Benghazi Hearing Howlers


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Ever wonder why some men think they have a biological right to yell at women, as evidenced by a bunch of sweaty howling dudes at the Benghazi hearing? It's possible the yelling and rudeness may not be entirely their fault. Humans share about 90% of our genetic code with our genetic cousins, and it very well could be that that males yelling at women may be hard wired into some males genetic code. OTOH, some of us don't feel compelled to yell at, insult, or be rude to women...

Loud calls mean smaller balls in howler monkeys
October 23, 2015 By Sam Catherman

The next time a male calls out to you on the street, you can rest easy knowing that he’s just trying to compensate for something. According to a report from, catcalling may not just be a human trait. A recent study shows that howler monkeys, which weigh roughly seven kilograms, produce a loud, guttural wail to attract mates. The loudest ones, however, are the ones that produce the least sperm.


I'm not a scientist but according to a couple of snippets from,

"Humans share over 90% of their DNA with their primate cousins. The expression or activity patterns of genes differ across species in ways that help explain each species' distinct biology and behavior."

"In all three species, Dr. Gilad's lab found that transcription factor binding and histone modifications were identical in over 67% of regulatory elements in DNA segments that are regarded as promoter regions."

And-----and there may be a physiological reason why Trey Gowdy was sweating profusely at the Benghazi Hearing while Hillary Clinton was cool, calm and collected.

Ever wonder why some men think they have a biological right to yell at women, as evidenced by a bunch of sweaty howling dudes at the Benghazi hearing? It's possible the yelling and rudeness may not be entirely their fault. Humans share about 90% of our genetic code with our genetic cousins, and it very well could be that that males yelling at women may be hard wired into some males genetic code. OTOH, some of us don't feel compelled to yell at, insult, or be rude to women...

Loud calls mean smaller balls in howler monkeys
October 23, 2015 By Sam Catherman

The next time a male calls out to you on the street, you can rest easy knowing that he’s just trying to compensate for something. According to a report from, catcalling may not just be a human trait. A recent study shows that howler monkeys, which weigh roughly seven kilograms, produce a loud, guttural wail to attract mates. The loudest ones, however, are the ones that produce the least sperm.


I'm not a scientist but according to a couple of snippets from,

"Humans share over 90% of their DNA with their primate cousins. The expression or activity patterns of genes differ across species in ways that help explain each species' distinct biology and behavior."

"In all three species, Dr. Gilad's lab found that transcription factor binding and histone modifications were identical in over 67% of regulatory elements in DNA segments that are regarded as promoter regions."

And-----and there may be a physiological reason why Trey Gowdy was sweating profusely at the Benghazi Hearing while Hillary Clinton was cool, calm and collected.
white ones too

I never thought for a minute Hillary was going to be taken down by these hearings, and the idea that Hillary was going to go to jail IMO has been wishful thinking by many Republicans.

She's going to be the nominee, and considering the demo shift, and the fact that there are tens of millions of even regular Americans today that want the government to babysit them, she's likely to be the next president.

Sad, but be prepared for it folks.
She gets that two o'clock call, what does she do? Nothing then lies about it, and the nut jobs on here still support her. Gruber was spot on how he described liberals.
She gets that two o'clock call, what does she do? Nothing then lies about it, and the nut jobs on here still support her. Gruber was spot on how he described liberals.

If you think you have a point - make it. I'd love the opportunity to kick your ass with sworn testimony.

While waiting to respond, check out (below) the questions the sweaty Republican howlers on the Benghazi Committee are keeping secret... Thank you-----thank you, Adam Schiff for exposing the sleazy off subject questions the sweaty howlers asked Sidney Blumenthal -- Yep, and this only one way the sweaty howlers are wasting your hard earned tax dollars.

The reason for the GOP's Blumenthal secrecy finally revealed
Oct 22, 2015
by Kerry Eleveld


Congressman Schiff gave us a look at what he called "Sidney Blumenthal by the numbers," and it's clear the GOP doesn't want the American public to know what they asked Blumenthal about—because it had nothing to do with the actual Benghazi attacks.

Here's what mattered to their investigation:

•On Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya: more than 270 questions
•On Blumenthal's relationship with Clinton: more than 160 questions
•On the Clinton Foundation: more than 50 questions
•On David Brock/Media Matters: more than 45 questions

Here's what didn't matter:

•On the Benghazi attacks: less than 20 questions
•On security in Benghazi: only 4 questions
•On the U.S. presence in Benghazi: 0 (zip, nada) questions
•On Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi: 0 (zip, nada) questions

She gets that two o'clock call, what does she do? Nothing then lies about it, and the nut jobs on here still support her. Gruber was spot on how he described liberals.

If you think you have a point - make it. I'd love the opportunity to kick your ass with sworn testimony.

While waiting to respond, check out (below) the questions the sweaty Republican howlers on the Benghazi Committee are keeping secret... Thank you-----thank you, Adam Schiff for exposing the sleazy off subject questions the sweaty howlers asked Sidney Blumenthal -- Yep, and this only one way the sweaty howlers are wasting your hard earned tax dollars.

The reason for the GOP's Blumenthal secrecy finally revealed
Oct 22, 2015
by Kerry Eleveld


Congressman Schiff gave us a look at what he called "Sidney Blumenthal by the numbers," and it's clear the GOP doesn't want the American public to know what they asked Blumenthal about—because it had nothing to do with the actual Benghazi attacks.

Here's what mattered to their investigation:

•On Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya: more than 270 questions
•On Blumenthal's relationship with Clinton: more than 160 questions
•On the Clinton Foundation: more than 50 questions
•On David Brock/Media Matters: more than 45 questions

Here's what didn't matter:

•On the Benghazi attacks: less than 20 questions
•On security in Benghazi: only 4 questions
•On the U.S. presence in Benghazi: 0 (zip, nada) questions
•On Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi: 0 (zip, nada) questions

So you think Benghazi was a success?
I never thought for a minute Hillary was going to be taken down by these hearings, and the idea that Hillary was going to go to jail IMO has been wishful thinking by many Republicans.

She's going to be the nominee, and considering the demo shift, and the fact that there are tens of millions of even regular Americans today that want the government to babysit them, she's likely to be the next president.

Sad, but be prepared for it folks.
But we don't have to just let it happen.

Hillary wants to make it look like anyone who disagrees with her lies is being mean to a woman.

Obama did the same thing when it came to racism.

It's not honest....and should be an immediate disqualifier.
She gets that two o'clock call, what does she do? Nothing then lies about it, and the nut jobs on here still support her. Gruber was spot on how he described liberals.

If you think you have a point - make it. I'd love the opportunity to kick your ass with sworn testimony.

While waiting to respond, check out (below) the questions the sweaty Republican howlers on the Benghazi Committee are keeping secret... Thank you-----thank you, Adam Schiff for exposing the sleazy off subject questions the sweaty howlers asked Sidney Blumenthal -- Yep, and this only one way the sweaty howlers are wasting your hard earned tax dollars.

The reason for the GOP's Blumenthal secrecy finally revealed
Oct 22, 2015
by Kerry Eleveld


Congressman Schiff gave us a look at what he called "Sidney Blumenthal by the numbers," and it's clear the GOP doesn't want the American public to know what they asked Blumenthal about—because it had nothing to do with the actual Benghazi attacks.

Here's what mattered to their investigation:

•On Blumenthal's alleged business activities in Libya: more than 270 questions
•On Blumenthal's relationship with Clinton: more than 160 questions
•On the Clinton Foundation: more than 50 questions
•On David Brock/Media Matters: more than 45 questions

Here's what didn't matter:

•On the Benghazi attacks: less than 20 questions
•On security in Benghazi: only 4 questions
•On the U.S. presence in Benghazi: 0 (zip, nada) questions
•On Ambassador Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi: 0 (zip, nada) questions

So you think Benghazi was a success?
What difference does it make?
:cuckoo: That comment is a mess

Perhaps, perhaps not!

More to the point, the real mess is the mess Gowdy and his howling cohorts made of their failed gotcha moment with Hillary Clinton.

yeah we know Star, you love and adore Hillary and she would NEVER lie or do anything wrong <insert eye roll here>

When/if Hillary becomes the Democratic party candidate, I will not only vote for her, I will volunteer to help her campaign wherever they need me but-----but I'm a Democratic-Socialist, similar to the only US President in American history to ever win the popular vote four times.

Franklin D. Roosevelt was/is the most popular president in American history and-----and Franklin Roosevelt was a Democratic-Socialist. Bernie Sanders and Franklin Roosevelt were/are political blood brothers on almost every important economic issue.

The point is, as usual your perception(s) is wrong. Hillary is my second choice. Great to have a really-really strong first and second choice.

The only people that don't think Hillary kicked the Benghazi committee's ass are nuts-o rightwingers.
the only Howlers have been you nasty people on the left and you Democrat slaves to the party. Go through this board AND COUNT all the threads you all have littered the board up with, since your Lyness Hillary has had to answer to WE THE PEOPLE for her role in this administrations Screw up that got four people killed. You always PROJECT onto others what you yourselves are. So you can take this number 20th nasty thread and gag on it
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this is same type of crap the people got sick of on top of that thug you all put in as President, that helped in your party losing power of congress after only SIX years of him being in office. You think people have forgotten all about that, then keep it up.

it's you Howlers/slaves to a party who will be the reason you lose the Presidency next. on top you have nothing to chose to from that your party HAS ALLOWED you to pick from. you should clean up that nasty party of yours
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