Ben Shapiro Destroys Socialism


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The gay brown colored lispy asshole quips in his gay affectations about the "tolerant right" for laughing, suggesting the right are intolerant.

No folks, as I say everyday, the left have zero control over their own hypocrisy. None.....

Yet, Government solves all problems for the right wing, and they refuse to pay for it; adding it instead to the Debt of the People as that form of redistribution.

A wall, our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror must be a worthless waste of efficient use of resources.
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.

But he is not a moderate. His views are extremely conservative: Transgenderism is a mental illness, as per the encyclopedia of mental disorders before 2013. Yes, blacks have been historically discriminated against. No, institutions are not broadly discriminating against them today. The rich pay too much tax. Abortion should be illegal. Social Security ought to be privatized and Obamacare repealed.
Ben Shapiro, a Provocative ‘Gladiator,’ Battles to Win Young Conservatives
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Instead of attacking socialism you should concentrate on saving capitalism from itself.
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.
Raising the minimum wage to raise tax revenue is more cost effective.
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.
Raising the minimum wage to raise tax revenue is more cost effective.

It called Inflation to do that, the poor get poorer.
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.
Raising the minimum wage to raise tax revenue is more cost effective.

It called Inflation to do that, the poor get poorer.
we already have an oversupply problem. improving efficiency can only improve our processes.
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.
Raising the minimum wage to raise tax revenue is more cost effective.

It called Inflation to do that, the poor get poorer.
we already have an oversupply problem. improving efficiency can only improve our processes.

Raising the min wage is going to hurt seniors who are on fixed incomes and also the disabled. Keep raising the min wage is not the answer.

Look at the gov workers out of work now since the shutdown, they make good money and have lots of bennies, yet they live paycheck to paycheck, a lot of them. There is no job security or health/accident security, and what ever happened to have 6 months of living expenses to carry one over.

They will get backpay and most of them live above their means or they would have a 6 month savings.

There is not such thing as security.
Shapiro's a critic of Obama and the Alt-Right, wants to privatize Social Security, criminalize abortion, repeal the ACA, and expel all non-Jews from Israel.

What's not to like?

Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia

"In 2006, Shapiro called for sedition laws to be reinstated.

"He cited speeches critical of the Bush administration by Democrats Al Gore, John Kerry and Howard Dean as 'disloyal' and seditious.[42][43]

"Shapiro later described President Barack Obama as a 'philosophical fascist'.[40]

"In September 2017, during an interview with Dan Harris of ABC's Nightline,Shapiro strongly criticized the alt-right movement, stating, 'It is a garbage movement composed of garbage ideas. It has nothing to do with Constitutional Conservatism'.[44]

"Shapiro has called for lowering taxes on the very wealthy.[8]

"He has also backed privatizing social security, criminalizing abortion, and repealing the Affordable Care Act.[8]

"Shapiro has acknowledged that climate change is occurring, but questioned 'what percentage of global warming is attributable to human activity'".
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.

But he is not a moderate. His views are extremely conservative: Transgenderism is a mental illness, as per the encyclopedia of mental disorders before 2013. Yes, blacks have been historically discriminated against. No, institutions are not broadly discriminating against them today. The rich pay too much tax. Abortion should be illegal. Social Security ought to be privatized and Obamacare repealed.
Ben Shapiro, a Provocative ‘Gladiator,’ Battles to Win Young Conservatives
Do you notice we get the same non progressive socialist names which adds up to several. Cable TV is 95% progressive socialist. It is pure propaganda. It is Saul Alinsky "rules for radicals" enhanced. Just Morning Joe has the same amount of people on the dais that are of the same in nubers you mentioned. Many Repubs are not all agreed to all issues. But progressive socialists are mouthing the words from the "pravda" transcript. Vladimir Putin must look at this and laugh. The Soviet people were never this indoctrinated. And they all write books.
Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.

But he is not a moderate. His views are extremely conservative: Transgenderism is a mental illness, as per the encyclopedia of mental disorders before 2013. Yes, blacks have been historically discriminated against. No, institutions are not broadly discriminating against them today. The rich pay too much tax. Abortion should be illegal. Social Security ought to be privatized and Obamacare repealed.
Ben Shapiro, a Provocative ‘Gladiator,’ Battles to Win Young Conservatives
Why do you advocate the continued legal and illegal importation of Brown Slaves to pick your crops?
Just due to fact he is a zealot, bigot and probably racist.
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Ben Shapiro is a far right hack. His opinion means squat to me. Nothing wrong with raisning the top bracket to 70%, like it was in 1980. The elites made lots of money off the back of workers.

I love these people who never frickin worked telling us how they work and how valuable their speeches are and their books, he is just another Coulter, Rush, Hannity, Ingraham, making money off their opinions.

He is useless.
Raising the minimum wage to raise tax revenue is more cost effective.

It called Inflation to do that, the poor get poorer.
we already have an oversupply problem. improving efficiency can only improve our processes.

Raising the min wage is going to hurt seniors who are on fixed incomes and also the disabled. Keep raising the min wage is not the answer.

Look at the gov workers out of work now since the shutdown, they make good money and have lots of bennies, yet they live paycheck to paycheck, a lot of them. There is no job security or health/accident security, and what ever happened to have 6 months of living expenses to carry one over.

They will get backpay and most of them live above their means or they would have a 6 month savings.

There is not such thing as security.
many social services are indexed to the minimum wage. a first world Costs. raising the minimum wage also raises more tax revenue and creates more demand.
I have no problem with Republicans destroying socialistic schools in their areas. We need more white ditchdiggers. Besides it fits with their policy of hate education.
I have no problem with Republicans destroying socialistic schools in their areas. We need more white ditchdiggers. Besides it fits with their policy of hate education.
I went to black Boston public schools democrats destroyed the education system here and it looks like it’s nation wide. Especially when you see blacks protests people they are voting for lol

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