Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate

Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

No, it's much much worse.

and it was right before super tuesday. They covered it up all right. and Hillary and her stupid brain injury that didnt even go to a doctor untill she had to testify? what a joke.....right out of the Clinton play book.

Exactly, lies and a coverup of the highest order.
How many people died because of the WMD argument?

How man people died when the US Marines barracks were bombed in Lebanon and Reagan cut and run without going after those responsible?

How many people die because 2nd amendment extremists fight sensible and rational gun regulations?

Do right wingers really care about people dying, or do they care most about having lost a 4 year battle to make President Obama a one term President?

Did the president run a disinformation campaign on the American people?

That's the question here.

You can rant, rave, call people extremists, bring up WMD, blame Bush, call people racists, but the question remains.

If he did, and it certainly looks like he did, how do you defend it?

Are you going to bring up past malfeasances to justify it?

Where was the outrage for these attacks?

Where was the outrage for these attacks?

What do they have to do with the fact that the Obama adminstration covered up the attack on Benghazi?

Did the previous administrations tell the American public they were perpetrated by a non-existent demonstration over a Youtube video?

Is that it?
I look forward to the day someone very close to you dies because your President and Sec of State were incompetent.

Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.
I realize (as most folks do) that Dainty is nothing but a not too bright hack troll.

But it looks like this thread didn't work out for the poor piece of shit quite as he had hoped.
Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

"Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults. The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA’s talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom."
The Benghazi Talking Points | The Weekly Standard
I look forward to the day someone very close to you dies because your President and Sec of State were incompetent.

Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

Gotta love this.

Wishing for the death of a fellow human being.
How many people died because of the WMD argument?

How man people died when the US Marines barracks were bombed in Lebanon and Reagan cut and run without going after those responsible?

How many people die because 2nd amendment extremists fight sensible and rational gun regulations?

Do right wingers really care about people dying, or do they care most about having lost a 4 year battle to make President Obama a one term President?

How many died in lbj's adventure or was that too long ago to count?
of course those people counted

I have said myself that LBJ was a slease.

I dont think he did the things he did out of Love of people of color.

i think he did them as poltical tools.

They still helped this country even if LBJ was a turd of a human being
I look forward to the day someone very close to you dies because your President and Sec of State were incompetent.

Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

Gotta love this.

Wishing for the death of a fellow human being.

How christainy of her
How many people died because of the WMD argument?

How man people died when the US Marines barracks were bombed in Lebanon and Reagan cut and run without going after those responsible?

How many people die because 2nd amendment extremists fight sensible and rational gun regulations?

Do right wingers really care about people dying, or do they care most about having lost a 4 year battle to make President Obama a one term President?

How many died in lbj's adventure or was that too long ago to count?

One of the reasons I hold LBJ as one of the worst American Presidents. Domestically, he did a lot of good, but overall?

He was responsible for the deaths of millions.

Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

I would like to hear from the survivors of Benghazi. So far, the victims families need to rely the position from The Administration, The former Secretary of State and their collective water carrying media that it was an impromptu protest gone awry because of some video. For the Left, "What difference does it make?"

We need to hear from the survivors. Good thing we now have a government that is more transparent and whistleblower - friendly.
Watergate was a criminal conspiracy run out of the White House and CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President). It ran roughshod over the US Constitution.

Facts: people were threatened, there were slush funds involved, criminals on the orders of ...

Benghazi? A big snore-fest kept alive in right wing world because they are bereft of ideas and credible and legitimate political arguments

How utterly delusional.
dont try to defuse your op. it was way bigger then watergate. we just got dumb down over the years and dont care enough to be outraged.

Your post is so :cuckoo: because all it does is repeat unfounded and conspiratorial accusations.


thank you for helping to make Dante's case:cool:

No it doesnt you act like it happened 4 years ago. It just happend last year. I do listen to the radio and read newspapers, ya know? right away it was reported it happen over a FUCKING stupid movie. When Obama called the marines they answered and went and killed Osama and when the marines called Obama for help he didnt even bother to pick up the phone.

calm down Mary, you'll have a stroke.

Ronald Reagan is the one who left US Marines out to die and then walked away doing NOTHING

The fucking French showed more strength and grit than Ronald Reagan did

"In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an airstrike in the Bekaa Valley against alleged Islamic Revolutionary Guards positions. ... There was no serious retaliation for the Beirut bombing from the Americans, besides a few shellings"

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