Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate



radical islam is the enemy. until the country wakes up to that FACT there will be more killings like Boston.

Calling Ft Hood workplace violence just made the radicals stronger, they are laughing at obama as they make more bombs and train more killers.

We had mass killings before extremists in al qaeda targeted us. we will have them after al qaeda is gone.

we are Americans damn it and we like killing each other over gay issues, abortions, politics, love, and many other splendid things

but back to topic, dante. was Ft Hood workplace violence or a terrorist act?

your answer will determine your future credibility.


:laugh2: you truly are an imbecile.

What I think about classifying violence counts? Ok, let's go back to gun violence.


radical islam is the enemy. until the country wakes up to that FACT there will be more killings like Boston.

Calling Ft Hood workplace violence just made the radicals stronger, they are laughing at obama as they make more bombs and train more killers.

We had mass killings before extremists in al qaeda targeted us. we will have them after al qaeda is gone.

we are Americans damn it and we like killing each other over gay issues, abortions, politics, love, and many other splendid things

people have been killed for being gay-----in all countries, in muslim countries being gay is a death sentence from the government

abortions have killed millions of innocent children---you are correct

politics----OWS killed people, black panthers killed people, tea party never killed anyone

love---sure, always has been always will be

but I guess the USA is the only country where there have ever been killings.

Killing a child is murder. Abortions are legal. Abortions are not murder.

We are not at war with Islam. Islam is not at war with the USA
Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

back to basics:eusa_whistle:
It seems that the left protests too much. How many Benghazi posts does Dante think is appropriate? Lighten up lefties it's just about a search for the truth.
Benghazi Is Not Equivalent To Watergate or Any-other-gate, and the right wing needs to stop insisting America swallow this bs. The right wing does not want the victims and families of victims exercising their 1st amendments rights in the gun violence debates, but they want America join in their delusions on Banghazi and any other tragedy they can take advantage of, that they think may possibly make the Obama Administration look bad.

You're absolutely correct!

Nobody DIED in the Watergate burglary.

LOL, moron.

OK, only DANTE still blames the video.

S'ok kid, we all know you are stupid.

NOBODY except dumbfucks still go near that stupid video :)

"People died Obama lied?"

best part of this idiocy is whatever Obama did even according to right wing world's special timeline it was after the fact :eek:

And Speaker Boner is playing the right wing tools for the fools they are .. it's about 2014 stupid

It's not about truth and facts:eusa_shhh:

Stupid video? Did teh Islamic world explode? Did Benghazi happen at the same time?

hmmm, think that played into Pentagon and State Dept decisions? :eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:
Why did the Islamic world explode around the time of the Benghazi attacks?

I am sure State and Defense were worried about situations on the ground and it sucks that they should have been watching .their backs. But hey, the right wing doesn't care who it attacks if it can earn them some cheap political points.

but the right wing will see this fizzle out before the 2014 elections. It will fizzle out fast and furiously

For Right Wing World to keep an argument credible they desperately need to take what happened in Benghazi out of the full context of what was going on in Tripoli and most of the Islamic world.

They need to demand considerations of the crazy video riots playing out all over the world at the same times be ignored. Of course responsible people in State and Defense were working with the big picture, in real time, in the real world.
Why did the Islamic world explode around the time of the Benghazi attacks?

I am sure State and Defense were worried about situations on the ground and it sucks that they should have been watching .their backs. But hey, the right wing doesn't care who it attacks if it can earn them some cheap political points.

but the right wing will see this fizzle out before the 2014 elections. It will fizzle out fast and furiously



Dainty cannot fathom orchestrated propaganda efforts.

That poor pitiable Dainty is clearly just WAY too pathetic.
Why did the Islamic world explode around the time of the Benghazi attacks?

I am sure State and Defense were worried about situations on the ground and it sucks that they should have been watching .their backs. But hey, the right wing doesn't care who it attacks if it can earn them some cheap political points.

but the right wing will see this fizzle out before the 2014 elections. It will fizzle out fast and furiously


For Right Wing World to keep an argument credible they desperately need to take what happened in Benghazi out of the full context of what was going on in Tripoli and most of the Islamic world.

They need to demand considerations of the crazy video riots playing out all over the world at the same times be ignored. Of course responsible people in State and Defense were working with the big picture, in real time, in the real world.

... Tripoli and other capitals had riots going on at the same time. Imagine thinking they were all related somehow.

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