Benghazi!! Benghazi!! Benghazi !!

Between Benghazi lies and VA lies the demon regime will be boiling.

If the four men who died had not died but successfully rescued those people including the ambassador, they would be in prison today for violating orders to stand down.


OH!!! even if true, 4 vs. 7,000+ 10's of 1000's maimed for life under the last one of your guys (Repub) :thup:
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Where were Republicans when 4,000 American soldiers died for a mistake in Iraq or the dozens killed in the 13 embassy/outpost bombings under Dubya?

Oh, right, they said that "bad things sometimes happen" in volatile places, but since a black guy is President, obviously he murdered the Americans in a conspiracy with Libyan extremists. Got it.

You conveniently forget the Democrats that VOTED for us to go to war, after the 16 U.N. resolutions against Saddam, and all the Democrats that said Saddam had WMD and demanded regime change... You need us to post the YouTubes AGAIN of them?

None of those attacks under Bush lasted for HOURS as Benghazi did, and NONE of them asked for help that WAS NOT SENT!

Democrats voted and gave President Bush the "authority to use force, if necessary".

They did NOT vote "for war".

Then the Dems and all of us were lied to by the neo-cons, who got 4,000+ Americans killed for a mistake.

And then Republicans in Washington voted for less security funding for our foreign outposts.

Republicans, you look like fucking idiots on this issue, but as Obama said in debate #2 with Mitt, "Please....continue".

Show us in the resolution where it said IF NECESSARY!

Dems were calling for Saddam Regime change 2 years before Bush became president, youtubes all over the place to prove that.

It was for the embassy's, not outposts, and Benghazi safe house wasn't even considered a consulate!

You need to see where Candy Crowley LIED to protect the obomanation, it's available! BUT I wouldn't expect a guy with a room temperature IQ to understand!
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EXCLUSIVE: Documents reviewed by Fox News show there are differences between Benghazi emails released through the federal courts to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and emails released to the House oversight committee as part of its investigation into the attacks. The discrepancies are fueling allegations the administration is holding back documents to Congress. "The key question is whether Congress now has all the documents," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, a member of the oversight committee, said. As for differences between the two sets of documents, Chaffetz alleged: "They are playing games. The classification and redactions are different. Why should Judicial...

Discrepancies between Benghazi emails released to Congress, watchdog group | Fox News
Fox News as a source? GOP TV? THAT Fox? Gramps, you are TOO predictable. :rofl:

DotCommie, I know your IQ doesn't make half a hundred, but TRY putting that info into a SEARCH ENGINE and see what you come up with! Although you don't really think a subversive news site would list it yet, do you?....I know silly question to ask a retardian!
Between Benghazi lies and VA lies the demon regime will be boiling.

If the four men who died had not died but successfully rescued those people including the ambassador, they would be in prison today for violating orders to stand down.


OH!!! even if true, 4 vs. 7,000+ 10's of 1000's maimed for life under the last one of your guys (Repub) :thup:


If there is NOTHING TO BENGHAZI, as the regime, and all it's lapdogs claim, WHAT HAVE THEY GOT TO FEAR OVER A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION, without this bullshit?...


THIS TIME she can come back to testify with a more believable explanation!...Such as...

Obama assassinated an American teenager without charges or trial and all the right-wing can do is scrape for something that proves wrongdoing during Benghazi. Why?

Because Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn't white. What would the psycho racist right-wing fringe lunatic American Taliban Teabagger party reaction be if Obama had killed a WHITE American teenager without charges or a trial?
Obama assassinated an American teenager without charges or trial and all the right-wing can do is scrape for something that proves wrongdoing during Benghazi. Why?

Because Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn't white. What would the psycho racist right-wing fringe lunatic American Taliban Teabagger party reaction be if Obama had killed a WHITE American teenager without charges or a trial?
I imagine the same as everyone else's; feel sorry for the kid having such an asshole for a father, but that's life.
Obama assassinated an American teenager without charges or trial and all the right-wing can do is scrape for something that proves wrongdoing during Benghazi. Why?

Because Abdulrahman al-Awlaki wasn't white. What would the psycho racist right-wing fringe lunatic American Taliban Teabagger party reaction be if Obama had killed a WHITE American teenager without charges or a trial?

Where is the left wing to make a stink over Abdulrahman al-Awlaki being killed IF they are such colorblind people, or do you just enjoy calling our Founding Fathers RACIST *****?

Quote: Originally Posted by KNB
And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some RACIST ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.
The ultimate liberal excuse, blame the victim, blame Stevens.

Through all of this I have not seen one word of condemnation of the Muslim extremists. And not just the ones at Benghazi. The defense of the riots is like it was to be expected. As if acting as if we are still in the 15 century is to be expected.
No SCUMBAG, YOU rabid far RWers are the ones NOT wanting to lay blame where it belongs, which is at the foot of the Muslim extremists.

You're MUCH more interested in finding ways and means to lay the blame FALSELY at the foot of Obama and now Hillary Clinton.

Get that SHAT outta heah!!!!

Oh no you don't don't be trying to switch sides. Obama, Hillary and the rest of the administration are the apologists for the muslims. Recognizing the danger of radical Islam is apparently not something Obama flying monkeys seem to be able to do. WE know the danger that is why WE wouldn't have put Stevens in that situation. Obama thinks that everyone loves him and he can do what he wants, that ended with Benghazi.
The illness running through the republican part today

What should be done

"The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome."

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email were worth numerous hearings, subpoenas and probes. But possible collusion between the national security adviser and Russia? Crickets.

Dems Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Flynn, Or Step Aside | The Huffington Post

The illness running through the republican part today

What should be done

"The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome."

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email were worth numerous hearings, subpoenas and probes. But possible collusion between the national security adviser and Russia? Crickets.

Dems Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Flynn, Or Step Aside | The Huffington Post

Where the fuck is the Darrel dude? Surely he'd be investigating.
The illness running through the republican part today

What should be done

"The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome."

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email were worth numerous hearings, subpoenas and probes. But possible collusion between the national security adviser and Russia? Crickets.

Dems Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Flynn, Or Step Aside | The Huffington Post

Where the fuck is the Darrel dude? Surely he'd be investigating.
The illness running through the republican part today

What should be done

"The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome."

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email were worth numerous hearings, subpoenas and probes. But possible collusion between the national security adviser and Russia? Crickets.

Dems Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Flynn, Or Step Aside | The Huffington Post
And Hillary and Obama resigned?
The illness running through the republican part today

What should be done

"The American Psychiatric Association’s latest handbook — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) . It is the handbook of mental health, and if you’re not in it, you are among the fortunate few. I beseech the DSM’s publishers to consider one additional entry, the seriousness of which will be apparent to anyone who watches Fox News: Benghazi Syndrome."

Benghazi Syndrome is a grave malady of the white christian party

In the end, it all comes down to an irrational and absolutely rabid dislike of Obama that so clouds judgment that utterly preposterous statements are uttered, usually within the precincts of the Fox News studios. This, as you might have guessed, is classic Benghazi Syndrome. There is no known cure.

Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email were worth numerous hearings, subpoenas and probes. But possible collusion between the national security adviser and Russia? Crickets.

Dems Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Flynn, Or Step Aside | The Huffington Post
And Hillary and Obama resigned?
Let's see if when we catch trump in his next lie will you demand he resign

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