Benghazi Hearings: An Investigation or a Witch Hunt?

Why wouldn't they just admit this was a terror attack? Why did they lie about the video. That's what I wanted.
Blumenthal and Hillary were working together with some shady business folks in Libya to make a $killing$ if she were a Republican she would already be in prison.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Of course you wanted email details. You only got several dozen questions about emails answered. Just as they have been answered before.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Silly libtard.
"Clinton said “This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.”

Today she finally took responsibility for that lie. That's pretty huge.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Of course you wanted email details. You only got several dozen questions about emails answered. Just as they have been answered before.
Not really. She was saying I don't recall and I don't know.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Silly libtard.
"Clinton said “This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.”

Today she finally took responsibility for that lie. That's pretty huge.

Both are true. No lies. You lose.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Of course you wanted email details. You only got several dozen questions about emails answered. Just as they have been answered before.
Not really. She was saying I don't recall and I don't know.

Bullshit. She answered every question.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Silly libtard.
"Clinton said “This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.”

Today she finally took responsibility for that lie. That's pretty huge.

Both are true. No lies. You lose.
No they are not. Now you're lying. You are a loser.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Of course you wanted email details. You only got several dozen questions about emails answered. Just as they have been answered before.
Not really. She was saying I don't recall and I don't know.

Bullshit. She answered every question.
No she didn't. I heard her say it. A lot.
Watching the interrogation of HRC, it is my opinion that the Members of the H. of Rep. who examined her today were only interested in assassinating her character; the truth which they claimed they were seeking was not in evidence.

It is clear that those Republican Members of the H. or Rep. who treated her with disdain today are an embarrassment to all who seek truth and justice, and support traditional values of our nation - that all are innocent until proven guilty.

Truth was not what they sought today, and anyone who suggests it was is a liar and or a fool.
It's not much of a hunt. The witch is sitting fight in front of them.

The old bitch doesn't even know what Marines do at a US embassy. What a joke

Hillary Clinton Doesn't Know What Marines Do At U.S. Embassies - Breitbart

Breitbart, masquerading as news.

It's neither one. Hillary has broken the law with her private server and she fucked up big time and got 4 men killed in Benghazi. That's it in a nutshell but the scared of their own shadow republicans will never bring her up on charges or vote to indite her so the whole thing is a waste of time and money. Move on!

There is no evidence to indict her of a crime. There are not even any allegations that the use of her personal e-mail has caused any harm to our diplomatic or defense related missions.

If you watched any of the witch hunt today you saw the worst of political theater, and the behavior of members of the Republican Caucus was beyond the nastiest most despicable behavior one could imagine.
No, she just got caught in about half a dozen LIES!...but, to her pond scum followers,

Watching the interrogation of HRC, it is my opinion that the Members of the H. of Rep. who examined her today were only interested in assassinating her character; the truth which they claimed they were seeking was not in evidence.

It is clear that those Republican Members of the H. or Rep. who treated her with disdain today are an embarrassment to all who seek truth and justice, and support traditional values of our nation - that all are innocent until proven guilty.

Truth was not what they sought today, and anyone who suggests it was is a liar and or a fool.

Hillary is a witch. She needs to answer for her decisions regarding the lack of security at the Benghazi embassy. She ignored many requests from Stevens and then lied about a lot of things. She was laughing after she testified. She really doesn't take any of this seriously and has never shown remorse for letting those people in Benghazi down when they needed help. It does make a difference, especially when she wants to be president. We can't trust her.
No, she just got caught in about half a dozen LIES!...but, to her pond scum followers,


But independents won't and that's what matters. Its her own damn fault, if she just grew a pair and took responsibility from the beginning like a true leader this would have been a nothing burger by now. Instead she spun a web of lies that has spun out of control like a vortex sucking in related scandals like her email stupidity and attempts to cover that up, bad mouthing Obama and his administration behind his back. Right now in an ideal world everyone would be focused on what she plans to do if elected president, instead her scandals and baggage are front and center.
Watching the interrogation of HRC, it is my opinion that the Members of the H. of Rep. who examined her today were only interested in assassinating her character; the truth which they claimed they were seeking was not in evidence.

It is clear that those Republican Members of the H. or Rep. who treated her with disdain today are an embarrassment to all who seek truth and justice, and support traditional values of our nation - that all are innocent until proven guilty.

Truth was not what they sought today, and anyone who suggests it was is a liar and or a fool.
It was a ridiculous witch hunt.

Nothing 'new' was learned or addressed, Clinton clearly did nothing 'wrong' or 'illegal,' the 'hearing' was about partisan attacks, not about 'facts' or the 'truth.'

And as republicans and conservatives continue to attempt to propagate the lie that Clinton was somehow 'to blame,' they succeed in only exposing how partisan and desperate they truly are.
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Of course you wanted email details. You only got several dozen questions about emails answered. Just as they have been answered before.
Not really. She was saying I don't recall and I don't know.

Bullshit. She answered every question.

So did Bubba.
An investigation into the deaths of four Americans which involves the questioning of a witch.

As posted in the OP and common knowledge of the aware, eight (8) prior investigations and no smoking gun.

It is insight into the character of the current iteration of the Republican Party and evidence of their Pols desperate lust for power that they are willing to use any and all machinations to reach that goal.

Problems exist in our county and the majority party in The Congress has proved that its current leaders have no ability to govern, problem solve, seek common ground or behave - its as if a group of spoiled tots had been elected to run the preschool.

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