Ben Carsons Stabbing VS Hillary's Benghazi VS Obama Dog Eating. So Which Is The Most Appalling?

How about Hillary's husband visiting his friends sex slave island?
somehow a woman that lacks the courage to stand up for herself will have the courage to stand up for the country.

How? you might ask

fuck if I know, I'm not a leftist, I can't make sense of the senseless, I can't fix stewpud or think stewpud is good and not only can I count I can do math, which it seems, is racist.
:offtopic::omg: So this is all the MSM has on Ben Carson, that maybe he was a little violent as a teen? But what about all those poor dogs that were eaten by Obama and those four Americans who died under Hillary's watch?
So take your pick, which of the three is the most horrid and dreadful?
I really feel sorry for those little doggies!!!:boohoo:

Dog eating?
obama got fed dog as a kid in kenya, he ate it.

Most animals are considered food in most countries, not like they took the family pet to the butcher shop

O'bama was never a "kid in Kenya". But as you yourself noted in a later post, different cultures around the world have different standards of what's fit to eat. Grasshoppers.... sheep's stomach.... I myself have eaten horsemeat when I lived in France. So what? This deliberate conflation of Indonesian alimentary standards with USian ones is just more of the OP's desperate need for attention no matter what level of dishonesty he has to stoop to.

Fuck him and his bullshit.
:offtopic::omg: So this is all the MSM has on Ben Carson, that maybe he was a little violent as a teen? But what about all those poor dogs that were eaten by Obama and those four Americans who died under Hillary's watch?
So take your pick, which of the three is the most horrid and dreadful?
I really feel sorry for those little doggies!!!:boohoo:

Dog eating?
obama got fed dog as a kid in kenya, he ate it.

Most animals are considered food in most countries, not like they took the family pet to the butcher shop

O'bama was never a "kid in Kenya". But as you yourself noted in a later post, different cultures around the world have different standards of what's fit to eat. Grasshoppers.... sheep's stomach.... I myself have eaten horsemeat when I lived in France. So what? This deliberate conflation of Indonesian alimentary standards with USian ones is just more of the OP's desperate need for attention no matter what level of dishonesty he has to stoop to.

Fuck him and his bullshit.

Dog meat is bad man. I have veerd away from the board on a mega moment to try to end this.

It's a bad deal Pogo.
:offtopic::omg: So this is all the MSM has on Ben Carson, that maybe he was a little violent as a teen? But what about all those poor dogs that were eaten by Obama and those four Americans who died under Hillary's watch?
So take your pick, which of the three is the most horrid and dreadful?
I really feel sorry for those little doggies!!!:boohoo:

Dog eating?
obama got fed dog as a kid in kenya, he ate it.

Most animals are considered food in most countries, not like they took the family pet to the butcher shop

O'bama was never a "kid in Kenya". But as you yourself noted in a later post, different cultures around the world have different standards of what's fit to eat. Grasshoppers.... sheep's stomach.... I myself have eaten horsemeat when I lived in France. So what? This deliberate conflation of Indonesian alimentary standards with USian ones is just more of the OP's desperate need for attention no matter what level of dishonesty he has to stoop to.

Fuck him and his bullshit.

Dog meat is bad man. I have veerd away from the board on a mega moment to try to end this.

It's a bad deal Pogo.

I wouldn't know, never had it and wouldn't want it. I'm just saying for the OP to judge the cultural practices of Indonesia by the cultural standards of here is dishonest.

Which it plainly is.
Did the OP characterize an attempted stabbing as "a little violent"?

Holy fuck, thread fail
i just cannot fathom anyone killing a dog, then making steaks out of him.
It's not Ol' yeller from down on the farm

It's another herd animal, like a goat.

don't get me wrong, not gunna go out and get me some slow roasted pooches, ever.

but much of the world doesn't have access to food like we do.

It's considered a delicacy. It's not for lack of food.
:offtopic::omg: So this is all the MSM has on Ben Carson, that maybe he was a little violent as a teen? But what about all those poor dogs that were eaten by Obama and those four Americans who died under Hillary's watch?
So take your pick, which of the three is the most horrid and dreadful?
I really feel sorry for those little doggies!!!:boohoo:

Dog eating?
obama got fed dog as a kid in kenya, he ate it.

Most animals are considered food in most countries, not like they took the family pet to the butcher shop

O'bama was never a "kid in Kenya". But as you yourself noted in a later post, different cultures around the world have different standards of what's fit to eat. Grasshoppers.... sheep's stomach.... I myself have eaten horsemeat when I lived in France. So what? This deliberate conflation of Indonesian alimentary standards with USian ones is just more of the OP's desperate need for attention no matter what level of dishonesty he has to stoop to.

Fuck him and his bullshit.

Obama ate black market dog. Not his fault. Step dad. And by the way to be able to eat dog was considered high end ok? His step dad worked in the government as a liason between an oil company and the government.

But back to eating dog. This is not because anyone is lacking food. This is a cultural thing. With several castes of dogs to eat.
I thought Obama really ate a dog at least once, so that was not a lie

That's not where the dishonesty is. It's in the OP's pretense that it took place in THIS culture as opposed to a completely different culture.

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