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Benghazi Accountability Review Board Report Released


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Benghazi Accountability Review Board Report Released​

December 19, 2012

The review board, chaired by former Ambassador Thomas Pickering and vice-chaired by retired Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen found multiple systemic failures which lead to the events of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi.
A couple of highlights from the report (pdf) (http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/202446.pdf) that address issues which became the topic of conversation following the attack.

Not mentioned in the ARB? ”YouTube video”

-“The Board concluded that there was no protest prior to the attacks”

-In the weeks and months leading up to the attacks, the response from post, Embassy Tripoli, and Washington to a deteriorating security situation was inadequate. At the same time, the SMC’s dependence on the armed but poorly skilled Libyan February 17 Martyrs’ Brigade (February 17) militia members and unarmed, locally contracted Blue Mountain Libya (BML) guards for security support was misplaced.


-“At the direction of the U.S. military’s Africa Command (AFRICOM), DoD moved a remotely piloted, unarmed surveillance aircraft which arrived over the SMC shortly before the DS team departed. A second remotely piloted, unarmed surveillance aircraft relieved the first, and monitored the eventual evacuation of personnel from the Annex to Benghazi airport later on the morning of September 12.”

-“The interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time given the speed of the attacks for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference.”​

On the larger issues of how state handles security at temporary

“Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department (the “Department”) resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place.
Security in Benghazi was not recognized and implemented as a “shared responsibility” by the bureaus in Washington charged with supporting the post, resulting in stove-piped discussions and decisions on policy and security. That said, Embassy Tripoli did not demonstrate strong and sustained advocacy with Washington for increased security for Special Mission Benghazi.

-The short-term, transitory nature of Special Mission Benghazi’s staffing, with talented and committed, but relatively inexperienced, American personnel often on temporary assignments of 40 days or less, resulted in diminished institutional knowledge, continuity, and mission capacity.”​

Amazingly, the so-called “Accountability Review Board” either chose not to or was not empowered to actually hold anyone ACCOUNTABLE.
How ironic one of the biggest piss drinkers on this board should start this topic.

I bet you are working really hard to forget all the manufactured bullshit you guys made up about Behngazi, eh?

All those lies about Obama watching while they died. All those lies about the consulate being under attack for hours. All those lies about a stand down order. All those lies about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth.

You don't give a flying fuck about the dead or Behngazi. You dishonored them as completely as anyone can, with not one scintilla of shame.

Your lies betrayed your true motives. So no one gives a fuck what you think any more. We see you for exactly what you are.

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How ironic one of the biggest piss drinkers on this board should start this topic.

I bet you are working really hard to forget all the manufactured bullshit you guys made up about Behngazi, eh?

All those lies about Obama watching while they died. All those lies about the consulate being under attack for hours. All those lies about a stand down order. All those lies about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth.

You don't give a flying fuck about the dead or Behngazi. You dishonored them as completely as anyone can, with not one scintilla of shame.

Your lies betrayed your true motives. So no one gives a fuck what you think any more. We see you for exactly what you are.


Really petulant aren't you? This is a cover-up by Oblamer and Hillary. You know it and so does the rest of America. Just like Clinton and Albright in 1998. Thankfully only 4 died this time. Did someone steal your 'Binky' this morning, or are you always this way?

“The Board found that certain senior State Department officials within two bureaus in critical positions of authority and responsibility in Washington demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability appropriate for the State Department’s senior ranks in their responses to security concerns posed by Special Mission Benghazi, given the deteriorating threat environment and the lack of reliable host government protection. However, the Board did not find that any individual U.S. Government employee engaged in misconduct or willfully ignored his or her responsibilities, and, therefore did not find reasonable cause to believe that an individual breached his or her duty so as to be the subject of a recommendation for disciplinary action.”

Guess that means Hillary is responsible.
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In your haste to make shit up, you failed to realize the cost. You negated yourself right out of the conversation because it is obvious you have some other agenda that is completely alien to the Truth. So your protestations now are the unintelligible braying of an ass.

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How ironic one of the biggest piss drinkers on this board should start this topic.

I bet you are working really hard to forget all the manufactured bullshit you guys made up about Behngazi, eh?

All those lies about Obama watching while they died. All those lies about the consulate being under attack for hours. All those lies about a stand down order. All those lies about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth.

You don't give a flying fuck about the dead or Behngazi. You dishonored them as completely as anyone can, with not one scintilla of shame.

Your lies betrayed your true motives. So no one gives a fuck what you think any more. We see you for exactly what you are.


FOX NEWS rewrite talking points coming in ....3......2.....1..... "Duh! Obama watched."
In your haste to make shit up, you failed to realize the cost. You negated yourself right out of the conversation because it is obvious you have some other agenda that is completely alien to the Truth. So your protestations now are the unintelligible braying of an ass.


Au contaire, Benghazi-Gate is a fact and will not go away, no matter how you and your Socialist friends in D.C. try. Your personal attack has been well noted. The only asses around here are so-called Democrats which certainly do a lot of braying. Just like you.
Nobody in particular is to blame for Benghazi, State Department Report claims​

Thomas Lifson
December 19, 2012

The federal government has investigated its performance in the 9/11 Benghazi massacre and found - surprise! - that nobody should be disciplined, that it was all the problem of "the system." Predictably, the pilot fish media that set the tone for most newspapers and TV broadcasters are portraying the report as harsh. The New York Times headlines, "Panel Assails Role of State Department in Benghazi Attack," while the AP headline is, "Benghazi Review Slams State Department on Security"

Those few readers who weigh into the reports that follow discover from the AP that "Despite those deficiencies, the board determined that no individual officials ignored or violated their duties and recommended no disciplinary action. But it also said poor performance by senior managers should be grounds for disciplinary recommendations in the future."

So maybe somebody might someday be criticized, possibly with a letter to the files, while an ambassador and former SEALS involved in a still-secret CIA operation lie a moldering in their graves.

Read more: Blog: Nobody in particular is to blame for Benghazi, State Department Report claims
Inquiry into Benghazi: 'Grossly' inadequate security and leadership failures​

Rick Moran
December 19, 2012

Tell us something we didn't know already.

Washington Post:

An independent investigation of the fatal attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Libya on Sept. 11 found that "grossly" inadequate security and reliance on local militias left U.S. diplomats and other personnel vulnerable, the State Department told Congress on Tuesday.

The review of the assault on the mission in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans faulted systemic failures of leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department, according to an unclassified version posted on the department's Web site Tuesday night.

The review by the Accountability Review Board said the temporary, lightly defended compound where Stevens died lacked disciplined oversight of its security operations. The diplomatic post's ad hoc nature, with inexperienced staff members working there for short periods, "resulted in diminished institutional knowledge, continuity, and mission capacity," the report said.

Finally, the report said State Department officials in Washington ignored requests from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, the Libyan capital, for additional guards and better security for the Benghazi compound, which served as a temporary U.S. consulate for eastern Libya. It also said that there had been worrisome incidents in the weeks before the attack that should have led to increased security, but the report did not identify any specific threats to the compound on Sept. 11.

The report said State Department security personnel on the scene and CIA officers at a nearby annex used as an operations base had responded in a timely and appropriate manner, and it absolved the U.S. military of any blame, saying there was not enough time for a military response that would have made any difference.​

Read more:
Blog: Inquiry into Benghazi: 'Grossly' inadequate security and leadership failures
How ironic one of the biggest piss drinkers on this board should start this topic.

I bet you are working really hard to forget all the manufactured bullshit you guys made up about Behngazi, eh?

All those lies about Obama watching while they died. All those lies about the consulate being under attack for hours. All those lies about a stand down order. All those lies about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth.

You don't give a flying fuck about the dead or Behngazi. You dishonored them as completely as anyone can, with not one scintilla of shame.

Your lies betrayed your true motives. So no one gives a fuck what you think any more. We see you for exactly what you are.


so in your feeble fucked up mind this all happened in a vacuum?
So... Just to make sure we have this all straight:

-There was no "stand down" that blocked a rescue operation.
-There were no instances of ignoring calls for help from the consulate
-There was no intentional "cover-up" of what happened at the consulate
-and apparently there wasn't really much of a sustained effort on the part of the consulate to request additional security

In fact, the only thing that went wrong, according to this report, were inter-agency mis-communications and an under-estimation of the security situation at the consulate.

Much like the failures that occurred prior to 9/11/2001, only instead of 3000 innocent civilians dying on American soil, 4 people died in a location that was dangerous to be in, and everyone involved knew that going in.

Wow, that's quite a "scandal".

Tell me, what was it that you right-wing fanatics said after 9/11?
What did you say when the insurgency in Iraq began, and it was pointed out that there weren't enough troops stationed there to contain it, causing the deaths of hundreds, perhaps thousands of American lives?

No, don't answer, because your reaction in both situations was the same:

Deny any wrongdoing, and defend your party.


Bush failures: 7000 dead and counting.
Obama failures: 4 dead.

Hmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here.

Yet another giant bullshit narrative from Bullshit Mountain.
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How ironic one of the biggest piss drinkers on this board should start this topic.

I bet you are working really hard to forget all the manufactured bullshit you guys made up about Behngazi, eh?

All those lies about Obama watching while they died. All those lies about the consulate being under attack for hours. All those lies about a stand down order. All those lies about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth.

You don't give a flying fuck about the dead or Behngazi. You dishonored them as completely as anyone can, with not one scintilla of shame.

Your lies betrayed your true motives. So no one gives a fuck what you think any more. We see you for exactly what you are.


so in your feeble fucked up mind this all happened in a vacuum?

Benghazi happened. And I wish to know the truth of what happened. And I was patient enough to wait for the truth to come out.

However, the liars who made up all that shit about Obama watching and stand down orders and hours and hours of attacks on the consulate have no interest in the truth whatsoever, and so their opinions and statements are moot.

Their fantasy scenario doesn't even approach the reality of what really happened, nor the scope of what was really wrong.

Got it now, dipshit?

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How ironic one of the biggest piss drinkers on this board should start this topic.

I bet you are working really hard to forget all the manufactured bullshit you guys made up about Behngazi, eh?

All those lies about Obama watching while they died. All those lies about the consulate being under attack for hours. All those lies about a stand down order. All those lies about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth.

You don't give a flying fuck about the dead or Behngazi. You dishonored them as completely as anyone can, with not one scintilla of shame.

Your lies betrayed your true motives. So no one gives a fuck what you think any more. We see you for exactly what you are.


so in your feeble fucked up mind this all happened in a vacuum?

Benghazi happened. And I wish to know the truth of what happened. And I was patient enough to wait for the truth to come out.

However, the liars who made up all that shit about Obama watching and stand down orders and hours and hours of attacks on the consulate have no interest in the truth whatsoever, and so their opinions and statements are moot.

Their fantasy scenario doesn't even approach the reality of what really happened, nor the scope of what was really wrong.

Got it now, dipshit?


hey! asswarp, you don't give a shit now and you didn't give a shit then, you just want it all to be over with.
When you make up shit about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth, then you are a sheer fuckhead. Plain and simple.

So since you all are still harping on Benghazi, then I am here to remind you of your fuckheadedness and your absolute abdication of any moral authority whatsoever on this issue.

Shall we keep going? Because I have a full stock of the piss some of you drank and regurgitated.

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When you make up shit about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth, then you are a sheer fuckhead. Plain and simple.

So since you all are still harping on Benghazi, then I am here to remind you of your fuckheadedness and your absolute abdication of any moral authority whatsoever on this issue.

Shall we keep going? Because I have a full stock of the manufactured bullshit you all created.


these little "bumps in the road" aren't going away.
hey! asswarp, you don't give a shit now and you didn't give a shit then, you just want it all to be over with.

Why don't you just admit that just about everything you and your cohorts claimed about the situation was wrong, and move on.

Just admit it, you were wrong.

Everyone's wrong at times. I've gotten things wrong on occasion.

And, clearly, you and all your right-wing buds were wrong here.
When you make up shit about how the dead spent their last moments on Earth, then you are a sheer fuckhead. Plain and simple.

So since you all are still harping on Benghazi, then I am here to remind you of your fuckheadedness and your absolute abdication of any moral authority whatsoever on this issue.

Shall we keep going? Because I have a full stock of the manufactured bullshit you all created.


these little "bumps in the road" aren't going away.

And apparently neither is the desire on the parts of many of you to guzzle piss. Some of you never learn because you have the intellectual capacity of a bumper sticker and it is all you know how to do.

Piss drinkers are not entitled to the high ground. Sorry.

hey! asswarp, you don't give a shit now and you didn't give a shit then, you just want it all to be over with.

Why don't you just admit that just about everything you and your cohorts claimed about the situation was wrong, and move on.

Just admit it, you were wrong.

Everyone's wrong at times. I've gotten things wrong on occasion.

And, clearly, you and all your right-wing buds were wrong here.

I think I'll wait until the Congressional hearings are completed before I make a determination. I hope C span covers it. You go ahead and listen to Huffingsome if you'd like. it's no skin off my nose, better yet go ask mediadon'tmatters.
I'd like to know who's version of the truth is to be believed?? You seem awfull certain that most of what you hear is bs and what coming out of the WH is honest and truthfull.

If you honestly think anyone associated with the administration is not going to whitewash Benghazi then I think you're naive as hell my friend. They won't be telling any truth that casts any blame at them. They could care less about those four dead men.

They had no trouble absolving the same administration Re: Fast and Furious where a Border Agent was killed. In fact that fuck in the WH used EP to quash the whole thing under the guise of a threat to Natioinal Security. More like a threat to his ass kissing sidekick Holder.

As far as 9-11 goes the only ones to blame there were AQ, UBL and the dirtbags who flew the planes.

Clinton had the info long before Bush did and you can bet your ass he's on his knees every night thanking God that AQ waited till 9-11, eight months after he left office, to pull it off. I know I sure as hell would be.

He had the info long before Bush and did nothing with it. He didn't shut the country down on a vague warning and neither did Bush.

Perhaps they should both be hung from the nearest tree.
I think I'll wait until the Congressional hearings are completed before I make a determination. I hope C span covers it. You go ahead and listen to Huffingsome if you'd like. it's no skin off my nose, better yet go ask mediadon'tmatters.

Because, obviously, when an independent review board gives you an answer you don't like, politicians in Congress will uncover the "real facts".

Listen you yourself!

Let's say that this review board had found that everything you people accused the President of was correct...

And my response was "Well, let's see what the President has to say about that, because I don't believe the facts."

That's what you're basically saying right now, except from the other side.

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