Benghazi Syndrome: Kelly Ayotte Fears Obama's Isis Strategy Is Driven By Midterm Elections


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) suggested on Sunday that President Barack Obama’s military campaign against the Islamic State has been motivated by the upcoming November elections.

“I’m very fearful that as we look at the current military strategy, that it is surrounding the November elections and that he won’t have the resolve to follow through with what needs to be done in a sustained effort to destroy ISIS,” Ayotte said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Ayotte described herself as “very concerned” that Obama would take an aggressive stance against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, only until the midterm elections.

More: Kelly Ayotte Fears Obama's ISIS Strategy Is Driven By Midterm Elections

Does she really believe that? Does anyone else really believe that?
Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) suggested on Sunday that President Barack Obama’s military campaign against the Islamic State has been motivated by the upcoming November elections.

“I’m very fearful that as we look at the current military strategy, that it is surrounding the November elections and that he won’t have the resolve to follow through with what needs to be done in a sustained effort to destroy ISIS,” Ayotte said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Ayotte described herself as “very concerned” that Obama would take an aggressive stance against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, only until the midterm elections.

More: Kelly Ayotte Fears Obama's ISIS Strategy Is Driven By Midterm Elections

Does she really believe that? Does anyone else really believe that?
It's believABLE. But it is stretching things a bit.
It sounds absurd to me. If anything OBAMA is extremely reluctant to use military force anywhere, in almost any situation, save for drone attacks, of course. His reluctance, coupled with his never ending vow not to order ground troops into Iraq, suggests to me that he only ordered this anti-ISIS mission as a last resort and as a consequence of a great deal of political pressure he was feeling. Besides, we are really not doing much over there right now except for occasionally bombing a stronghold and, apparently, quietly arming various factions.

I have a hard time believing that Obama would want conflict right before the election. Afterall, it is well known that Obama had a bug up his ass about the west using military power to influence international relations. He had this weird ideal that history tends to punish aggressor. All leftist tripe, of course. But with all we know about Obama it makes no sense that he would do this as some sort of political tactic.

A call bullshit on Ayotte, and point this out as another reason women should not try to be involved in politics.
if it will make their constituents hate our two-term President, Repubs will espouse it.
Nothing Obama is doing these days is good for his numbers, or the November election.

Mid terms always break in favor of the party out of power, lately the GOP. But the mistake the GOP made from the last midterm victory was over reach. They went wild with abortion, contraception, and gay marriage, and that's why Mitt lost in 2012.

If the GOP takes back the senate, I urge caution, or the GOP might begin to fade away
Most of Obamas decisions are made with political considerations factored in. Look at the strategy it's self he is doing enough so the moderates and independents can't say he is doing nothing but not enough to piss his base off so they stay home for the midterms.
Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) suggested on Sunday that President Barack Obama’s military campaign against the Islamic State has been motivated by the upcoming November elections.

“I’m very fearful that as we look at the current military strategy, that it is surrounding the November elections and that he won’t have the resolve to follow through with what needs to be done in a sustained effort to destroy ISIS,” Ayotte said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Ayotte described herself as “very concerned” that Obama would take an aggressive stance against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, only until the midterm elections.

More: Kelly Ayotte Fears Obama's ISIS Strategy Is Driven By Midterm Elections

Does she really believe that? Does anyone else really believe that?
Well after what the Dems did with Iraq,we were for it until we were against it. I wouldn't put it past them.

Everything this white house does is politically motivated regardless of content. Just look how Obama care was set up,non of the pain until after the election.They see themselves loosing power desperation bring desperate acts.
Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) suggested on Sunday that President Barack Obama’s military campaign against the Islamic State has been motivated by the upcoming November elections.

“I’m very fearful that as we look at the current military strategy, that it is surrounding the November elections and that he won’t have the resolve to follow through with what needs to be done in a sustained effort to destroy ISIS,” Ayotte said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Ayotte described herself as “very concerned” that Obama would take an aggressive stance against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, only until the midterm elections.

More: Kelly Ayotte Fears Obama's ISIS Strategy Is Driven By Midterm Elections

Does she really believe that? Does anyone else really believe that?

Doesn't Ayotte SUPPORT an aggressive stance against ISIS? Isn't she in the McCain/Graham camp of mega-hawks?

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