Ben Carson Chosen As HUD Secretary.Who Knew He Was A White Supremacist?

Ben Carson is unqualified to be Housing Secretary. He's a surgeon. What does he know about housing? He doesn't have any sort of background in urban planning or finance. He hasn't run anything bigger than his Department at John Hopkins. Not to mention that every time he opens his mouth, I wonder if he's been sniffing the ether in the OR.
He actually ran the entire John Hopkins hospital.

Of all other persons who might be qualified for that job, he is the only one who actually lived in project housing which already gives him more experience than anyone else.
and how come no one has called Ben a racist yet?
Ben Carson is unqualified to be Housing Secretary. He's a surgeon. What does he know about housing? He doesn't have any sort of background in urban planning or finance. He hasn't run anything bigger than his Department at John Hopkins. Not to mention that every time he opens his mouth, I wonder if he's been sniffing the ether in the OR.
He actually ran the entire John Hopkins hospital.

Of all other persons who might be qualified for that job, he is the only one who actually lived in project housing which already gives him more experience than anyone else.
and remember the choice of Van Jones/aka, the racist to over see all of those new Green Jobs? he has no experience doing anything!!!

He did not head the whole hospital. He was the head of the Paediatric Neurosurgery Division of the hospital.

And living in public housing doesn't qualify you for anything. It's like saying "Well he'll be a great doctor because he knew was once sick. He doesn't need to study or learn how to do it" You have more information about conditions in the neighbourhood than someone who didn't live there, but that doesn't tell you how to go about fixing them. His experience of living in public housing was also 40 years ago. Conditions are not the same today.

Just because he's a black man who grew up in public housing, doesn't mean he is qualified to be Housing Secretary. Without having studied urban planning, or having knowledge of construction, or construction law, it's difficult to see how this could possibly be a good choice.
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Has anyone woke him up to give him the news?

Anyway, I guess that the good doctor has convinced Trump that his incurable pathological temper has been cured after all:

"A few hours after claiming that Republican rival Ben Carson has an incurable "pathological temper" and comparing it to something else he says is incurable — "child molesting" — Trump escalated the battle, devoting over ten minutes of his rally to attacking Carson's personal narrative.

"He wrote a book and in the book, he said terrible things about himself," Trump said of Carson. "He said that he's pathological and he's got basically pathological disease ... I don't want a person that's got pathological disease."

Trump first compared the two conditions on CNN and repeated them to a 1,500-person crowd at Iowa Central Community College: "I said that if you're a child molester, a sick puppy, a child molester, there's no cure for that - there's only one cure and we don't want to talk about that cure, that's the ultimate cure. No there's two, there's death and the other thing. But if you're a child molester, there's no cure, they can't stop you. Pathological, there's no cure."

Donald Trump Goes Off on Ben Carson's 'Pathological Temper'
:poke: So according to Nancy Pelosi and many of her liberal friends, Trump was running a campaign based on KKK beliefs and a "White Supremacist Platform". Right?
:blues: Therefore, all of his cabinet choices are old,evil,white and racist "White Men".
OK, does this mean that Ben Carson is the newest KKK member chosen for the Trump Cabinet?

Hitler had a few Jewish supporters.
:poke: So according to Nancy Pelosi and many of her liberal friends, Trump was running a campaign based on KKK beliefs and a "White Supremacist Platform". Right?
:blues: Therefore, all of his cabinet choices are old,evil,white and racist "White Men".
OK, does this mean that Ben Carson is the newest KKK member chosen for the Trump Cabinet?

Hitler had a few Jewish supporters.

Haaaa Haaaa good one
The nagging question in the back of my mind is: Why didn't Trump ask Carson to be Surgeon General? Then it dawned on me. Trump didn't want the Black guy to be in a position to counsel him on something he)Trump) knows nothing about. Or, something nefarious is brewing in the medical milieu that he doesn't want Carson to be privy to. Whatever the reason, it isn't a benevolent one. You don't hire a person to be the head of an agency who knows less about that agency than the guy doing the hiring. Carson won't be advising Trump..Trump will be directing him to do HIS bidding.

I mentally reviewed what I knew about any past connection to HUD that might have triggered Trump's vindictive nature. It didn't take long to find that Trump had been sued in federal court for housing discrimination back in 1973. He fought back with counter suits but lost at every turn. He finally had to capitulate and publish ads that his apartments were now available to qualified minorities.

So why did he pick Carson? I'll tell ya... Carson made a statement that got trumps attention. Carson, a Black man raised in the projects recently said: Fair housing is communism or words to that effect. That made him the perfect choice to carry out Trump's retribution'. Carson is going to be the fall guy when Trump takes HUD down and dismantles the fair housing policy. Next question.
Ben Carson is unqualified to be Housing Secretary. He's a surgeon. What does he know about housing? He doesn't have any sort of background in urban planning or finance. He hasn't run anything bigger than his Department at John Hopkins. Not to mention that every time he opens his mouth, I wonder if he's been sniffing the ether in the OR.
He actually ran the entire John Hopkins hospital.

Of all other persons who might be qualified for that job, he is the only one who actually lived in project housing which already gives him more experience than anyone else.
and how come no one has called Ben a racist yet?

Or an uncle tom race traitor.
Ben Carson is unqualified to be Housing Secretary. He's a surgeon. What does he know about housing? He doesn't have any sort of background in urban planning or finance. He hasn't run anything bigger than his Department at John Hopkins. Not to mention that every time he opens his mouth, I wonder if he's been sniffing the ether in the OR.
He actually ran the entire John Hopkins hospital.

Of all other persons who might be qualified for that job, he is the only one who actually lived in project housing which already gives him more experience than anyone else.
and remember the choice of Van Jones/aka, the racist to over see all of those new Green Jobs? he has no experience doing anything!!!

He did not head the whole hospital. He was the head of the Paediatric Neurosurgery Division of the hospital.

And living in public housing doesn't qualify you for anything. It's like saying "Well he'll be a great doctor because he knew was once sick. He doesn't need to study or learn how to do it" You have more information about conditions in the neighbourhood than someone who didn't live there, but that doesn't tell you how to go about fixing them. His experience of living in public housing was also 40 years ago. Conditions are not the same today.

Just because he's a black man who grew up in public housing, doesn't mean he is qualified to be Housing Secretary. Without having studied urban planning, or having knowledge of construction, or construction law, it's difficult to see how this could possibly be a good choice.
You hate that negro....
:poke: So according to Nancy Pelosi and many of her liberal friends, Trump was running a campaign based on KKK beliefs and a "White Supremacist Platform". Right?
:blues: Therefore, all of his cabinet choices are old,evil,white and racist "White Men".
OK, does this mean that Ben Carson is the newest KKK member chosen for the Trump Cabinet?
Well, they will simply do what they always do and their demented sheep will follow them.

That is they ignore the facts that contradict their narrative.

Like blacks for Trump, or black tea party members. On and on. Real simple for them.

Black tea party members.

Remember, ignore the facts that contradict their narrative.

Real simple.

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