Bengahzi committee running longer that 911 commission

The whole federal government is a fucked up... Thanks to progressives a century running.
Republicans didn't care at all that Bush took us into Iraq under false pretenses.

And democrats don't care that democrat congressional votes made it possible

Blame the Democrats for not telling Bush to go fuck himself

They could have denied the funding but they didn't

So ultimately Congress is responsible

That's the way our government works

Yes...pull funding from an Army in combat

Republicans would have loved that one

They had to approve it BEFORE it happened

The vote was in 2002 and we didn't invade until 2003

You might want to brush up on your facts oh wait for a second there I forgot I was responding to you

The 2002 vote authorized the President to invade Iraq if he found it necessary

A majority of Dems opposed it while Republican support was nearly unanimous

Gotta laugh that Republicans now blame the Democrats for not stopping them
Whitewater lasted much longer too, mostly because it devolved into a perjury trap over a blow job.

Remember - Bush famously said that nobody from his administration would testify in front of a grand jury.

Can you imagine what would happen if Obama got caught burying a Aug 9 memo warning of a bin laden attack on skyscrapers, and then 3,000 Americans died because, failing to heed that warning, he was unable to defend the Eastern Seaboard of the United States? Can you imagine what would happen if he later allowed prominent Saudis to fly out of the country, without being questioned by the FBI? And can you imagine what would happen if among those Saudis were two relatives of bin laden?

We're not just talking about 4 deaths, we're talking about 3,000 deaths + 4,000 additional deaths from a war that was launched under deeply flawed intelligence and extremely suspicious pretenses (especially given the pre 9/11 plan for regime change in Iraq).

If Obama refused to answer questions in front of a Grand Jury (as Bush did), the Republicans would have launched a media offensive beyond anything we've ever seen. Talk Radio and Fox would have fomented a revolution. The social unrest would not have stopped until Obama was impeached and, likely, imprisoned.

The Left is weak. They no longer have the media power or the political organization to fight the Rightwing. They are losing badly. The Right now fully controls the powers of big government. They have locked up the Supreme Court, and they are doing exactly what Stalin did: using the State to jail their enemies. This is a coup.
Republicans didn't care at all that Bush took us into Iraq under false pretenses.

And democrats don't care that democrat congressional votes made it possible

Blame the Democrats for not telling Bush to go fuck himself

They could have denied the funding but they didn't

So ultimately Congress is responsible

That's the way our government works

Yes...pull funding from an Army in combat

Republicans would have loved that one

They had to approve it BEFORE it happened

The vote was in 2002 and we didn't invade until 2003

You might want to brush up on your facts oh wait for a second there I forgot I was responding to you

Facts are racist ...
The Obama administration should be held accountable for their actions. You know, like you think Republicans should be ...

It is a really dangerous country. People are killed there daily. The guards ran away. End of story, stop wasting time.

So Obama and Hillary can lie and obstruct justice? Because it's a "dangerous country?" So you use that to defend W in Iraq over WMDs, right? Hey guys, it's a dangerous country, let it go!

And Obama got us in there, Holmes ...
There is no evidence of any wrong doing.
When you claim there is, its you who is lying.

So if Obama and Hillary successfully obstruct the investigations, that proves they didn't do anything wrong and anyone saying otherwise is a liar. Thanks for the tidbit. Here's a ball, look it's bouncy. Run along and play now
see folks that's how you willfully misrepresent the facts!

It was your argument, Holmes
President Hussein jetted around the freaking world on a six year apology tour at over a million dollars a pop and the left worries about the cost of the Benghazi commission. No surprises here.

Yes, every trillion on the leftist agenda is not a problem, just the cost of doing business. Any dollar on a non-leftist agenda is a hysterical shriek that OMG we're stealing from our children!
Ohhhh no! not the what about the children ploy again!

You don't remember when W was President? How old are you?
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

Makes you wonder if:

1. the Clintons are that good at concealing something
2. the Republicans are so inept they're stumbling over something repeatedly and don't see it
3. both 1 and 2
4. there's nothing there in the first place.

For Hillary's email scandal, rinse and repeat.

yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

Well, the 9/11 Commission was (supposedly) non-partisan. The Benghazi witch hunt is entirely partisan.
And democrats don't care that democrat congressional votes made it possible

Blame the Democrats for not telling Bush to go fuck himself

They could have denied the funding but they didn't

So ultimately Congress is responsible

That's the way our government works

Yes...pull funding from an Army in combat

Republicans would have loved that one

They had to approve it BEFORE it happened

The vote was in 2002 and we didn't invade until 2003

You might want to brush up on your facts oh wait for a second there I forgot I was responding to you

Facts are racist ...
how would you know? never seen you post anything factual.
It is a really dangerous country. People are killed there daily. The guards ran away. End of story, stop wasting time.

So Obama and Hillary can lie and obstruct justice? Because it's a "dangerous country?" So you use that to defend W in Iraq over WMDs, right? Hey guys, it's a dangerous country, let it go!

And Obama got us in there, Holmes ...
There is no evidence of any wrong doing.
When you claim there is, its you who is lying.

So if Obama and Hillary successfully obstruct the investigations, that proves they didn't do anything wrong and anyone saying otherwise is a liar. Thanks for the tidbit. Here's a ball, look it's bouncy. Run along and play now
see folks that's how you willfully misrepresent the facts!

It was your argument, Holmes
your response willfully misrepresented the facts, my argument did not.
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President Hussein jetted around the freaking world on a six year apology tour at over a million dollars a pop and the left worries about the cost of the Benghazi commission. No surprises here.

Yes, every trillion on the leftist agenda is not a problem, just the cost of doing business. Any dollar on a non-leftist agenda is a hysterical shriek that OMG we're stealing from our children!
Ohhhh no! not the what about the children ploy again!

You don't remember when W was President? How old are you?
another false assumption .
the right has been using the what about ploy almost continually since the fucking thing was invented .
President Hussein jetted around the freaking world on a six year apology tour at over a million dollars a pop and the left worries about the cost of the Benghazi commission. No surprises here.

Yes, every trillion on the leftist agenda is not a problem, just the cost of doing business. Any dollar on a non-leftist agenda is a hysterical shriek that OMG we're stealing from our children!
Ohhhh no! not the what about the children ploy again!

You don't remember when W was President? How old are you?
old enough to be alive before jfk was elected and too young to have voted for carter
Blame the Democrats for not telling Bush to go fuck himself

They could have denied the funding but they didn't

So ultimately Congress is responsible

That's the way our government works

Yes...pull funding from an Army in combat

Republicans would have loved that one

They had to approve it BEFORE it happened

The vote was in 2002 and we didn't invade until 2003

You might want to brush up on your facts oh wait for a second there I forgot I was responding to you

Facts are racist ...
how would you know? never seen you post anything factual.

You've been going to night school, haven't you? English as a second language?
President Hussein jetted around the freaking world on a six year apology tour at over a million dollars a pop and the left worries about the cost of the Benghazi commission. No surprises here.

Yes, every trillion on the leftist agenda is not a problem, just the cost of doing business. Any dollar on a non-leftist agenda is a hysterical shriek that OMG we're stealing from our children!
Ohhhh no! not the what about the children ploy again!

You don't remember when W was President? How old are you?
old enough to be alive before jfk was elected and too young to have voted for carter

Cool, what combination of drugs and alcohol made you miss the W years then?
FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?

Bengazi has been investigated 8 times now. In Hillary Clinton's last 12 hour testimony in under intense congressional testimony, she really made Republican house members look like idiots. In her opening statement she went through a long list of other U.S. embassies that had been attacked, including most notably when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. embassy in Lebanon, during the Reagan administration. Of course that was only one investigation. So definitely this is another Dog & Pony show put on by Republicans, and it is costing the taxpayers of this country to do it.


EMAILS: When is someone going to call for an investigation into Colin Powell and Condi Rice's emails, as they apparently have the same email issues. And another dog & pony show put on by Republicans that is costing the taxpayers money to do.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts


President Hussein jetted around the freaking world on a six year apology tour at over a million dollars a pop and the left worries about the cost of the Benghazi commission. No surprises here.

Yes, every trillion on the leftist agenda is not a problem, just the cost of doing business. Any dollar on a non-leftist agenda is a hysterical shriek that OMG we're stealing from our children!
Ohhhh no! not the what about the children ploy again!

You don't remember when W was President? How old are you?
old enough to be alive before jfk was elected and too young to have voted for carter

Cool, what combination of drugs and alcohol made you miss the W years then?
I didn't, the bush years were packed to the rafters wit conservatives whining incessantly the what about the children mantra.
I think you just wish I missed something
They could have denied the funding but they didn't

So ultimately Congress is responsible

That's the way our government works

Yes...pull funding from an Army in combat

Republicans would have loved that one

They had to approve it BEFORE it happened

The vote was in 2002 and we didn't invade until 2003

You might want to brush up on your facts oh wait for a second there I forgot I was responding to you

Facts are racist ...
how would you know? never seen you post anything factual.

You've been going to night school, haven't you? English as a second language?
dodge much?
Yes, every trillion on the leftist agenda is not a problem, just the cost of doing business. Any dollar on a non-leftist agenda is a hysterical shriek that OMG we're stealing from our children!
Ohhhh no! not the what about the children ploy again!

You don't remember when W was President? How old are you?
old enough to be alive before jfk was elected and too young to have voted for carter

Cool, what combination of drugs and alcohol made you miss the W years then?
I didn't, the bush years were packed to the rafters wit conservatives whining incessantly the what about the children mantra.
I think you just wish I missed something

Um .. so you don't know what I'm referring to that anyone over 22 would? But you remember the obvious reference you don't get? Rim shot?

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