WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama

guys like Carson and Cain scare the crap out of libtards. "a conservative black man? Impossible, he must be an uncle tom"

the truth is that the black community is waking up to the reality that liberals and democrats have failed them miserably.

Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

He had my support.
guys like Carson and Cain scare the crap out of libtards. "a conservative black man? Impossible, he must be an uncle tom"

the truth is that the black community is waking up to the reality that liberals and democrats have failed them miserably.

Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

He had my support.

Thank you for your support


Tell them Herman sent you and whisper <9-9-9>
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You wouldn't think someone who constantly criticizes Republicans and calls border security supporters 'enemies' would be easily offended. Carson didn't attack Obama personally or level insults directly at him. Carson disagreed with Obama and doesn't support his politics. In liberal land, that is the same as offending someone, which is considered a sin that requires an apology.

Carson says that the President was cordial after he finished his remarks, and even approached to shake his hand and thank the Dr. for his participation. We suppose it's possible that this was some kind of overreaction from a staffer. To be honest, though, it doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like Obama was furious that Carson had the audacity to show him up. He probably held it together until he was away from the cameras and then he unleashed "President stampy feet" on his aides. They, in turn, set about securing an apology to appease their tetchy leader.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either the President was furious and demanded an apology, or his staffers just assumed he needed one to feel better about himself. Both scenarios paint a picture of a little man who's incapable of taking the heat he loves to dish out on a daily basis.

WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama
Politics: The White House wanted Dr. Ben Carson to call Obama and 'apologize for offending him' | Best of Cain

Well, I am offended that Obama has lied to us so many times. I am offended that there are new taxes on those of us making less than $250,000. I am offended that my health care choices were taken away. I am offended that there is no border security in our southern states and that states will get sued if they try to pick up the slack from the federal government. I am offended that no effort was made to help the people in Benghazi. I am offended that the IRS targeted people and turned the Dallas office into an Obama campaign headquarters. I am offended that billions are sent overseas or loaned to shady solar companies. I am offended that Reid is abusing his power to seize land for his cronies. I am offended by Pelosi and the list there is too long to put here. I am offended that Holder lies to investigators and acts as if he and the administration are above the law. Obama unilaterally changed the health care law. Congress is exempt from the crap they impose on us and that is most offensive of all.

Where is our apology for everything they've done to us?
Obamaturd needs to apologize to America for being so offensive.
You wouldn't think someone who constantly criticizes Republicans and calls border security supporters 'enemies' would be easily offended. Carson didn't attack Obama personally or level insults directly at him. Carson disagreed with Obama and doesn't support his politics. In liberal land, that is the same as offending someone, which is considered a sin that requires an apology.

Carson says that the President was cordial after he finished his remarks, and even approached to shake his hand and thank the Dr. for his participation. We suppose it's possible that this was some kind of overreaction from a staffer. To be honest, though, it doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like Obama was furious that Carson had the audacity to show him up. He probably held it together until he was away from the cameras and then he unleashed "President stampy feet" on his aides. They, in turn, set about securing an apology to appease their tetchy leader.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either the President was furious and demanded an apology, or his staffers just assumed he needed one to feel better about himself. Both scenarios paint a picture of a little man who's incapable of taking the heat he loves to dish out on a daily basis.

WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama
Politics: The White House wanted Dr. Ben Carson to call Obama and 'apologize for offending him' | Best of Cain

Well, I am offended that Obama has lied to us so many times. I am offended that there are new taxes on those of us making less than $250,000. I am offended that my health care choices were taken away. I am offended that there is no border security in our southern states and that states will get sued if they try to pick up the slack from the federal government. I am offended that no effort was made to help the people in Benghazi. I am offended that the IRS targeted people and turned the Dallas office into an Obama campaign headquarters. I am offended that billions are sent overseas or loaned to shady solar companies. I am offended that Reid is abusing his power to seize land for his cronies. I am offended by Pelosi and the list there is too long to put here. I am offended that Holder lies to investigators and acts as if he and the administration are above the law. Obama unilaterally changed the health care law. Congress is exempt from the crap they impose on us and that is most offensive of all.

Where is our apology for everything they've done to us?

Neat an opinion piece where the author decide what happened.
How boring.
guys like Carson and Cain scare the crap out of libtards. "a conservative black man? Impossible, he must be an uncle tom"

the truth is that the black community is waking up to the reality that liberals and democrats have failed them miserably.

Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

He had my support.

He had my full support also. Too bad what the liberal left did to him.
I only hope that if an apology is given the good Doctor delivers it via a colonoscopy.

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