Benghazi Hearings: An Investigation or a Witch Hunt?

Hillary and Obama are responsible for steven's horrible murder because it happened on their watch. But I don't see anything coming from this

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, et al are responsible for the deaths of 3,000 human beings on Sept. 11, 2001; and later the deaths of 4,500 American military personnel and tens of thousand Iraq civilians on their watch.

My Royal Flush beats your Queen high.
The investigation isn't half over yet. There are 20 more witnesses to question.
We learned she used a personal email server, not even a commercial server, and she's obsessed with secrecy.

The rest is theatrics. Of course ambassadors don't have direct email access to the SOS, and you and I don't email the CEO we work for. Blumentha's her friend. Team Obama didn't want to admit an organized terrorist attack killed an ambassador two months before an election.
Here is what Hillary said;

"“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing do to with.”

Read more: Reminder: Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi while standing in front of the victims' caskets | The Daily Caller

Now, provide the evidence that her comment was not true? How do you know what motivated the attack, and what was in the mind of the killers?

In fact violent demonstrations occurred as a result of the video throughout the Muslim World at the time, it is and remains a valid assumption by those aware and not biddable to right wing propaganda.

Do your ever think for yourself?
I was hoping for some good dirt but haven't seen anything like that so far.

Of course you were. That's all that matters.
No I wanted proof. I only got an admission that this was NOT caused by a video. Which is pretty bad but I wanted email details.

Silly nutter. It's been known for a long time that the attack wasn't prompted by the video. You learned nothing new.

Silly libtard.
"Clinton said “This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.”

Today she finally took responsibility for that lie. That's pretty huge.

It was a bad week. There was an assault on that post. There was rage directed at American Embassies over the stupid video that was made to incite Muslims.

So, care to take another swing at the alleged lie?
The "committee" appears disinterested in why an ambassador was at an annex used by the CIA, at night and virtually unprotected by even what the DOS seems to admit was insufficient security inside Libya; why we failed to detect heightened danger even though the red cross and Britain or France had detected it; and what changes the DOS has made in light of their own investigations into the attack. I'd say I was surprised, but Gowdy's aim and ambitions are obvious.

Hillary can't hide her obsession with secrecy, and she doesn't even attempt to deny she and the DOS failed here, but from here on out, the GOP and Gowdy won't be able to hide their true aims, and it's not going to be helpful in electing a goper, because the battleground states turn on voters who are not purely partisan.

GOP continues endless investigation into already dis-proven allegations that Sec. Clinton lied after 4 Americans killed by extremist in Libya, 3 years + after the fact.

"She turned me into a Newt"
It was a bad week. There was an assault on that post. There was rage directed at American Embassies over the stupid video that was made to incite Muslims.

So, care to take another swing at the alleged lie?

A Bad week? Did you see the video or are you really blind? There was no sound and most people thought it was a depiction of Jesus not Mohamed. It was stupid and child like. It was a cartoon with real actors. Please! You can't be this ignorant. Obama was afraid it would cost him an election if he admitted that it was terrorism so he lied and so did Hillary. Then they threw the poor guy that made the 10 min film in jail never to be heard from again. She lied to the faces of the dead men's family. That is unforgivable and it will be front and center in the election next year. She is toast. I would bet $10,000...any takers?
It was a bad week. There was an assault on that post. There was rage directed at American Embassies over the stupid video that was made to incite Muslims.

So, care to take another swing at the alleged lie?

A Bad week? Did you see the video or are you really blind? There was no sound and most people thought it was a depiction of Jesus not Mohamed. It was stupid and child like. It was a cartoon with real actors. Please! You can't be this ignorant. Obama was afraid it would cost him an election if he admitted that it was terrorism so he lied and so did Hillary. Then they threw the poor guy that made the 10 min film in jail never to be heard from again. She lied to the faces of the dead men's family. That is unforgivable and it will be front and center in the election next year. She is toast. I would bet $10,000...any takers?

Did you see the Danish cartoon that caused the riots? Did you read the Satanic Verses? The Muslim hordes (much like US partisans) are told what to be outraged about. I think you should get use to the term "Madam President!"
Did you see the Danish cartoon that caused the riots? Did you read the Satanic Verses? The Muslim hordes (much like US partisans) are told what to be outraged about. I think you should get use to the term "Madam President!"
It was not the Danish cartoon that Obama used as an excuse for the death of our Ambassador Blindboo. It was the stupid 10 min internet video that no one had seen until he used it as the reason for the attack. It was a lie. You can believe it and bend over and swallow it but it was a lie. The Danish cartoon was obviously an insult. The 10 min internet video was not so obvious. Benghazi was a terrorist attack and Obama and Hillary still refuse to admit it. Do you really want her as your leader? By the way didn't Obama and Hillary praise the Arab spring? What a couple of buffoons even Putin asked them how they can live with themselves with all of the death and destruction it has brought about. Yeah she is a winner lol
Hillary's emails prove she lied about protesters being responsible. She emailed her daughter and others and knew the same day of the attack that it was a planned terrorist attack. Of course, it should have been expected considering the unrest in the area and the 9/11 anniversary.

Why did she continue to lie for weeks about protesters being upset over a video as the cause when she knew damn well that terrorists had made good on their threats?

When you have a Sec. of State caught in lies, it's right to investigate. She lied for a reason, so what was she and Obama covering up?

Sorry, libs, but it's wrong to just excuse all the lies and drop this. Hillary has proven she cannot be trusted.

These 3 Emails Show What Hillary Was Really Saying About Benghazi
An investigation into the deaths of four Americans which involves the questioning of a witch.

As posted in the OP and common knowledge of the aware, eight (8) prior investigations and no smoking gun.

It is insight into the character of the current iteration of the Republican Party and evidence of their Pols desperate lust for power that they are willing to use any and all machinations to reach that goal.

Problems exist in our county and the majority party in The Congress has proved that its current leaders have no ability to govern, problem solve, seek common ground or behave - its as if a group of spoiled tots had been elected to run the preschool.

No SMOKING guns? If Chris Stevens were will alive, I suspect he would beg to differ.

The hearing did reveal some incredible smoking gun evidence: Obama and hiLIARy new that the Benghazi attack was carried out by Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists. The knew the islamic youtube was a Big Fat Lie but used it as political spin and subterfuge.

It's hardly a surprise that a shill such as you defends our Dear Leaders who lied to the faces of the Benghazi victim's families (no doubt without blinking an eye except to produce crocodile tears). Decent people, however, are shocked and horrified by this revelation...which is why the MSM is doing everything they can to conceal it.

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