Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi !!


Never, NEVER in American History have American Citizens, ESPECIALLY AN ACTIVE AMBASSADOR, been under attack and the president refused to act.
What was Reagan's response in Beirut after 241 Marines were blown away?

Here...I'll help:

April 18, 1983Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut

A suicide bomber in a pickup truck loaded with explosives rammed into the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. 63 people were killed, including 17 Americans, eight of whom were employees of the CIA, including chief Middle East analyst Robert C. Ames and station chief Kenneth Haas.

The U.S. government took no military action in response to the embassy bombing...

Oct. 23, 1983Bombing of Marine barracks in Beirut
A suicide bomber detonated a truck full of explosives at a U.S. Marine barracks located at Beirut International Airport; 241 U.S. Marines were killed and more than 100 others wounded.

Dec. 12, 1983Bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait
The American embassy in Kuwait was bombed in a series of attacks ...
The U.S. military took no action in retaliation.

Sept. 20, 1984 Bombing of U.S. Embassy annex northeast of Beirut
In Aukar, northeast of Beirut, a truck bomb exploded outside the U.S. Embassy annex killing 24 people, two of whom were U.S. military personnel. ...

The U.S. mounted no military response to the embassy annex bombing.Terrorist Attacks On Americans, 1979-1988 | Target America | FRONTLINE | PBS

More Flashback:

Aide: Reagan Left Marines Vulnerable in Beirut | Fox News

"Published January 30, 2006 Associated Press

WASHINGTON – A former defense secretary for Ronald Reagan
says he implored the president to put Marines serving in Beirut in a safer position before terrorists attacked them in 1983, killing 241 servicemen.

"I was not persuasive enough to persuade the president that the Marines were there on an impossible mission," Caspar Weinberger says in an oral history project capturing the views of former Reagan administration officials."


Stupid shit.

Reagan sent the USS New Jersey to shell that part of the world into a pile of fucking rubble after Beirut.


You should change your handle to 'paperasshole'
in your whole list you cant name a "protest" that resulted in the loss of an American life that day; let alone a night-long mortar attack on a US compound

it was FROM THE BEGINNING a terrorist attack

I was Light Weapons, not Heavy Weapons but I've seen enough Mortar fire to know that you can't just aim a mortar in a general direction and hit your target three out of four times.

Can't be done.

That would be harder than shooting a basketball from the other end of the basketball court and hitting the basket three out of four times.

You've got azimuth, elevation and charge to worry about in a mortar shell.

The azimuth wouldn't be all that tough.... Unless it was at night. Which it was.

Use a map you say? Yeah, right. I doubt those maps were accurate enough to use.

But let's assume they were. You still gotta worry about range. How far away are you?

Then you gotta aim the mortar at the correct upwards angle and use the right charge to get it to land exactly where you want it to land.

Can't be done without pre-planning and pre-plotting. And I worked with the best in the world, not some wife-beating, camel-fucking ragheads.

It just can't be done.

It was a pre-planned attack through and through.

Even the President of Libya, Mohammed Magarief, said there was no protest. None.

dimocraps are lying scum.

ALL of them

a mortar is a coordinated event usually
This is an inside the nut bubble issue for rightwingers. They rant about Benghazi, and get all sorts of support from their fellow nuts,

but that causes them to misread that nut support for support from normal America.

They are, in short, deluded.
Willful stupidity on your part. Shocking :eek:

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief didn't even TRY to save those men. And we all know why.


Never, NEVER in American History have American Citizens, ESPECIALLY AN ACTIVE AMBASSADOR, been under attack and the president refused to act.



Instead, blaming AMERICANS for being intolerant of Islam and for making videos and for -- I guess, just for being Americans.

Then, to make matters worse, dimocrap SCUM all over the Country come and LIE to protect the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

I have no respect for people who do that. Were a president from my party to do something like that, I would DEMAND his impeachment immediately.

But that's the difference between us. I believe in America.

You don't.

I probably believe in America more than you. America wants Congress to actually do their job! What's Congresses approval rating? It seems people from all sides of the aisles want Congress to do their job and quit this partisan crap. Every single poll clearly demonstrates that, no matter who conducts the poll. That's what America wants! That's called continuity and consensus by Americans who are for America and want America to move forward, not stand still, thanks to partisanship which is non-constructive.

the Republican Congress is doing their jobs; they have over 30 bills THEY PASSED in the House; many even with Democrat votes; that the DEM SENATE LEADER REFUSES TO BRING UP FOR DEBATE, LET ALONE A VOTE

libs are losers who lie to themselves

I'm not saying the Dems aren't being partisan too, because they are also playing partisan politics. But only 30 bills by the GOP? Wow.
Both parties suck, it's that easy to see. That's one of the main reason the USA is sliding downwards while the rest of the world passes us by. It's taxation without representation, period.
Watergate, Watergate, Watergate. Can you say hypocrite?

And the watergate bunch was punished, right? There was evidence of wrongdoing. You people have been beating the Benghazi drum for how long? Nothing will come out of Benghazi, guaranteed.

The difference between Watergate and Benghazi is that some came forward and exposed the cover up. The investigators in Benghazi are getting stonewalled. Refusing to answer questions and turn over documents is not the same thing as answering questions and turning over documents. For months the evil obama regime refused to turn over the e-mails. It was only when Judicial Watch made a FOIA request and got a court order that the e-mail connecting the white house to the statements by Susan Rice were discovered.
I probably believe in America more than you. America wants Congress to actually do their job! What's Congresses approval rating? It seems people from all sides of the aisles want Congress to do their job and quit this partisan crap. Every single poll clearly demonstrates that, no matter who conducts the poll. That's what America wants! That's called continuity and consensus by Americans who are for America and want America to move forward, not stand still, thanks to partisanship which is non-constructive.

the Republican Congress is doing their jobs; they have over 30 bills THEY PASSED in the House; many even with Democrat votes; that the DEM SENATE LEADER REFUSES TO BRING UP FOR DEBATE, LET ALONE A VOTE

libs are losers who lie to themselves

I'm not saying the Dems aren't being partisan too, because they are also playing partisan politics. But only 30 bills by the GOP? Wow.
Both parties suck, it's that easy to see. That's one of the main reason the USA is sliding downwards while the rest of the world passes us by. It's taxation without representation, period.

Yeah, right..... How incredibly typical.

After we prove that the dimocrap party, and its stupid supporters, are the scum of the fucking earth, it's time to say, "Both Parties Suck"

No. Just.


dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


This tu quoque and bandwagon equivalency shit might work on your fellow 9th graders.....

But not here.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

There's partisanship, then there's just plain, old-fashioned Anti-Americanism.

dimocraps hate America.

And it's WAY past time we hated them back
Although Iraq earned billions in revenue under the Oil-for-Food program in 2000, only about 33 percent was spent on food and 2 percent on medical supplies
In five years 576,000 children starved BECAUSE SADDAM refused to certify WMD destruction!
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports -

That is an average of 115,200 children dying from starvation because of Saddam the dictator it is OBVIOUS you wanted to see still in office!
And If Saddam hadn't violated the 1991 Cease Fire that REQUIRED resumed military action there would have been because lovers of dictators and
children killers like you would have kept Saddam in power over the next 11 years.
As a result there would have been another 1,267,200 children DEAD from starvation because PEOPLE LIKE YOU LOVE to see children starving and because
you loved Saddam while in power and YOU DID NOT WANT HIM gone!
YOU and Obama were Saddam lovers by the fact YOU didn't want him gone and as a result YOU/Obama Saddam lovers wanted to see near 2 million
children starved to death... all because Obama/YOU didn't mind Saddam ignoring the Oil-for-Food program!!!
The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome.

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Ya know....that's a catchy title for a big screen comedy ala' Tora, Tora, Tora! But I'm thinking more like the Crosby/Hope road shows...

Let's see...


Playing Obama: Duane "The Rock" Johnson

Michelle: Of course, Kerry Washington

Biden: Louis C. K.

Hillary: Meryl Streep

Stevenson: Keifer Sutherland

Marine Guards: Larry, Daryl, Daryl...

anyone else?
the Republican Congress is doing their jobs; they have over 30 bills THEY PASSED in the House; many even with Democrat votes; that the DEM SENATE LEADER REFUSES TO BRING UP FOR DEBATE, LET ALONE A VOTE

libs are losers who lie to themselves

I'm not saying the Dems aren't being partisan too, because they are also playing partisan politics. But only 30 bills by the GOP? Wow.
Both parties suck, it's that easy to see. That's one of the main reason the USA is sliding downwards while the rest of the world passes us by. It's taxation without representation, period.

Yeah, right..... How incredibly typical.

After we prove that the dimocrap party, and its stupid supporters, are the scum of the fucking earth, it's time to say, "Both Parties Suck"

No. Just.


dimocraps are the scum of the earth.


This tu quoque and bandwagon equivalency shit might work on your fellow 9th graders.....

But not here.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

There's partisanship, then there's just plain, old-fashioned Anti-Americanism.

dimocraps hate America.

And it's WAY past time we hated them back

"dimocraps hate America." Yeah right! I think anybody who disagrees with you, hates America! That would include centralist/moderates and independents. That's a sad overview.
Democrats simply have their own view of America, just like Republicans. I personally don't think either hates America, It's just that they are too wrapped up in their ideology.
Benzers, the new Birthers.

WASHINGTON, May 4 (Reuters) - Any attempt by Republicans to embarrass the Obama administration over the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, could backfire in the mid-term congressional elections, a Republican U.S. senator warned on Sunday.

Some Republicans view the attack, in which militants killed four Americans at the U.S. mission in Benghazi including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, as a political liability that could hurt President Barack Obama's Democrats in November.

Although the issue may resonate with some (Low IQ, depends wearing bitter old white guys in the white christian party), pushing it too hard is politically risky for Republicans, said Republican Senator (ms) Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who is running for re-election this year.

"If we're playing politics with Benghazi, we'll get burned," Graham said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

I caught that on the show too. Repubs are prone to "stepping in it" as we all know as well

Compared to the democrats "stepping into it" and then lying about it. That's what you're really saying aren't you, hun? :cuckoo:
This is an inside the nut bubble issue for rightwingers. They rant about Benghazi, and get all sorts of support from their fellow nuts,

but that causes them to misread that nut support for support from normal America.

They are, in short, deluded.

Theres a reason that the voting American public doesn't let them have the Presidency & the Senate this past decade. These show trials, in leiu of creating legislation that needs to be dealt with, only reinforces that fact. Even if there is some "there there" 4 =/= 7,000+
I probably believe in America more than you. America wants Congress to actually do their job! What's Congresses approval rating? It seems people from all sides of the aisles want Congress to do their job and quit this partisan crap. Every single poll clearly demonstrates that, no matter who conducts the poll. That's what America wants! That's called continuity and consensus by Americans who are for America and want America to move forward, not stand still, thanks to partisanship which is non-constructive.

the Republican Congress is doing their jobs; they have over 30 bills THEY PASSED in the House; many even with Democrat votes; that the DEM SENATE LEADER REFUSES TO BRING UP FOR DEBATE, LET ALONE A VOTE

libs are losers who lie to themselves

I'm not saying the Dems aren't being partisan too, because they are also playing partisan politics. But only 30 bills by the GOP? Wow.
Both parties suck, it's that easy to see. That's one of the main reason the USA is sliding downwards while the rest of the world passes us by. It's taxation without representation, period.
Sadly, there have been fixes sent to Reid, only to have them shelved by Reid.
Umm....mayhap all there is to know about Bengazi has come out...and the GOP is simply beating that dead scapegoat for political purposes...playing politics with tragedy while accusing the prez of playing politics w tragedy?

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Guno, you take murder and the inability of our military to protect our people very lightly. I am offended.

Stevens put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. He should have evacuated with the other. There were sufficient security in place. There no smoking gun and not cover up.
Report: Benghazi Presence Was a CIA Operation
The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said.

At one point during the consulate siege, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned the CIA director directly to seek assistance. Real-time intelligence from the field was scarce and some officials at State and the Pentagon were largely in the dark about the CIA’s role.

The officers on the ground in Benghazi responded to the situation on the night of 11 and 12 September as quickly and as effectively as possible. The security officers in particular were genuine heroes.

And the official provides the following timeline:

–Around 9:40pm (local) the first call comes in to the Annex that the Mission is coming under attack.
–Fewer than 25 minutes later, a security team left the Annex for the Mission.
–Over the next 25 minutes, team members approach the compound, attempt to secure heavy weapons, and make their way onto the compound itself in the face of enemy fire.
–At 11:11pm, the requested ISR arrives over the Mission compound.
–By 11:30pm, all US personnel, except for the missing US Ambassador, depart the Mission. The exiting vehicles come under fire.
–Over the next roughly 90 minutes, the Annex receives sporadic small arms fire and RPG rounds; the security team returns fire, and the attackers disperse (approx 1am).
–At about the same time, a team of additional security personnel lands at the Benghazi airport, negotiates for transport into town, and upon learning the Ambassador was missing and that the situation at the Annex had calmed, focused on locating the Ambassador, and trying to secure information on the security situation at the hospital.
–Still pre-dawn timeframe, that team at the airport finally manages to secure transportation and armed escort and — having learned that the Ambassador was almost certainly dead and that the security situation at the hospital was uncertain — heads to the Annex to assist with the evacuation.
–They arrive with Libyan support at the Annex at 5:15am, just before the mortar rounds begin to hit the Annex. The two security officers were killed when they took direct mortar fire as they engaged the enemy. That attack lasted only 11 minutes then also dissipated.
–Less than an hour later, a heavily armed Libyan military unit arrived to help evacuate the compound of all US personnel.
U.S. Effort in Beghazi, Libya, Was a CIA Operation |
Benzers, the new Birthers.

WASHINGTON, May 4 (Reuters) - Any attempt by Republicans to embarrass the Obama administration over the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, could backfire in the mid-term congressional elections, a Republican U.S. senator warned on Sunday.

Some Republicans view the attack, in which militants killed four Americans at the U.S. mission in Benghazi including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, as a political liability that could hurt President Barack Obama's Democrats in November.

Although the issue may resonate with some (Low IQ, depends wearing bitter old white guys in the white christian party), pushing it too hard is politically risky for Republicans, said Republican Senator (ms) Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who is running for re-election this year.

"If we're playing politics with Benghazi, we'll get burned," Graham said on CBS's "Face the Nation."

You can tell when the radical left is in deep doo-doo. They lose their cool and start their bigoted rhetoric against Christians who don't even have a dog in the fight. The cover-up used to be worse than the crime until the media decided to become a propaganda arm of the democrat party. Obama lied and Americans died. Who do we see about that?

Obama did not lie. The CIA lied. Bush lied and a million died. If he did his lie to not cause anyones death. After the facts were in he called it an "act of terror"
KROFT: “Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word ‘terrorism’ in connection with the Libya attack.”
OBAMA: “Right.”
KROFT: “Do you believe that this was a terrorist attack?”
OBAMA: “Well, it’s too early to know exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans. And we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice, one way or the other.”

Obama?s claim he called Benghazi an ?act of terrorism? - The Washington Post
Who ordered Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi and why?

Let's start there.

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