Ben Shapiro: Agree with him or disagree with him...

How are you tying that interview to Trump? Please connect the dots
I would have to see a transcript of the interview. I know Neil was very interested in dissecting Shapiro's support for Trump.

Neil starts the interview by asking Sharpiro about a tweet made years earlier where Ben said
Palestinians seem to like to bomb things and live in crap.
That was the very start of things. It went downhill from there. Neil was out to get Shapiro.
That's a fact.
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Yeah....he got owned by a UK conservative and he ranted and raved and walked out....and THEN he researched the guy......good prep there, Ben. :71:
Ben 'BS' Shapiro got his ass handed to him by...himself.

You know a hack when their response to something, anything depends on who they PERCEIVE it's coming from.

When the BBC guy stated that if he knew how stupid that statement was, of calling him a leftist, he wouldn't have made it, he didn't realize how true it was.

Even this BS apology would have never happened had someone not taken BS to the woodshed and say "you know, that guy who just interviewed you, he's the Rush Limbaugh of Britain you know, you better say sorry."

BS is a whiny, little, bitch. Plain and simple.
Did you actually read my last post on the matter? If you did then you know why I say Neil acted as a political advocate and not as an impartial truth seeker.

Please don't try and turn Shapiro's personal mea culpa into an exoneration of BBC hack Andrew Neil. That would be disingenuous or at the very least, ignorant.
How much is BS and/or his handlers paying you for this hack?

He is a conservative is he not?
Why do you say that? Because HE calls himself that?
I say that because of his past positions working for Britain’s conservative party and The Spectrum, a conservative publication. Also Shapiro apologized for calling him a Leftist after he realized the guys resume.

Now what’s your opinion on the matter?
Never heard of the guy, and I bet you hadn't either.

There are also different types of "conservatives."

Never Trumper conservatives (Swamp Republicans) are the most antagonistic, and I dont consider these real conservatives. He seems to be of that ilk.

As I said, his whole approach was VERY antagonistic. Shapiro was right about him the first time.
If he was right about him the first time then why did he issue an apology? You’re an idiot, give up right now
How are you tying that interview to Trump? Please connect the dots
I would have to see a transcript of the interview. I know Neil was very interested in dissecting Shapiro's support for Trump.

Neil starts the interview by asking Sharpiro about a tweet made years earlier where Ben said
Palestinians seem to like to bomb things and live in crap.
That was the very start of things. It went downhill from there. Neil was out to get Shapiro.
That's a fact.
Yeah dumbass, because Shapiro just wrote a book about the subject. Where do you lame brains come from?! You just embarrass yourself with these idiotic claims. Go to sleep
Yeah dumbass, because Shapiro just wrote a book about the subject. Where do you lame brains come from?! You just embarrass yourself with these idiotic claims. Go to sleep
What subject? How to survive a neo-con sneak attack? Your sudden hostility without reason identifies you as a shitbag
leftist. You have very low standards as a human being. Or as a dog, for that matter.
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Yeah dumbass, because Shapiro just wrote a book about the subject. Where do you lame brains come from?! You just embarrass yourself with these idiotic claims. Go to sleep
What subject? How to survive a neo-con sneak attack? Your sudden hostility without reason identifies you as a shitbag
leftist. You have very low standards as a human being. Or as a dog, for that matter.
Haha, and so quickly they fall. You realize you did exactly what you were just accusing me of doing, right? That’s the problem with the hypocrite puppets out there and why Trump is having such a dangerous effect on this country. He pits everything in an “us vs them” game so the details cease to matter. If somebody doesn’t fall in line then they are the enemy. If somebody is critical or questioning then they are the enemy. Grow up.
Haha, and so quickly they fall. You realize you did exactly what you were just accusing me of doing, right? That’s the problem with the hypocrite puppets out there and why Trump is having such a dangerous effect on this country. He pits everything in an “us vs them” game so the details cease to matter. If somebody doesn’t fall in line then they are the enemy. If somebody is critical or questioning then they are the enemy. Grow up
You insulted me. I responded. I'm not sure what you think happened.
Haha, and so quickly they fall. You realize you did exactly what you were just accusing me of doing, right? That’s the problem with the hypocrite puppets out there and why Trump is having such a dangerous effect on this country. He pits everything in an “us vs them” game so the details cease to matter. If somebody doesn’t fall in line then they are the enemy. If somebody is critical or questioning then they are the enemy. Grow up
You insulted me. I responded. I'm not sure what you think happened.
I think you tried to insult me for insulting you making you just as bad as the thing you were trying to insult and thus you were a hypocrite

I got nothing personal against you, I just think you are being played and not giving topics an honest chance of debate because of your team loyalty. It’s making you blind, open your eyes
I think you tried to insult me for insulting you making you just as bad as the thing you were trying to insult and thus you were a hypocrite
Such convoluted nonsense.
Unless and until you actually see the Neil-Shapiro exchange I'm not exactly sure what it is you think you are criticizing.
If you just detest Shapiro, as I suspect, and therefor aren't willing to give Andrew Neil any culpability at all in this testy exchange then I don't see how your opinion carries much weight here.
You seem alternately reasonable and then irrational and cranky.

I got nothing personal against you, I just think you are being played and not giving topics an honest chance of debate because of your team loyalty. It’s making you blind, open your eyes
That's a very ironic position to take because
from the start you've been unwilling to look at this dust up without your own biased tinted glasses.

Yes. I plainly think Ben Shapiro is a bright and rational thinker who takes a moral stance with a conservative tinge to everything.
That excuses or changes nothing that BBC hack Andrew Neil did and don't think you aren't
behind your team as well.
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I think you tried to insult me for insulting you making you just as bad as the thing you were trying to insult and thus you were a hypocrite
Such convoluted nonsense.
Unless and until you actually see the Neil-Shapiro exchange I'm not exactly sure what it is you think you are criticizing.
If you just detest Shapiro, as I suspect, and therefor aren't willing to give Andrew Neil any culpability at all in this testy exchange then I don't see how your opinion carries much weight here.
You seem alternately reasonable and then irrational and cranky.

I got nothing personal against you, I just think you are being played and not giving topics an honest chance of debate because of your team loyalty. It’s making you blind, open your eyes
That's a very ironic position to take because
from the start you've been unwilling to look at this dust up without your own biased tinted glasses.

Yes. I plainly think Ben Shapiro is a bright and rational thinker who takes a moral stance with a conservative tinge to everything.
That excuses or changes nothing that BBC hack Andrew Neil did and don't think you aren't
behind your team as well.
Look at my first post on page one of this thread. I complimented Shapiro and said I’ve always thought he was a sharp guy. I listen to his post cast and respect many of his ideas and arguments.

This interview was not one of his finer moments. It’s obvious and he knew it as evidenced by his apology

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