Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi !!

Who ordered Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi and why?

Let's start there.
Then add WHY and whom is responsible for not giving him the support he requested only to be denied, which resulted in his unwarranted death. And WHY Obama, Hillary, with the backing of Democrats accept his death as a sacrifice to get re-elected.

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Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack
No matter who attacked, islamic terrorist or protestors what difference does it make. If someone if killed with a gun or a knife they are dead and it does not matter how.:mad:
CHRIST died on a cross or an up right stake. The outcome and meaning is the same. I am definately missing something here. There is nothing that Obama did that caused the death of anyone in the Benghazi attack. Enlighten me on how he lied and Americans died.
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Debunking the GOP’s false narratives about the Benghazi attack

The first correction is to the charge that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice lied to the American people in the days after the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Rice told television interviewers the violence grew out of a spontaneous demonstration, prompted by an American anti-Muslim video.

Here is the simple fact: The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper has confirmed that Rice told the truth in describing the assessment of the intelligence community at the time of her remarks.

Opinion: Debunking the GOP?s false narratives about the Benghazi attack | TheHill
Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack
No matter who attacked, islamic terrorist or protestors what difference does it make. If someone if killed with a gun or a knife they are dead and it does not matter how.:mad:
CHRIST died on a cross or an up right stake. The outcome and meaning is the same. I am definately missing something here. There is nothing that Obama did that caused the death of anyone in the Benghazi attack. Enlighten me on how he lied and Americans died.

No support, Obama couldn't be bothered with it. He had a mantra of GM ALIVE, bin-Laden Dead, al-queida on the run...and this episode would have torpedoed his re-election bid. But YOU go ahead and continue being blind.

Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack
No matter who attacked, islamic terrorist or protestors what difference does it make. If someone if killed with a gun or a knife they are dead and it does not matter how.:mad:
CHRIST died on a cross or an up right stake. The outcome and meaning is the same. I am definately missing something here. There is nothing that Obama did that caused the death of anyone in the Benghazi attack. Enlighten me on how he lied and Americans died.

You're right, it should read:

Americans died, then Obama lied

Obama lied as a political cover up to hide his ineffectual policy and response to a terror attack leading up to the 2012 election
Debunking the GOP’s false narratives about the Benghazi attack

The first correction is to the charge that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice lied to the American people in the days after the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Rice told television interviewers the violence grew out of a spontaneous demonstration, prompted by an American anti-Muslim video.

Here is the simple fact: The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper has confirmed that Rice told the truth in describing the assessment of the intelligence community at the time of her remarks.

Opinion: Debunking the GOP?s false narratives about the Benghazi attack | TheHill

So you post some BULLSHIT from over a YEAR AND A HALF ago written by a knob-slurping sycophant as evidence of a lie you're pushing?

By Juan Williams - 10/22/12 09:00 AM EDT

Read more: Opinion: Debunking the GOP?s false narratives about the Benghazi attack | TheHill
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You rally are a stupid fuck

dimocraps lie. It's what they do
Who ordered Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi and why?

Let's start there.
Then add WHY and whom is responsible for not giving him the support he requested only to be denied, which resulted in his unwarranted death. And WHY Obama, Hillary, with the backing of Democrats accept his death as a sacrifice to get re-elected.

You wont see an answer to either of these.
Who ordered Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi and why?

Let's start there.
Then add WHY and whom is responsible for not giving him the support he requested only to be denied, which resulted in his unwarranted death. And WHY Obama, Hillary, with the backing of Democrats accept his death as a sacrifice to get re-elected.

You wont see an answer to either of these.
Then eventually these people will drown in their sea of lies. Truth evades them on purpose.
Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack
No matter who attacked, islamic terrorist or protestors what difference does it make. If someone if killed with a gun or a knife they are dead and it does not matter how.:mad:
CHRIST died on a cross or an up right stake. The outcome and meaning is the same. I am definately missing something here. There is nothing that Obama did that caused the death of anyone in the Benghazi attack. Enlighten me on how he lied and Americans died.

No support, Obama couldn't be bothered with it. He had a mantra of GM ALIVE, bin-Laden Dead, al-queida on the run...and this episode would have torpedoed his re-election bid. But YOU go ahead and continue being blind.


Had the Lying Cocksucker in Chief sent Paratroopers or Marines (?) to Benghazi, then he would be PUBLICLY admitting that the attack ran counter to his claims that "al Qaeda is on the run"

So he did nothing; instead blaming an absurd video.

THAT is the crime. THAT is the impeachable and, IMO, imprisonable offense.

Rather than perform his duty as CinC of all Executive Branch Functions, ESPECIALLY of the Armed Forces of the United States, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief did nothing so as to confuse the issue long enough that he could lie his way through the next few weeks.

Which he did.

We will never know whether Troops from Sigonella or elsewhere could have saved those men because the Lying Cocksucker in Chief told the Military to 'Stand Down'

Nobody else has that power. Not even the Defense Secretary. If Panetta DID tell the Troops to stand down, he exceeded his authority and should be brought up on charges and, if convicted, spend the rest of his life in prison.

Bottom line, the Lying Cocksucker in Chief did NOTHING because if he did SOMETHING, he would be admitting that his campaign slogans of 'GM is alive and bin Floatin' is dead' and "al Qaeda is on the run" could be rightly questioned.

the Lying Cocksucker put his campaign slogan ahead of the lives of those men. Period.

Whether they could have been saved or not is COMPLETELY irrelevant.

the Lying Cocksucker didn't even try.

And the people in here defending him are worse than he is.

The lying cocksuckers in here have very little to gain from the lies they tell.

That, my friends, is the mark of psychopaths
Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack
No matter who attacked, islamic terrorist or protestors what difference does it make. If someone if killed with a gun or a knife they are dead and it does not matter how.:mad:
CHRIST died on a cross or an up right stake. The outcome and meaning is the same. I am definitely missing something here. There is nothing that Obama did that caused the death of anyone in the Benghazi attack. Enlighten me on how he lied and Americans died.

No support,??? Obama couldn't be bothered with it. He had a mantra of GM ALIVE, bin-Laden Dead, al-queida on the run...and this episode would have torpedoed his re-election bid. But YOU go ahead and continue being blind.

Like he had foresight that it was going to happen? You are a mind reader now? What was Bush thinking when he froze when he first heard of the plane hitting the WT building? What episode? He could not hide 4 dead Americans? WTH are you people breathing? Obama is as clean as a whistle when it comes to Benghazi? Wasn't Bush re-elected after 9/11???
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Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack
Continue to read and comprehend and stop listening to FAUXNEWS.
The final report on the attack on the U.S. consulate makes one thing clear: Republican charges of a cover-up are pure fiction.

Obama Said “Stand Down”

Ask About Benghazi

Tell the Truth Obama

Media at the time—conservative media, especially—were reporting every possible turn, twist, and revelation about the attacks. The “stand down” theory originated in an October 26 Fox News EXCLUSIVE (capital letters in the original), which reported that the CIA “chain of command” had “told the CIA operators twice to ‘stand down’ rather than help” besieged Americans. A complementary theory, advanced by the father of the murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, suggested that the White House had a “live feed” of the attack and sat shiva, doing nothing. Another theory, universally shared: The White House, led by people like UN Ambassador Susan Rice, was engaged in a massive cover-up.

Benghazi report: not a cover-up.
The illness running through the republican part today

What should be done

"The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome."

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.
I don't understand why Fox news bothers the likes of you so much. You're terrified they might actually be right. Eh?
Like he had foresight that it was going to happen? You are a mind reader now? What was Bush thinking when he froze when he first heard of the plane hitting the WT building?

Oh. Oh. I know!

Like he had foresight that it was going to happen? You are a mind reader now? What was Bush thinking when he froze when he first heard of the plane hitting the WT building?

Oh. Oh. I know!


I suppose he could have closed all the airports for 8-9 months with as much fragmented information that he had. I'm sure all the dots were connected to stop what happened on 9/11.
You goofballs can't do any critical thinking on your own, you need to be spoon fed by rachel madcow.:cuckoo:
Like he had foresight that it was going to happen? You are a mind reader now? What was Bush thinking when he froze when he first heard of the plane hitting the WT building?

Oh. Oh. I know!


I suppose he could have closed all the airports for 8-9 months with as much fragmented information that he had. I'm sure all the dots were connected to stop what happened on 9/11.
You goofballs can't do any critical thinking on your own, you need to be spoon fed by rachel madcow.:cuckoo:

strangely the left would not have a problem with that
This is an inside the nut bubble issue for rightwingers. They rant about Benghazi, and get all sorts of support from their fellow nuts,

but that causes them to misread that nut support for support from normal America.

They are, in short, deluded.
You said it better than I ever could.

Benghazi = Obama's political cover up of a terrorist attack

Who ordered Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi and why?

Let's start there.
You are a hard RW nutter of the worst kind. Nothing seems to be able to penetrate that thick skull of yours.

Ambassadors CHOOSE where they wanna go, he CHOSE to be there. It was HIS call. That's the way the world works bub.

Deal with it.
The ultimate liberal excuse, blame the victim, blame Stevens.

Through all of this I have not seen one word of condemnation of the Muslim extremists. And not just the ones at Benghazi. The defense of the riots is like it was to be expected. As if acting as if we are still in the 15 century is to be expected.
The ultimate liberal excuse, blame the victim, blame Stevens.

Through all of this I have not seen one word of condemnation of the Muslim extremists. And not just the ones at Benghazi. The defense of the riots is like it was to be expected. As if acting as if we are still in the 15 century is to be expected.
No SCUMBAG, YOU rabid far RWers are the ones NOT wanting to lay blame where it belongs, which is at the foot of the Muslim extremists.

You're MUCH more interested in finding ways and means to lay the blame FALSELY at the foot of Obama and now Hillary Clinton.

Get that SHAT outta heah!!!!


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