Ben Carson’s Winning GOP Debate Strategy: Flat Out Lying About Mannatech

Well, if you admit that Carson is light years ahead of Hillary in intelligence
I don't think he's intelligent at all.

I certain he wouldn't think you were intelligent either.
How can someone like Carson who's not intelligent possibly judge whether someone else was intelligent. Please make more sense in the future. This is your first warning.

What's your occupation? Brain surgeon? If it is, work on your own.
Carson didn't lie and this is not going to hurt him.
Well, if all the other shit hasn't hurt him, what's one more participation in a pyramid scheme? His supporters probably have pantries full of Amway stuff anyways. :D

But he is leading your chronic liar in some polls and has you all worried to death.
Actually, I don't care one way or the other. They're all incompetent in my book, so it really doesn't make any difference who gets elected. And when it comes to governments, I lean to the right mostly, for smaller governments.
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4000 in Iraq that HIllary voted to go to war for.
She didn't vote for Republicans to fuck it up and totally shit the bed.

They did that on their own, with your full support.
Actually, it was a success and the biased media gave everyone the false impression it wasn't. So Obozo pulled out and everything went to shit.

You only have yourself to blame for it. You still support a corrupt political party that is filled with grabasstic bullshit artists that need a corrupt media to keep from being exposed.
All this outrage from the folks pan-handling alternative meds and homeopathic cures. You know what a homeopathic compound is ? NOTHING... That's what it is.

Carson never violated medical ethics. Never promoted it as a cure for anything. May not do more for the metabolism of a cancer patient than a Red Bull, but if it works for YOU --- you buy it. His image was UNKNOWN when he was promoting the product. He's not leveraging fame. Doctors have suggested weirder elixirs like straight bourbon and 50 years ago were peddling cigarettes.. This pales in comparison. Have a nice fight about it..

The following is from Opinion 5.015 of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics;

Physicians must remain vigilant to assure that direct-to-consumer advertising does not promote false expectations. Physicians should be concerned about advertisements that do not enhance consumer education; do not convey a clear, accurate, and responsible health education message; do not refer patients to their physicians for more information; do not identify the target population at risk; and fail to discourage consumer self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Physicians may choose to report these concerns directly to the pharmaceutical company that sponsored the advertisement.

To assist the FDA in enforcing existing law and tracking the effects of direct-to-consumer advertising, physicians should, whenever reasonably possible, report to them advertisements that (1) do not provide a fair and balanced discussion of the use of the drug product for the disease, disorder, or condition; (2) do not clearly explain warnings, precautions, and potential adverse reactions associated with the drug product; (3) do not present summary information in language that can be understood by the consumer; (4) do not comply with applicable FDA rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines as provided by the FDA; or (5) do not provide collateral materials to educate both physicians and consumers.

I don't think Carson's actions on behalf of Mannatech were in accord with the spirit, if not the letter, of the American Medical Associations code of ethics.

You're gonna have to find the "false expectations" part of this for me. I didn't see it.. This was NEVER about diagnosis or cure. It was about "supplements" that support general health and energy WHILE a patient is slowly being killed by their oncologist..

Look -- MANY top cancer treatment centers put a "nutrition and supplements" person on each patient team. It's recognized to be the part of treatment that's IMPORTANT and ignored by the primary doctors. Folks pushing this concept even 20 years were labeled as quacks and frauds. BECAUSE the core medical disciplines were ignoring it. They STILL resist the concept because they really don't care about any side-effects of their treatments that just make you feel useless, lifeless, and uncomfortable. Those aren't their concern or their training.
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Threads are not "free for alls". They are supposed to contain different discussions
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people who voted for "change!" and got record welfare and food stamps, and race relations set back decades, are in no way qualified to speak on the qualifications, or lack of them, in others

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And people who voted for GW Bush voted for a liar who started a mass killing in Iraq over lies and bullshit.
No....the lies were what the media was forcing down our throats.

I think it's clear their only job is to spread the Democrats propaganda and to do opposition research for they don't have to pay anyone to do it.
Seems that this is Liar Bens most brazen lie. Why hasn't it gotten more attention?
people who voted for "change!" and got record welfare and food stamps, and race relations set back decades, are in no way qualified to speak on the qualifications, or lack of them, in others

libs are losers who lie to themselves
And people who voted for GW Bush voted for a liar who started a mass killing in Iraq over lies and bullshit.
No....the lies were what the media was forcing down our throats.

I think it's clear their only job is to spread the Democrats propaganda and to do opposition research for they don't have to pay anyone to do it.
So what truths were used to invade Iraq? WMD? Nope, none found. Link to 9/11? Nope, no link to Iraq. So what is it? Anything? :dunno:
Ben Carson isn't running for president. He's gathering mass amounts of names/supporters to monetize later.

69% of the money he takes in goes toward more fundraising. By contrast, Bernie Sanders rate is 4%.
Ben Carson isn't running for president. He's gathering mass amounts of names/supporters to monetize later.

69% of the money he takes in goes toward more fundraising. By contrast, Bernie Sanders rate is 4%.
"Ben Carson’s Winning GOP Debate Strategy: Flat Out Lying About Mannatech"

Along with most everything else...
Just a few of Obama's lies
252 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s Lying, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, etc.

Hillary Clintons lies

The Top 7 Hillary Clinton Lies That The Liberal Media's Tried To Hide...
Hillary Clinton's Transparent Lies
and again
Hillary Clinton’s Laundry List of Lies

Why do you give Democrats a pass when they lie

Oh, so he's a moron AND a fucking liar!

Ben Carson’s Winning GOP Debate Strategy: Flat Out Lying About Mannatech

The question was about Carson’s 10-year involvement with a sketchy multilevel marketing firm called Mannatech. As Quintanilla noted, Mannatech has faced scrutiny over its claims that its vitamins could cure everything from autism to cancer, and it paid $7 million to settle deceptive advertising charges brought by the Texas attorney general. Slate’s Helaine Olen has also explained how companies like Mannatech prey on thepoor, desperate, and gullible by promising riches if they enroll as direct-sales associates hawking the company’s products. Quintanilla asked Carson a simple question: Why would he continue to be involved with such a company?

Carson’s answer started out equally simple. And then it got complicated. And then he tried to make it simple again. And he was fibbing pretty much the entire time.

“That’s easy to answer,” said the candidate, who has recently emerged as the leading Republican candidate for president. “I didn’t have any involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society: total propaganda.”

Got that? Zero involvement. Total propaganda.

Oh sure, Carson hedged, “I did a couple speeches for them. … They were paid speeches.” But! “It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of a relationship with them.”

In fact, the Wall Street Journal has cataloged Carson’s relationship with Mannatech in detail, and you can watch a video of him endorsing the company's products right here:

Oh, so he's a moron AND a fucking liar!

Ben Carson’s Winning GOP Debate Strategy: Flat Out Lying About Mannatech

The question was about Carson’s 10-year involvement with a sketchy multilevel marketing firm called Mannatech. As Quintanilla noted, Mannatech has faced scrutiny over its claims that its vitamins could cure everything from autism to cancer, and it paid $7 million to settle deceptive advertising charges brought by the Texas attorney general. Slate’s Helaine Olen has also explained how companies like Mannatech prey on thepoor, desperate, and gullible by promising riches if they enroll as direct-sales associates hawking the company’s products. Quintanilla asked Carson a simple question: Why would he continue to be involved with such a company?

Carson’s answer started out equally simple. And then it got complicated. And then he tried to make it simple again. And he was fibbing pretty much the entire time.

“That’s easy to answer,” said the candidate, who has recently emerged as the leading Republican candidate for president. “I didn’t have any involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society: total propaganda.”

Got that? Zero involvement. Total propaganda.

Oh sure, Carson hedged, “I did a couple speeches for them. … They were paid speeches.” But! “It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of a relationship with them.”

In fact, the Wall Street Journal has cataloged Carson’s relationship with Mannatech in detail, and you can watch a video of him endorsing the company's products right here:

So you are opposed to people who lie? Or only Republicans>
Given the fact he has a business manager, it is possible that Ben Carson does not know the full relationship between hi and Mannatech.

However, there is a statement he made for Mannatech that could make him liable to lawsuits.

"There was no contract between Carson and Mannatech for anything, let alone this 2014 PBS program. The program was, however, sponsored by the Platinum Group, a distributor of Mannatech products.

The contract which Armstrong referred to was not a signed document, but a verbal agreement between the producer of the program, Richard Taylor, and Dr. Carson. The details of this verbal agreement were, as Williams states, negotiated by him with Taylor on Carson’s behalf."

The Facts About Dr. Ben Carson and Mannatech - Breitbart

How can you define, making payed speeches, making supportive commercials, or taking the product as a miracle drug be defined as anything other than "involvement."

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