Ben Shapiro: Agree with him or disagree with him...

This is what personal integrity looks like... We all screw up, but owning the mistakes is something not all can do...

Ben Shapiro: Conservative pundit admits he was 'destroyed' in interview he cut short
the left has a huge problem with that
A man admits when hes wrong or made a mistake

its been present in left wing euros for a long time especially the "intellectual" type its just a wider audience on the left in America practices it now... they never own up
The last line says it all; what do American interviewers do?
If they’re mainstream, they only interview lefties and help them push the left narrative. If the interviewee is right wing, they go gotcha questions the whole way.
After taping the interview but before it aired, Shapiro said he had apologized to Neil. "As I'm not familiar with him or his work, I misinterpreted his antagonism as political Leftism ... that was apparently inaccurate. For that, I apologize," he said.

That's an example of the binary nature of our thought right now, and we all do it to some degree. It's magnified when it's an interview, because the subject's guard is up, and so they'll bring their fists up right away, too.

That should be a cautionary tale for anyone. Refreshing that someone would admit he made a mistake. That's still allowed?
I have never been much impressed with people using social media to 'apologize'. Anyone could type that apology/admission - the person in question, a friend, his lawyer, his agent, his publicist...anyone.

I respect people who recognize they messed up IMMEDIATELY...FAR LESS if it is hours/days later. And it's especially unimpressive for a guy as smart as Shapiro is supposed to be.
And storming out like a baby just shows what a wimp he can be.

Shapiro is supposed to be a genius and some of his stands I agree with. But he has also come across to me as an arrogant, condescending prick. And this whole episode does nothing but strengthen that impression of him. Plus, now we know he is thin-skinned...I have NEVER respected that.

It's good he owned up to it...but the fact he did it later on twitter makes it far less cool in my book.
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I dislike him as he is a stuck up know it all.

Shapiro is himself "an opinion journalist."

By the way that would be the way he would treat the left aka Democrats and he would not apologize.

"I'm popular, and no one has ever heard of you."
Ben is a class act. The fact that Penelope the Jew hating shrew doesn’t like him, makes me like him that much more.
Ben is a class act. The fact that Penelope the Jew hating shrew doesn’t like him, makes me like him that much more.

The first thing you do is look up the person who is interviewing you, and Shapiro if he is intelligent would of done so.

He showed his make believe privilege aka "I'm better than you". You are a Jew so of course you like him, Jews stick together.
Ben is a class act. The fact that Penelope the Jew hating shrew doesn’t like him, makes me like him that much more.

The first thing you do is look up the person who is interviewing you, and Shapiro if he is intelligent would of done so.

He showed his make believe privilege aka "I'm better than you". You are a Jew so of course you like him, Jews stick together.

Mistakes happen. Jews do stick together. Hence we rule the world and shrews like you whine about.
Ben is a class act. The fact that Penelope the Jew hating shrew doesn’t like him, makes me like him that much more.

The first thing you do is look up the person who is interviewing you, and Shapiro if he is intelligent would of done so.

He showed his make believe privilege aka "I'm better than you". You are a Jew so of course you like him, Jews stick together.

Mistakes happen. Jews do stick together. Hence we rule the world and shrews like you whine about.

You heard it hear, Jew rule the world, from a jew.
Ben is a class act. The fact that Penelope the Jew hating shrew doesn’t like him, makes me like him that much more.

The first thing you do is look up the person who is interviewing you, and Shapiro if he is intelligent would of done so.

He showed his make believe privilege aka "I'm better than you". You are a Jew so of course you like him, Jews stick together.

Mistakes happen. Jews do stick together. Hence we rule the world and shrews like you whine about.

You heard it hear, Jew rule the world, from a jew.

Correct and I own a lot of real estate in that empty head of yours. What are you going to do about it?
Shapiro simply lost his cool by letting the BBC troll get under his skin. He went back years and cherry picked single sentences to attack. It was obvious he was annoyed.
Shapiro simply lost his cool by letting the BBC troll get under his skin. He went back years and cherry picked single sentences to attack. It was obvious he was annoyed.
Shapiro wrote a book on Judeo Christian Values and the interview was about that. Did you even listen to it? Honestly, did you hear the interview before making that post?
Shapiro wrote a book on Judeo Christian Values and the interview was about that. Did you even listen to it? Honestly, did you hear the interview before making that post?
Yes, of course. I saw the interview yesterday on You Tube. The interview covered many issues.
I honestly don't know why you seem so triggered by my post. Take an aspirin.
Shapiro wrote a book on Judeo Christian Values and the interview was about that. Did you even listen to it? Honestly, did you hear the interview before making that post?
Yes, of course. I saw the interview yesterday on You Tube. The interview covered many issues.
I honestly don't know why you seem so triggered by my post. Take an aspirin.
I’m not triggered at all. It just read like something written by somebody who had not listened to the interview as the interviewer was on point with the topics expressed in Shapiros new book.
I’m not triggered at all. It just read like something written by somebody who had not listened to the interview as the interviewer was on point with the topics expressed in Shapiros new book.
I did watch and listen to the interview. The interviewer was obviously trying for his gotcha moment and some of his
questions were on point and some weren't.
For Instance Andrew Neil said that pro lifers in America wanted to take the country "back to the dark ages".

That's not journalism. That's an advocate trying his best to embarrass Ben Shapiro. I don't see what you are getting at.

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