot over a more qualified applicant. He's a fraud and his degree is honorary.

No, he does not. He states he was third in his high school class, and was helped in acceptance to Yale, where he worked his butt off and earned his way into UoM medical school.

"helped"???? Is that your new euphemism for the brazen anti-white racism of affirmative action.? Why do you liberals hate white people so much?
Truth is most presidents are mass-murderers and psychopaths.

Ben Carson Obama is a psychopath

march 24 2015
Ben Carson, an emerging presidential candidate for the Republican Party, was captured in an unguarded moment by a GQ reporter calling President Obama a “psychopath” for the seeming ease with which he lies to the American public.

GQ reports that Carson “had come to the Capitol Hill home of Armstrong Williams, a conservative media impresario who officially serves as Carson’s business manager,” for the president’s State of the Union speech. Shortly after, the two began discussing the speech and Obama.

Williams said, GQ reported: “He looks good. He looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks elegant.”

And Carson’s quick reply?

“Like most psychopaths,” Carson said, the news site said. “That’s why they’re successful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.”

Doc Carson NAILS it AGAIN. Odds are Doc said obama was a sociopath, which he is. But I can't see why its newsworthy, given that it's not even a debatable point.
Given that it's not a debatable point won't stop the usual suspect, sociopath-worshiping mindless drones from debating the point.
I know they are, and he is both of them.
You are incorrect, as usual.
So, you're saying he is a sociopath?
Let me guess, he's a beautiful person who has never had an impure thought in his life, right?
If he is, that would make him an Angel, not a man.
But wait, aren't you and your ilk proclaiming him the messiah who will cure the ills of the world?
Truth is most presidents are mass-murderers and psychopaths.

Ben Carson Obama is a psychopath

march 24 2015
Ben Carson, an emerging presidential candidate for the Republican Party, was captured in an unguarded moment by a GQ reporter calling President Obama a “psychopath” for the seeming ease with which he lies to the American public.

GQ reports that Carson “had come to the Capitol Hill home of Armstrong Williams, a conservative media impresario who officially serves as Carson’s business manager,” for the president’s State of the Union speech. Shortly after, the two began discussing the speech and Obama.

Williams said, GQ reported: “He looks good. He looks clean. Shirt’s white. The tie. He looks elegant.”

And Carson’s quick reply?

“Like most psychopaths,” Carson said, the news site said. “That’s why they’re successful. That’s the way they look. They all look great.”

The Lefties are shitting themselves.... their race card does not apply.
You are incorrect, as usual.
So, you're saying he is a sociopath?
Let me guess, he's a beautiful person who has never had an impure thought in his life, right?
If he is, that would make him an Angel, not a man.
But wait, aren't you and your ilk proclaiming him the messiah who will cure the ills of the world?
But wait, aren't you and your ilk proclaiming him the messiah who will cure the ills of the world?

No, that was Democrat folk-hero "Disco" Louie Farrakhan. Not Louie as Messiah; Louie who proclaimed Obama "A New Messiah" during the '08 campaign, back before you hit junior high so not odd you didn't notice.
Oops! Gotcha there, I haven't personally experienced junior high school in some 40-odd years. Besides, obama's acolytes and sundry worshipers have certainly not denied their proclivity to worship him as if Farrakhan's declaration was anything but truth.

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