Bengahzi committee running longer that 911 commission

yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Clearly an effort by republicans to propagate their lies as long as they can during an election year.

LOL, the lies belong to the hildebeast. the most recent e-mail dump confirms it.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Clearly an effort by republicans to propagate their lies as long as they can during an election year.

LOL, the lies belong to the hildebeast. the most recent e-mail dump confirms it.

Thousands of emails have been handed over they questioned her for 11 hours straight! Get it through your thick skulls there's nothing there.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Clearly an effort by republicans to propagate their lies as long as they can during an election year.

LOL, the lies belong to the hildebeast. the most recent e-mail dump confirms it.

Thousands of emails have been handed over they questioned her for 11 hours straight! Get it through your thick skulls there's nothing there.

the FBI does not waste that much time on nothing. Face reality, Hillary is a criminal, a liar, and a fraud. She is also old, ugly, white, and senile.
Never fear

Election is in November. Look for Trey Gowdy to drop his Benghazi hatchet job in September

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