Ben Carson Chosen As HUD Secretary.Who Knew He Was A White Supremacist?

I thought crazy ole Ben would be named Surgeon General, but I guess trump is saving that spot for his personal physician.

:poke: So according to Nancy Pelosi and many of her liberal friends, Trump was running a campaign based on KKK beliefs and a "White Supremacist Platform". Right?
:blues: Therefore, all of his cabinet choices are old,evil,white and racist "White Men".
OK, does this mean that Ben Carson is the newest KKK member chosen for the Trump Cabinet?

Of course. When all else fails bring out the bigot and racists cards. They wouldn't have it any other way. LOL
Apparently Trump chose Carson because he simply couldn't find anyone WITHOUT incurable pathologies:

Donald Trump Compares Ben Carson To A 'Child Molester'

"You know, when he says he went after his mother and wanted to hit her in the head with a hammer, that bothers me. I mean, that's pretty bad," Trump said on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront," adding that Carson described his temper as "pathological" in his book.

"I'm not saying anything other than pathological is a very serious disease. And he said he's pathological, somebody said he has pathological disease," Trump said.

"It's in the book that he's got a pathological temper," Trump continued. "That's a big problem because you don't cure that."

Trump then offered the example of a child molester.

"You don't cure these people. You don't cure a child molester. There's no cure for it. Pathological, there's no cure for that," he said.
You hate that negro....

I don't hate anyone. I'm not all that impressed with Carson as a candidate, and I wouldn't have voted for him. He's certainly not qualified for any senior government position.

He makes assinine comments which are full of factual errors, which shows he's not well rounded, especially in matters of history. As a doctor, it doesn't matter, but as a political leader, a firm grasp of history is important.

Republicans are impressed by rich people. I'm impressed with people who treat others with respect or consideration. Who learn from their mistakes, and listen to what others have to say.
are they gonna rip into Allen West next if hes chosen for anything? Whoopie will. she will say that Allen West cant even run a KFC.
Just consider the source, Whoopi is so irrelevant, she's a co-host of a show that features a bunch of shrieking harpies who fancy their opinions carry some kind of weight for people anchored in the real world. Hell, she's not even very funny anymore.

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