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Ben Carson Says Poverty Is A ‘State Of Mind’

Of course poverty in America is a state of mind. Anyone not aware of that has their head buried deep in sand.
Poverty should only be a temporary state for anyone.

Wouldn't that be great!
Pay fair wages, provide opportunities in impoverished areas, help those who need help

Impoverished areas are impoverished because the people who live there have impoverished will power to move where jobs abound.
Those who need help should make at least a token effort to help themselves.
I know, I been there, done it.
Which country do you live in?

Is Apalachia impoverished because the coal miners did not work hard enough?
Is Detroit impoverished because the people shut down the car factories
Is the Rust Belt failing because the workers stopped working hard?

Haha...you already have your answers...all defeatist lowlifes believe it's someone or something else "holding them back"...weird common denominator huh?
It's so much easier to be and stay a lazy, complacent piece of shit when you can convince yourself that there's just no way it can be your fault....haha
I love this shit...so fascinating!
Of course poverty in America is a state of mind. Anyone not aware of that has their head buried deep in sand.
Poverty should only be a temporary state for anyone.

Wouldn't that be great!
Pay fair wages, provide opportunities in impoverished areas, help those who need help

Impoverished areas are impoverished because the people who live there have impoverished will power to move where jobs abound.
Those who need help should make at least a token effort to help themselves.
I know, I been there, done it.
Which country do you live in?

Is Apalachia impoverished because the coal miners did not work hard enough?
Is Detroit impoverished because the people shut down the car factories
Is the Rust Belt failing because the workers stopped working hard?

Haha...you already have your answers...all defeatist lowlifes believe it's someone or something else "holding them back"...weird common denominator huh?
It's so much easier to be and stay a lazy, complacent piece of shit when you can convince yourself that there's just no way it can be your fault....haha
I love this shit...so fascinating!
So if a coal miner just hunkers down and applies himself, all those coal mines will reopen
Of course poverty in America is a state of mind. Anyone not aware of that has their head buried deep in sand.
Poverty should only be a temporary state for anyone.

Wouldn't that be great!
Pay fair wages, provide opportunities in impoverished areas, help those who need help

Impoverished areas are impoverished because the people who live there have impoverished will power to move where jobs abound.
Those who need help should make at least a token effort to help themselves.
I know, I been there, done it.
Which country do you live in?

Is Apalachia impoverished because the coal miners did not work hard enough?
Is Detroit impoverished because the people shut down the car factories
Is the Rust Belt failing because the workers stopped working hard?

Funny you mentioned mining because way back when I was young and laid off my job in the city I packed my suitcase and moved to the boondocks to work in the mines.

Funny you mentioned car industry because later in my life I got a job on the factory floor of a major tire company. As soon as I was able to I enrolled in data processing courses the company offered and then worked as a computer programmer until I retired.

Funny you mention Appalachia because I worked as a volunteer with ASP in Kentucky and saw healthy strong young men sitting on their porch drinking beer and/or moonshine while old volunteers like me were making their hovels a bit more livable.

I am safe to say that no slum dweller in Detroit or Milwaukee or Youngstown or Gary or Cleveland or Chicago would move to Montana or North Dakota where companies are begging for workers.

The modern version of the old story about Mohammed and the mountain would be that the if the jobs don't go to where the ;people are, people should go to where the jobs are.
Of course poverty in America is a state of mind. Anyone not aware of that has their head buried deep in sand.
Poverty should only be a temporary state for anyone.

Wouldn't that be great!
Pay fair wages, provide opportunities in impoverished areas, help those who need help

Impoverished areas are impoverished because the people who live there have impoverished will power to move where jobs abound.
Those who need help should make at least a token effort to help themselves.
I know, I been there, done it.
Which country do you live in?

Is Apalachia impoverished because the coal miners did not work hard enough?
Is Detroit impoverished because the people shut down the car factories
Is the Rust Belt failing because the workers stopped working hard?

Haha...you already have your answers...all defeatist lowlifes believe it's someone or something else "holding them back"...weird common denominator huh?
It's so much easier to be and stay a lazy, complacent piece of shit when you can convince yourself that there's just no way it can be your fault....haha
I love this shit...so fascinating!
So if a coal miner just hunkers down and applies himself, all those coal mines will reopen

Haha...you can't be serious?
I'll dumb down and play along.
In the real world trades and professions constantly change and so do / should humans...one must have a minimum level iQ and be able to make appropriate life changes as their trade or profession morphs. Sometimes that means relocating, sometimes it could mean retraining for another profession...etc. Preparation, foresight and iQ can go a long way....EASY-PEAZY!
Poverty is a state of mind. What's the controversy here? There is not a single hard working man or woman that can't pull themselves out of poverty
Of course poverty in America is a state of mind. Anyone not aware of that has their head buried deep in sand.
Poverty should only be a temporary state for anyone.

Wouldn't that be great!
Pay fair wages, provide opportunities in impoverished areas, help those who need help

Impoverished areas are impoverished because the people who live there have impoverished will power to move where jobs abound.
Those who need help should make at least a token effort to help themselves.
I know, I been there, done it.
Which country do you live in?

Is Apalachia impoverished because the coal miners did not work hard enough?
Is Detroit impoverished because the people shut down the car factories
Is the Rust Belt failing because the workers stopped working hard?

Haha...you already have your answers...all defeatist lowlifes believe it's someone or something else "holding them back"...weird common denominator huh?
It's so much easier to be and stay a lazy, complacent piece of shit when you can convince yourself that there's just no way it can be your fault....haha
I love this shit...so fascinating!
So if a coal miner just hunkers down and applies himself, all those coal mines will reopen

The coal mines never had to close in the first place.

Criminals like Gore and Obama and DiCaprio and Streisand and Pelosi and Maher who ride in their limousines, fly in their private planes, live in their 50,000 square foot mansions, spout hate and lies and preach phony morals would rather see an insignificant minnow or an equally insignificant bird survive than an honest hard working family of coal miners.

Coal IS part of Earth and is a gift to mankind to use. The product of burning coal is electricity which the above mentioned criminals use more than their fair share. By product of burning coal is CO2 without which there is no plant life on Earth.
Maybe because of his position as the Secretary of HUD?

Why do we help those in poverty?
Because that is what great democracies do

Help them do what ?
Get education, resources and work opportunity

So you are saying they don't have opportunity ?
I wrote one short sentence with 6 words and that's not even close to what I said. What's wrong with you, can you not understand basic English?

I asked a question.

Was there a problem with that.

The answer is either yes or no.
The answer is obviously no. I'm not staying they don't have opportunity. Everybody has opportunity. Those with money and a better education have better opportunity than those with out. Kids with positive role models have better opportunity than those growing up around gangs and violence.

Efforts to provide better education, resources, and jobs will help increase opportunity for those who need it most
I actually think Carson makes a valid point, the message probably could have been delivered a little better, but there is a big problem with the culture and mindset of our poor that can only be solved by better education, community programs, and positive influences to help them understand that anything is possible. There are many many kids out there that have no concept of what the old fashioned "American Dream" is. It would sure be great to bring that spirit back.

There is an old saying....

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

It makes a lot of sense except....What do you do when there are no more fish in the pond?

Poor communities are poor because economic opportunities have dried up. Not just in ghettos and slums but in rural communities in Appalachia and many farming communities

To imply that the people in these communities are suffering just because they lack "the right stuff" is simplistic and is damaging public policy

You learn to farm. You learn to hunt. You move. You do what you need to do to survive through your labor and industry and you rely on Divine Providence for the rest.
Poor communities are poor because economic opportunities have dried up. Not just in ghettos and slums but in rural communities in Appalachia and many farming communities

As you know, and ignore, Ben Carson, Ph.D. grew up in a ghetto. His mother was 13 and his father 28 when they married. Anyone who doesn't KNOW that poverty is a state of mind is a far left Progressive who looks down on anyone they consider to be beneath themselves.

You respond to a nationwide problem with a sample of ONE solution

Carson is a freak'n smart guy who managed to work his way out
That doesn't mean the other 30 million people in poverty can do the same

He is smart because he worked hard to become smart.

Almost everyone has the capacity to work hard. Almost everyone can learn how yo budget. When you can do that you can obtain wealth
What is Ben Carson doing for those who are in poverty?

Why does anything need to be done FOR people in poverty?

Maybe because of his position as the Secretary of HUD?

Why do we help those in poverty?
Because that is what great democracies do

1) We aren't a democracy.

2) you aren't doing anything by having another person give someone else's money away (after skimming a huge chunk for themselves and their friends of course). And because you expect someone else to do it is precisely why it wont get done.

Nations are great when people don't expect others to do things for them. If you are in a position to help the poor, help them! Give your money. Your time. Share your wisdom (if you have any).

There is a common phrase we use that means something different than it originally did. Mind your own business. People use it to tell people to get out of their life. But that's not how it originated.

Mind your own business means exactly that. You take care of your business. You do your duties. And our neighbor does his duties. We stop expecting others to do what we are to do.

We do that and we will be a great nation again
Very true
But our economy USED to take care of our lower skilled workers. You could support a family on a janitors pay
Now, you need welfare

You will find no argument from me on that.
Corporatism has also found a way to make everything you do - a marketable cost...and to continue to find ways to increase that cost...while lowering their cost...which primarily is YOU.
In 1977 my dad bought a Malibu for just over $4000. My dad was a laborer at the time and earned $11 an hour. So the cost of the car is "worth" about 365 hours to him.
Today that same style of car, let's consider a decent packaged Ford Fusion is about $23,000.
A laborer working at a factory here makes about $18 an hour. Which equals 1277 needed hours to pay for the same style of car.
But WAAAAAAAAAAAAY worse is housing. In 1976 my parents bought a three bedroom home, decent yard etc. for $26,000!!!!!! - Which equals 2363 work hours.
Today that same house, here, cost roughly $130,000....7222 work hours!!!

And that list goes on and on and on and on.
Let's look at the hated minimum wage that conservatives rail about

I started working in the early 70s making a minimum wage of $2.10 an hour
I was able to put myself through college on that wage just working summers
You could buy a new car after six months work
You could buy seven gallons of gas for that car on one hours work

I think this is part of the problem that people seek to solve.

It used to be that you support a house and family as a gas station attendant.

Those types of jobs are gone.

At the same time, if you look at the size of the house people used to live in, compared to today.....nobody is building them.

And cars have so much more crap associated with them (airbags, emmissions controls, everything electric). It used to be that the working class could pretty much care for their cars. Now, they too must rely on mechanics and pay a disproportionate amount of income to pay for repairs.

Kids today drive nicer cars than our parents ever thought of owning.

So, I think that expectations is also an issue.

Or you buy less stuff. live within your means. tiny houses are pretty nice nowadays. Save for what you want instead of credit. If there is a will there is a way
Poverty absolutely is a state of mind. That's why the poor cannot be helped. Very poor people have won millions in the lottery. Most were back to being poor within a year.
I guess being rich takes practice

Very little...it's actually super simple.
It goes something like this....get educated, take pride in achievement and success, work hard....TA-DA...you won't become someone's human pet...and you won't count on me to feed your pathetic ass!
Pick yourself up by your bootstraps, hunker down, work hard and everyone will be rich

You don't need to be rich to have sufficient for what you need.
Carson is right, and he isn't the first to make that statement. Entrepreneurs talk about this stuff all the time. Wealth is a state of mind as well, just as poverty is. Your success in life is created from within first, from your thoughts and imagination and ambitions. And if you don't get that stuff sorted out, you'll never make it out of poverty, if that was what you were born into. People who have achieved wealth think very differently from people who are poor.
What is Ben Carson doing for those who are in poverty?

Why does anything need to be done FOR people in poverty?
Can you name any country that does not have government Support for those in poverty where you would want to live? Neither can I. And that is why things need to be done for the poor.

Unless the individual is incapable of work, why shouldn't they have to work for their welfare benefits? That worked extremely well until petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama changed that requirement.


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