Ben Carson Calls Veterans Affairs Scandal A 'Gift From God'

How old are you child...apparently NO ONE told you growing up!

I'm old. It must be a regional thing. Are blacks called ******* there? That would explain it.

Odd thing on the term *******. I'm from Canada. ****** to us if you are in the horse shoe refers to an American black.

If we are talking sister and brother we are talking Island. And embracing the continental are the new friends from the continent.

Only American blacks are despised and reviled. Because they are horrible.
Okay, I need that in English as well? Are you, by chance, French-Canadian?
And you did, and they spanked you back, within a dozen posts That's how it works on this rock, when it's working correctly that is.

Is there a period missing here? Or did you just capitalize a random word? Two spaces between words so I'm thinking you missed something here. Why would you post a double space between "posts" and the capitalized "That's" if this wasn't the end of one train of thought and moving on to the next?

Are you really qualified to be our English teacher? You think you are worthy of being in that position?
The fear of all teenage girls, I missed a period. Carry on...

No I don't think so.

Dance? I've yet to see you crawl, except in your tiny mind.

How would you know? You under room temperature IQ has you looking at your bare feet, and believing it's TD! You really do need to go to the queer thread, you'd fit right in right between Howey and Aaron!

Don't fuck with the gods...
I think you actually thought you were a god until you met one that is not only superior to you but would never claim to be such a thing.

I'm not an English god but I can sure find a pathetic wanna be and you are the one.
Okey dokey for some one who is very spiritural like this Ben Carson appears to be I guess this makes sense.

I'm not getting it. But that doesn't mean he's wrong. Hells bells I cant figure out what is right morally.

What he actually means is fine. He means, this is a warning to us all of the bad things that can happen if we don't pay up and do things correctly. How that will be used against him now however, well, on that, he's fucked.
Is there a period missing here? Or did you just capitalize a random word? Two spaces between words so I'm thinking you missed something here. Why would you post a double space between "posts" and the capitalized "That's" if this wasn't the end of one train of thought and moving on to the next?

Are you really qualified to be our English teacher? You think you are worthy of being in that position?
The fear of all teenage girls, I missed a period. Carry on...

No I don't think so.

How would you know? You under room temperature IQ has you looking at your bare feet, and believing it's TD! You really do need to go to the queer thread, you'd fit right in right between Howey and Aaron!

Don't fuck with the gods...
I think you actually thought you were a god until you met one that is not only superior to you but would never claim to be such a thing.

I'm not an English god but I can sure find a pathetic wanna be and you are the one.
Sweetcheeks, you got nailed yourself. And the typo game, that is between adults. If you don't get it, don't play.

And wannabe, is one word.
It's not an issue, it's a dig. Roll with it. And some of these morons want English as the official language but can't spell See Spot Run.

Hey, more Karma. What a night.

Thanks Mike.

You wen't back and changed your post? Do I need to spell check you all the time? You have proclaimed yourself to be the English teacher for all posters here and yet I need to go back and correct you.

I'm pretty sure the Karma you are experiencing is brought on by you.
Of course I changed it! Typos suck and writing is editing. And I'm not the teacher but I approve of people correcting each other and making clear, and concise, statements.

Your most recent error is highlighted above. Doesn't Karma suck?
That is proper English. Not surprised you missed it.
You wen't back and changed your post? Do I need to spell check you all the time? You have proclaimed yourself to be the English teacher for all posters here and yet I need to go back and correct you.

I'm pretty sure the Karma you are experiencing is brought on by you.
Of course I changed it! Typos suck and writing is editing. And I'm not the teacher but I approve of people correcting each other and making clear, and concise, statements.

Your most recent error is highlighted above. Doesn't Karma suck?
That is proper English. Not surprised you missed it.
"Went" is Proper English little friend. Where exactly did you learn "our' language?
The fear of all teenage girls, I missed a period. Carry on...

No I don't think so.


Don't fuck with the gods...
I think you actually thought you were a god until you met one that is not only superior to you but would never claim to be such a thing.

I'm not an English god but I can sure find a pathetic wanna be and you are the one.
Sweetcheeks, you got nailed yourself. And the typo game, that is between adults. If you don't get it, don't play.

And wannabe, is one word.
It's two words if you aren't a street urchin. There is no reason to combine the two other than laziness.

'Sweetcheeks'? Really? What words won't you combine together?

You decided to be the final word in typing and English here. I'm simply trying to make sure you aren't a complete moron doing the job. So far I find you lacking.
No I don't think so.

I think you actually thought you were a god until you met one that is not only superior to you but would never claim to be such a thing.

I'm not an English god but I can sure find a pathetic wanna be and you are the one.
Sweetcheeks, you got nailed yourself. And the typo game, that is between adults. If you don't get it, don't play.

And wannabe, is one word.
It's two words if you aren't a street urchin. There is no reason to combine the two other than laziness.

'Sweetcheeks'? Really? What words won't you combine together?

You decided to be the final word in typing and English here. I'm simply trying to make sure you aren't a complete moron doing the job. So far I find you lacking.
Do show us how "wannabe" is two words? We are very interested.
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First of all, one must be smart enough to understand that VA healthcare and Obamacare are two entirely different things. One is federal and one is private. It ain't rocket science...

Both of them are Federal, dinkbrain.
There has been no terrorist attack killing thousands on American soil
But there have still been terrorist attacks.

Fort Hood (despite Obama's "workplace violence" schtick)
Libyan consulate in Benghazi

Obama has not taken us into any wars

He has quickly responded to all natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornado's, floods, and wild fires.
Ask Gov. Quinn and the residents of Washington, Illinois how happy they are with the government "response" to the tornado there.

Better yet, just read this article: FEMA denies Washington, Illinois tornado aid |
or Google "Washington Illinois tornado FEMA".

and he has actually gotten bills passed that help the poor and middle class
And yet those people have seen little improvement.
awww, lakhota is back spreading garbage and hate and of course it came from the hufferpufferpost

what he said is it, shows what a government health care is like and what we are in store for with OScamCare

you need to wake up to the truth instead of these BS headlines from Hufferpost and other left wing site
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