Bengahzi committee running longer that 911 commission

Uhhhh, we all saw with our own eyes what happened on 911. We all know what happened on 911. Well, except for what documents Sandy Berger shoved in his pants and illegally took them.

Except for that.

How many left wingers admit they are still truthers?
That's because there was no massive cover-up of the 9/11 events, extending all the way up to the highest position in our government, as there was / is regarding Benghazi.

Now if Bush would have falsely blamed a video for 9/11....

Except Bush Admin was warned about this beforehand... Clinton told him beforehand personally...

Saudi's were allowed to fly home under flight ban....

The reason Benghazi took so long is because the GOP would piss on the graves of dead Americas to find something to blame a Democrat even if it doesn't exist.
At 911, the Democrats knew it wasn't in the Country's interest to start a political partisan fight...
That's because there was no massive cover-up of the 9/11 events, extending all the way up to the highest position in our government, as there was / is regarding Benghazi.

Now if Bush would have falsely blamed a video for 9/11....

Except Bush Admin was warned about this beforehand... Clinton told him beforehand personally...

Saudi's were allowed to fly home under flight ban....

The reason Benghazi took so long is because the GOP would piss on the graves of dead Americas to find something to blame a Democrat even if it doesn't exist.
At 911, the Democrats knew it wasn't in the Country's interest to start a political partisan fight...

It always cracks me up when the party that fabricated the most phony scandal I've ever seen says that. "Yellowcake" was the lamest, most illogical scandal ever. Everything about it made no sense even if you believed everything they said. Plame told people in the media she was a CIA agent, but lives were put at risk? Wilson who didn't know what the evidence was disproved it? The Administration sent a partisan Democrat to investigate W's statement? Why would they even investigate it?

And you whine about this where people actually died and the White House has endlessly impeded the investigation? Classic
Uhhhh, we all saw with our own eyes what happened on 911. We all know what happened on 911. Well, except for what documents Sandy Berger shoved in his pants and illegally took them.

Except for that.

How many left wingers admit they are still truthers?
The shit you just posted is totally truther.
That's because there was no massive cover-up of the 9/11 events, extending all the way up to the highest position in our government, as there was / is regarding Benghazi.

Now if Bush would have falsely blamed a video for 9/11....

Except Bush Admin was warned about this beforehand... Clinton told him beforehand personally...

Saudi's were allowed to fly home under flight ban....

The reason Benghazi took so long is because the GOP would piss on the graves of dead Americas to find something to blame a Democrat even if it doesn't exist.
At 911, the Democrats knew it wasn't in the Country's interest to start a political partisan fight...

Jesus, Ted...who pissed on the graves of dead Americans...the GOP for wanting to know why those four men died in Benghazi that night...or Hillary who looked relatives of those men straight in the eye as their loved ones caskets were being unloaded at Andrews Air Force Base, told them bald faced lies and then asked "What difference does it make?"
FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?

Youre right . The email thing is just another bengahzi spin off which hunt .

Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

Apparently, you are ignorant of what helps an investigation move along quickly. Here's a few hints. Honesty and cooperation can seriously shorten any investigation. Stonewalling and continuing to lie will only lengthen it as investigators struggle to find the truth despite the guilty people doing their best to keep things hidden.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

Republicans view taxpayer money as free money to be spent on whatever whim hits them. It must just burn their ass no end that they have never been able to get the Clintons on anything. Even the phoney 'impeachment' was rejected by the vast majority of the American people and is recorded in history as nothing more than a partisan Republican witch hunt, just like White Water, just like Benghazi, and just like 'email echelon right'.

I agree, add up all the taxpayer money these losers spent on this crap and the Republican party pay it back.

Disgusting people.
FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?

Youre right . The email thing is just another bengahzi spin off which hunt .

Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.

Question . How can high security emails go outside the internal network without being noticed ?
FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?

Youre right . The email thing is just another bengahzi spin off which hunt .

Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.

Question . How can high security emails go outside the internal network without being noticed ?

Question: Depends on what yours and Hillary's definition of what high security emails "is is". Again, I can go technical really deep on the how part, but that is not what is going on here. You need to thing from an 800-53 policy perspective as a basis.
One way to end the investigation. End it honorably, or as honorably as possible. Mrs. Tuzla Clinton admits to lying about the video, lying to the parents of those killed and apologizes for forgetting to mention them when she said we lost no men in Libya. Then she steps down from running and fades off into obscurity.

Of course, that will never happen. We live in a world where there are no consequences to a person's actions, or in the case of Benghazi, inaction. No consequences if they are nobility.

So put your blinders on to the links in my signature line. Refuse to see Mrs. Tuzla Clinton lying and laughing about Bosnia. Refuse to be upset about her forgetting Ambassador Stevens. Forget about her lying to the parents, or just say the parents are liars. Forget that she called blacks super predators that need to be brought to heel. Forget that she lied about her support of NAFTA. She is trash and really needs to be dumped on the trash heap of history.
FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?

Youre right . The email thing is just another bengahzi spin off which hunt .

Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.

Question . How can high security emails go outside the internal network without being noticed ?

Question. How did Snowden get his information outside the internal network without being noticed? Or any of the other security breaches?
Youre right . The email thing is just another bengahzi spin off which hunt .

Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.

Question . How can high security emails go outside the internal network without being noticed ?

Question. How did Snowden get his information outside the internal network without being noticed? Or any of the other security breaches?

He downloaded the stuff . He didn't email to "snowden@yahoomail" and then have everyone else send it that that email .

Are u saying people don't know where they are emailing stuff ?
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

but for the stonewalling of the administration, it would have been over long ago and the hildebeast would be running a lesbian discussion group in the federal prison for women.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Clearly an effort by republicans to propagate their lies as long as they can during an election year.
Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.

Question . How can high security emails go outside the internal network without being noticed ?

Question. How did Snowden get his information outside the internal network without being noticed? Or any of the other security breaches?

He downloaded the stuff . He didn't email to "snowden@yahoomail" and then have everyone else send it that that email .

Are u saying people don't know where they are emailing stuff ?

I am saying they either didn't know it was classified or didn't care. What you did is ask a question that no one can answer except maybe the FBI when their investigation is complete. But you asked the question, not as a question but a statement in the form of a question. Very disingenuous.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Clearly an effort by republicans to propagate their lies as long as they can during an election year.

When did the Republican party start running the FBI? There are lots of lies made up by the liberal left that the FBI doesn't start an investigation. For that matter, there are lies from the Republican right that don't get FBI investigations. Why this one? Are you suggesting, without saying, that the FBI under a democrat president is partisan, misogynist or bigoted? What exactly would be the motive of the FBI to investigate "republican lies?"

The confirmed and proven liar in all of this is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton. There is no doubt of her dishonesty and it is dishonesty about really big stuff, important stuff. She needs to be investigated.
New documents just released this week after 2-3 yrs fighting for them....but bbuttt......ummmmm ummmmmmm why does it take so long
Basic intuitive Cybersecurity basics mean nothing to you.

You want basics? Anyone who works in a high security biz is well aware when emails go out of the internal network .

High level at Sec if state ? Shit, the whole things got to be monitored and firewalled . Nothing goes outside wh out everyone knowing about it .

Guess the whole IT dept and anyone who sent an email to HILLARY should gob to jail .

I've been in the "high security biz" for 20 years; even know a thing or two about firewalls. You are thinking from what you know about technology. HINT: Think policy.

Question . How can high security emails go outside the internal network without being noticed ?

Question. How did Snowden get his information outside the internal network without being noticed? Or any of the other security breaches?

He downloaded the stuff . He didn't email to "snowden@yahoomail" and then have everyone else send it that that email .

Are u saying people don't know where they are emailing stuff ?

HINT: USB Thumbdrive. Another hint: Just because very granular monitoring technology is available and present does not correlate to it being configured or enforced correctly from a policy perspective.

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