Benefits of Homosexuality

gay folks tend to be better off financially than average, they tip me well for my music and buy my sculpture at the price i ask. every time one has hit on me for sex and i politely declined the invitation, they politely backed off.

so who am i to criticise them for their sexual behavior? nobody.

that's their business and if the self-righteous bible-thumping homophobes would actually read and act on the scripture they use to trash everybody else, they would not cast judgement or stones.
gay folks tend to be better off financially than average, they tip me well for my music and buy my sculpture at the price i ask. every time one has hit on me for sex and i politely declined the invitation, they politely backed off.

so who am i to criticise them for their sexual behavior? nobody.

that's their business and if the self-righteous bible-thumping homophobes would actually read and act on the scripture they use to trash everybody else, they would not cast judgement or stones.

That is true. All my GLBT friends can buy and sell me. I suppose there must be poor GLBT folks somewhere, but off-hand no one comes to mind.

And outside of prison, I have NEVER heard of an incidence of rape where the attacker was a GLBT person. Most same-sex rapes in prison are perpetrated by people who claim they are straight when not confined.
i don't think she meant it in the context you imply.

gay people as a population tend to have a significantly higher per capita income than other cultural or ethnic statistical groupings. and no, i don't have a link for that but if it's important enough i can probably find something.

and madeline is probably also correct in stating that homosexuals are not involved in rape nearly as much as straights, if at all.
It's "insane" the way some people emphasize it, though.

And I believe in adoption, based on my own personal experiences.

You have to understand that the desire to reproduce is instinctual in nature. People go to extraordinary measures to insure the survival of their genes. This does not make them insane.

It makes them selfish, not insane. Personally, I have no desire to reproduce but I'm only 28 so I may change my mind.... although I doubt it.

I too would happily adopt a child - not a baby - if I felt the need to have a kid. I have great family members who would not be family members if they hadn't been adopted into it. I wish more people would consider it as an option.

So you're saying that couples who choose to have children that are a combination of both parent's genes are being selfish.....just because they won't adopt? What about those selfish people who chose to have children but gave them up for adoption? I suppose they are now.... saints?
All my GLBT friends can buy and sell me.
Well, if you're into that sort of thing

Te he.


JB, you have a new avatar. I did not realize at first twas your post. Seems I unfairly blasted you for gay bashing you never did. Since I did THAT in public, lemme apologize for it here as well.

I'm sorry. I wasn't careful enough in looking at what you posted (one emote) and misunderstood. I was wrong.
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i don't think she meant it in the context you imply.

gay people as a population tend to have a significantly higher per capita income than other cultural or ethnic statistical groupings. and no, i don't have a link for that but if it's important enough i can probably find something.

and madeline is probably also correct in stating that homosexuals are not involved in rape nearly as much as straights, if at all.

God, I love reading "madeline is probably correct..."

Doesn't even matter what follows that thought, tommywho.

i don't think she meant it in the context you imply.

gay people as a population tend to have a significantly higher per capita income than other cultural or ethnic statistical groupings. and no, i don't have a link for that but if it's important enough i can probably find something.

and madeline is probably also correct in stating that homosexuals are not involved in rape nearly as much as straights, if at all.

God, I love reading "madeline is probably correct..."

Doesn't even matter what follows that thought, tommywho.


i'm so glad to be able to make you feel good.

can i talk dirty to you too?

wanna go on a cruise? i can get a couple of tickets just for going to some condo complex and listening to a pitch for time share. i haven't done it yet because i didn't know anybody free to go.
i don't think she meant it in the context you imply.

gay people as a population tend to have a significantly higher per capita income than other cultural or ethnic statistical groupings. and no, i don't have a link for that but if it's important enough i can probably find something.

and madeline is probably also correct in stating that homosexuals are not involved in rape nearly as much as straights, if at all.

God, I love reading "madeline is probably correct..."

Doesn't even matter what follows that thought, tommywho.


i'm so glad to be able to make you feel good.

can i talk dirty to you too?

wanna go on a cruise? i can get a couple of tickets just for going to some condo complex and listening to a pitch for time share. i haven't done it yet because i didn't know anybody free to go.

Sure. Where to? I hear there'll be some oil.

I can probably sit through any sort of pitch for a chance to see the ocean again.

What can they do to ya for cutting out early anyway? Throw ya overboard?
i actually have a degree in marine biology and think the next few months might be a good time to go. the critters need our help to get through this mess.

i just got offered one that starts out in orlando at disney moves to the bahamas and ends up in costa rica anytime in the next 18 months.

i turned it down since it wasn't totally free and it would have cost $300/each over and above transpo, food and taxes. i'm not a rich old beezer and we'd have to be going dutch for something like that.

what, an inland ocean isn't good enough? oh, when was the last time the cuyahoga caught fire?
Wrong. Since when do homosexual couples reproduce?
Your nieces and nephews carry 1/4 of your genes. If you help your sister raise four children, you have genetically out-bred someone with no direct relatives and one child.

What makes you think there were homosexual and bisexual members in relationships with females in a tribe?
Look at the original civilizations...many of them were (in)famous for their bisexual behavior. In half of the Old Testament, the Prophets are railing against the "sexual sins" of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans.

Sodom and Gomorrah? The standards for ancient civilization.

What evidence do you have to back up your statement other than comparing human development and tribal behavior to a bunch of merkats?
Look at the prevalence of homosexual behavior in the ancient world, throughout the non-Abrahamic world during the middle ages, and virtually everywhere in the world today.

For homosexual behavior to have survived 200,000 years of evolution and 6000 years of civilization, there must be benefit.

I would venture to say that homosexuals were killed off or starved after being ostracized.
After 200,000 years of "being killed off and ostracized," why are 5-10% of the human population still homosexual?

Our social condemnation of homosexual behavior is an obsolete artifact of ancient Judaism.
Homosexuality increases the number of men protecting any one family unit, without creating additional rivalry over females.

A caveman family with two homosexual members will have three men protecting the offspring, thus greatly reducing the chances that the children will be eaten by animals, or killed by another tribe. As humans only have one child per year (versus, say, fish having hundreds), our survival strategy is to invest much time and resources into our few children.

Homosexuality, therefore, would be evolutionarily favored, as it maintains an optimum male protector:eek:ffspring ratio in the tribe.


Likewise, female homosexuality increases the bonding between mothers in a caveman society, keeping the group, and the children, united. Unlike males, females do not require sexual satisfaction to reproduce.

Watch a season of Meerkat Manor, and you will quickly learn that female infighting can lead to tribal disaster. Homosexual or bisexual human females would preserve the integrity of stone-age tribes, ensuring their collective offspring's survival.


Remember, any genetically-influenced traits that increase the survival rates of children will be naturally selected.

Ants have literally conquered the world, and yet only a very, very small fraction of their total population can biologically reproduce. Food for thought.

Have you lost your fucking mind?
We can build a bomb the size of a canoe that will destroy a city the size of Tokyo.


This is an insane world.
I get the feeling that many people here do not understand, or even accept, evolution...
I get the feeling that many people here do not understand, or even accept, evolution...

Evolution has nothing to do with your way of thinking. Homosexuality always has and always will exist, but as nothing more than a genetic anomaly, and only a token portion of those actually professing to be homosexual. :neutral:
only a token portion of those actually professing to be homosexual.
So a majority of those who proclaim to enjoy homosexual sex don't actually enjoy homosexual sex?

My turn to use the :cuckoo:
only a token portion of those actually professing to be homosexual.
So a majority of those who proclaim to enjoy homosexual sex don't actually enjoy homosexual sex?

My turn to use the :cuckoo:

In other words, only a small portion of those professing to be homosexual are the result of a genetic anomaly. As for the rest, it was a chosen alternative sexual lifestyle. :neutral:
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Not when we kick you the fuck out of the family unit, faggot :)

Or two non-reproducing males who got chased out of the cave after they got caught with their boyfriends.

...reducing the number of children...

Not all of us.

Mostly the women do that.

Spread the seed, fellas!

If you take good care of one kid ans three of my 12 bastard children survive, i win

If the were really lesbians, they would most likely not be mothers (barring unwelcome copulation)

You faggots keep trying, but you can't explain away your deviancy

No wonder posters like RGS spew this shit- this is fun!

You have got to be single. No woman would possibly want you.

100% correct. We took a vote and JB can no longer even get a hand job from a $10 street whore in Cleveland. There are some men even a whore won't touch.

Treasure your cheap "skin care lotion", JB, cuz with this kinda attitude you'll need it.

Psst I think JB was not being serious.
i actually have a degree in marine biology and think the next few months might be a good time to go. the critters need our help to get through this mess.

i just got offered one that starts out in orlando at disney moves to the bahamas and ends up in costa rica anytime in the next 18 months.

i turned it down since it wasn't totally free and it would have cost $300/each over and above transpo, food and taxes. i'm not a rich old beezer and we'd have to be going dutch for something like that.

what, an inland ocean isn't good enough? oh, when was the last time the cuyahoga caught fire?

That only happens OCCASSIONALLY! Stop hating on Cleveland!


LMAO. Poor Cleveland.

I don't have $300 either. Find another cruise please, completely free, and get them to throw in airfare too.

You're a terrible flirt, tommywho. Tempting some nice lady in Cleveland with visions of nights on the ocean. And with a marine biologist! I do believe you mean to lead me astray.


We did name some crappy beer after our burning river. That ought to count for something!



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