Benghazi Victim’s Mother SCREAMS: “Hillary Is a Liar!” After Watching ’13 Hours’ (VIDEO)

13 hours is based entirely on the statements of the survivors. We all heard hillary say that the attack was based on a video. Susan Rice went on television to peddle the lie. hillary and obama made an apology video .

Pat Smith has been lied to face to face with hillary. Now it's time for the Clinton's to own it.
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).
13 hours is based entirely on the statements of the survivors. We all heard hillary say that the attack was based on a video. Susan Rice went on television to peddle the lie. hillary and obama made an apology video .

Pat Smith has been lied to face to face with hillary. Now it's time for the Clinton's to own it.
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).

She is a grieving mother of a dead hero. Clinton lied to her when she said Benghazi was the result of a video. Listen closely to the men who were there. too obsess on the first thing they thought caused the attack. Do you always get everything right immediately when trying to figure out why something happened? If you were wrong, do you consider it a Lie?
Our car mechanic called last night about our daughter's car. He said he thought the battery was bad. Today he called and said he "LIED", it was the alternator.

Should you get a new mechanic?
Well, maybe I should run 9 expensive investigations before making a decision.
The Benghazi attack is basically ancient history.

The majority of the American public really doesn't care what happened or who was responsible.

Time to lay it down and move on. ...... :cool:
There is a sad book called "Friendly Fire" by C.D. B Bryan about the dilemma, confusion, misunderstanding and pain suffered by a mother and father upon learning their son was killed in Vietnam by friendly fire, which was a short artillery round fired during a firefight. It highlights the refusal of some to simply accept the realities of war and the obsession of placing blame on some specific person for the death of a loved one. For some, there is an overwhelming need to attribute guilt to an exact person or entity instead of an abstract concept of the simple truth of violent warfare.
It is sad that a faction of politically driven folks with a specific agenda have latched onto this poor woman and found a victim to exploit. No doubt her feelings are sincere, and moms who sacrifice their sons and daughters in warfare are offered special privilege and respect. What makes this case so sad is that she is being exploited because of her natural reaction, no matter how confused or misguided it may be.
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).

She is a grieving mother of a dead hero. Clinton lied to her when she said Benghazi was the result of a video. Listen closely to the men who were there. too obsess on the first thing they thought caused the attack. Do you always get everything right immediately when trying to figure out why something happened? If you were wrong, do you consider it a Lie?
Our car mechanic called last night about our daughter's car. He said he thought the battery was bad. Today he called and said he "LIED", it was the alternator.

Should you get a new mechanic?
Well, maybe I should run 9 expensive investigations before making a decision.

Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).

She is a grieving mother of a dead hero. Clinton lied to her when she said Benghazi was the result of a video. Listen closely to the men who were there. too obsess on the first thing they thought caused the attack. Do you always get everything right immediately when trying to figure out why something happened? If you were wrong, do you consider it a Lie?
Our car mechanic called last night about our daughter's car. He said he thought the battery was bad. Today he called and said he "LIED", it was the alternator.

Should you get a new mechanic?
Well, maybe I should run 9 expensive investigations before making a decision.

Why would you continue to investigate a terrorist attack after surviving witnesses have told you exactly what happened.
As for your auto, you said your mechanic lied much like Clinton.
13 hours is based entirely on the statements of the survivors. We all heard hillary say that the attack was based on a video. Susan Rice went on television to peddle the lie. hillary and obama made an apology video .

Pat Smith has been lied to face to face with hillary. Now it's time for the Clinton's to own it.
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).
13 hours is based entirely on the statements of the survivors. We all heard hillary say that the attack was based on a video. Susan Rice went on television to peddle the lie. hillary and obama made an apology video .

Pat Smith has been lied to face to face with hillary. Now it's time for the Clinton's to own it.
Pat Smith is a RW pawn, like that of the body of Stevens and Co. (who made the decision to be there).

She is a grieving mother of a dead hero. Clinton lied to her when she said Benghazi was the result of a video. Listen closely to the men who were there. too obsess on the first thing they thought caused the attack. Do you always get everything right immediately when trying to figure out why something happened? If you were wrong, do you consider it a Lie?
Our car mechanic called last night about our daughter's car. He said he thought the battery was bad. Today he called and said he "LIED", it was the alternator.
Did he also tell you he lied because he wanted to bamboozle you out of a battery and knew it was the alternator all along?
13 hours is based entirely on the statements of the survivors. We all heard hillary say that the attack was based on a video. Susan Rice went on television to peddle the lie. hillary and obama made an apology video .

Pat Smith has been lied to face to face with hillary. Now it's time for the Clinton's to own it.'s the statements of a handful or less survivors who did not see the whole picture, thus distorted, narrow, views....

Ask the Republican Congressmen that were on the House Intelligence Benghazi committee....

Fact Sheet

House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report

Certain press articles about the House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Benghazi do not accurately represent the Committee’s Report or take into account the full scope of the evidence the Committee received. Statements by individual eyewitnesses, in particular former security contractors who were in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11-12, 2012, do not present the complete picture of what happened that night. The Committee’s Report is based on the totality of the evidence it received and all the testimony of witnesses taken under oath and on the record. The facts described in the Report comport with the findings of other committees in Congress, including the Senate Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the House Armed Services Committee. The Committee stands by its final bipartisan Report that was formally adopted by a voice vote of Committee members.

· The former security contractors who are telling their version of events in the media do not represent the totality of the two CIA rescue teams. Some individuals remain unnamed. Some security officers continue to serve the CIA in dangerous places around the world, and thus cannot disclose their testimony publicly.

· The totality of the evidence indicates that the CIA team departed for the State Department facility 21 minutes after first learning of the attack at 9:42 pm. While Mr. Paronto testified that he believed the call came earlier, the totality of evidence, which includes other eyewitness testimony, FBI reports from the initial eyewitness interviews, time-stamped video footage, and CIA emails and cables, shows that the notification came at 9:42 pm.

· It was a tactical decision of the leadership on the ground to attempt to gather more information about the attack at the TMF before authorizing the team’s departure. There is no evidence to suggest that, absent the delay, the team could have saved Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.

o The CIA Security Chief led and participated in the rescue mission with the other officers. The Team Leader’s presence in the car supports the conclusion that the security team did not depart without authorization or contrary to orders.

o The Chief of Base and the CIA Security Chief were in charge and made sound decisions to let the team depart after gathering more facts and trying to raise additional and more heavily armed friendly militias to assist the team.

o This was not a standard military rescue operation. The CIA was not responsible for the security of the State Department Temporary Mission Facility, and the Chief of Base and CIA Security Chief had to consider other factors, including the safety of the remaining CIA personnel under their command at the Annex.

· The Committee did not receive any evidence that individuals in Washington, Tripoli, or elsewhere influenced the decision of the Chief of Base or the CIA Security Chief about when and whether to allow the security team to head to the TMF.

· The Report described information from testimony and briefings from Ambassador Kennedy and NCTC Director Olsen that the Diplomatic Security officer repeatedly entered the smoke-filled building to search for Ambassador Stevens. Their testimony was based on available evidence, including time-stamped video footage. The Committee did not interview the Department of State officer, but our report is consistent with reports from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Interim Joint House Committee report on the Benghazi attacks. The security contractors were not at the Temporary Mission Facility at the time of this event.

· The Committee did not downplay the ferocity of the terrorist attacks at the Annex that night. The CIA security team and their DoD colleagues professionally defended the facility with great skill and honor.

· The Tripoli team assisted in the defense of the Annex that night. Glen Doherty was a member of the Tripoli Team. Some press articles seem to draw a divide between officers defending from the rooftops and the other officers protecting the Annex. The rooftop positions were not the only defensive positions at the Annex that night.

· The mortar fire that hit the roof of the CIA Annex was the deadly portion of the attack, but it was not the only component. Terrorists attacked with RPGs and smalls arms fire and attempted to breach the Annex. The security teams successfully defended against the assault despite the devastating mortar effects to those officers on the rooftops. Time-stamped video evidence conclusively shows that the Libyan Shield militia left the CIA Annex before the mortar fire began.

· Eyewitness testimony was consistently critical of the conduct of all but one of the Diplomatic Security agents. The Report accurately reflects the testimony the Committee received.

· As the Report indicated, the Department of Defense directed a Predator drone to Benghazi well before one security contractor said he requested it. The CIA security officers in Benghazi should have known that no close air support was available because that information was widely disseminated via cable traffic. The assertions by some contractors about the availability of air support are not representative of the totality of eyewitness testimony and indicate that some may not remember the read-outs of the Emergency Action Committee meetings or the official cable traffic from CIA on the security for the CIA Annex. Further, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) exhaustively investigated the military posture during the attacks and their response to the attacks in Benghazi. The HASC accounted for all Spectre gunships in the U.S. inventory, and the HASC report speaks for itself.

· There is no evidence showing that the CIA intimidated or prevented any officer from speaking to the Congress or telling his story. All officers testified to the Committee that they were not intimidated. As the Committee report explained, the non-disclosure agreements specifically allow for persons to speak with the Intelligence Committees and outline the requirements for pre-publication review. Further, both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees are aware of the Tripoli officer’s complaint to the CIA Inspector General, the IG’s actions in that regard, and have documentation related to that claim. That correspondence is, however, protected by law from disclosure.

The “BOLO” report was only one of hundreds of intelligence reports indicating the increasing threat environment to U.S. and western facilities in Benghazi. The BOLO is emblematic of strategic warning. The Committee’s report outlined all of the tactical intelligence about potential plotting to attack U.S. facilities that day.

Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
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There is no better example of how insane the RWcult is than their obsession with whether or not the Benghazi terrorist attack was caused by the video or something else.
Protests of the film all over the Muslim world and they scream, it's a lie it's a lie while the government tries to figure out just what in the fuck happened to Stevens and his team 600 miles away from our Libyan embassy. The government that's not supposed to watch us is supposed to know everything in this case, instantly, happening on the other side of the fucking planet no less.

You have been debunked so many times it is funny that you keep posting the same BS jake. What is wrong with you that you can't at least ignore the truth you wish to continue a lie?

There was exactly ONE protest on that day and it was in Cairo Egypt. None before. Those following could have been instigated by Obama's, Mrs. Clinton's and Rice's words.

But keep calling a grieving mother a liar it fits the democrat mold.

Now, without a doubt the most famous lie from Mrs. Clinton was the Bosnia sniper fire lie. Proved without a doubt to be nothing by a made up fiction.

How do you get past such an overt lie? How? How do you continue to support her when she lied to you straight up? Isn't there any honest democrat you could support?
How do you get past such an overt lie? How? How do you continue to support her when she lied to you straight up? Isn't there any honest democrat you could support?
I support people who can win. If you can't then you are fuck-all good in this case where winning is required to do anything else.

And no one in the nation is more qualified for the job than she is, no one.
They obviously lied about motive, so what was the motive and what is Congress covering the CIA over? Gun running and national security? CIA prison? We now know it wasn't over a video trailer so what was the motive?
How do you get past such an overt lie? How? How do you continue to support her when she lied to you straight up? Isn't there any honest democrat you could support?
I support people who can win. If you can't then you are fuck-all good in this case where winning is required to do anything else.

And no one in the nation is more qualified for than job than she is, no one.

Could you please rephrase that in some semblance of English?

What I get out of it is that winning is the only requirement to you. Ability, honesty, accomplishments mean nothing. Wow.
How do you get past such an overt lie? How? How do you continue to support her when she lied to you straight up? Isn't there any honest democrat you could support?
I support people who can win. If you can't then you are fuck-all good in this case where winning is required to do anything else.

And no one in the nation is more qualified for than job than she is, no one.

Could you please rephrase that in some semblance of English?

What I get out of it is that winning is the only requirement to you. Ability, honesty, accomplishments mean nothing. Wow.
I already did, and no one has better accomplishments than she does for the job at hand.

And any Dem voting for anyone else is throwing their vote away, just like those voting for Trump.
How do you get past such an overt lie? How? How do you continue to support her when she lied to you straight up? Isn't there any honest democrat you could support?
I support people who can win. If you can't then you are fuck-all good in this case where winning is required to do anything else.

And no one in the nation is more qualified for the job than she is, no one.

Did you write you support people who can win? Can Hillary win?
How do you get past such an overt lie? How? How do you continue to support her when she lied to you straight up? Isn't there any honest democrat you could support?
I support people who can win. If you can't then you are fuck-all good in this case where winning is required to do anything else.

And no one in the nation is more qualified for the job than she is, no one.

Did you write you support people who can win? Can Hillary win?
Hell yes she can win. It's her time, if it is that of anyone that is.
She is a grieving mother of a dead hero. Clinton lied to her when she said Benghazi was the result of a video. Listen closely to the men who were there. too obsess on the first thing they thought caused the attack. Do you always get everything right immediately when trying to figure out why something happened? If you were wrong, do you consider it a Lie?
Our car mechanic called last night about our daughter's car. He said he thought the battery was bad. Today he called and said he "LIED", it was the alternator.

Should you get a new mechanic?
Well, maybe I should run 9 expensive investigations before making a decision.

She is a grieving mother of a dead hero. Clinton lied to her when she said Benghazi was the result of a video. Listen closely to the men who were there. too obsess on the first thing they thought caused the attack. Do you always get everything right immediately when trying to figure out why something happened? If you were wrong, do you consider it a Lie?
Our car mechanic called last night about our daughter's car. He said he thought the battery was bad. Today he called and said he "LIED", it was the alternator.

Should you get a new mechanic?
Well, maybe I should run 9 expensive investigations before making a decision.

Why would you continue to investigate a terrorist attack after surviving witnesses have told you exactly what happened.
As for your auto, you said your mechanic lied much like Clinton.
One thing you might not know...witnesses are notoriously inaccurate, they see only their close sphere of influence.

And apparently YOU didn't catch on what I meant about my mechanic LYING.
I guess it is no big deal Mrs. Clinton lies to a grieving mother.

Benghazi Victim's Mother SCREAMS: "Hillary Is a Liar!" After Watching '13 Hours' (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Pat Smith joined Megyn Kelly tonight after attending the opening of ’13 Hours’ last night in Dallas, Texas.
She sobbed as she told Megyn about the movie.

I left as soon as Sean came on screen, or the person who portrayed him. I couldn’t handle it. HILLARY IS A LIAR! I know what she told me!

Everyone knows Hillary is a liar, and that 15 minutes can save you 15% on auto insurance...
this will not help Hillary

This movie is a disaster for Hillary.

Without Citizens United, the democrats could have (and would have) outlawed the movie, but CU ruled that Americans have the freedom of speech, which is why democrats hate that ruling so much,
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I always rely on Hollywood movies to get my facts too. For example, Superman really can fly and space ships can go up to Warp 9.

And Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house...

Intellect of a rotting corpse, that's our Shortbus..
I guess it is no big deal Mrs. Clinton lies to a grieving mother.

Benghazi Victim's Mother SCREAMS: "Hillary Is a Liar!" After Watching '13 Hours' (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit

Pat Smith joined Megyn Kelly tonight after attending the opening of ’13 Hours’ last night in Dallas, Texas.
She sobbed as she told Megyn about the movie.

I left as soon as Sean came on screen, or the person who portrayed him. I couldn’t handle it. HILLARY IS A LIAR! I know what she told me!
I always rely on Hollywood movies to get my facts too. For example, Superman really can fly and space ships can go up to Warp 9.

Read the book.
Oh yes....books are so reliable too. Like Harry Potter. So accurate and true.

Do you feel the same way about history books?

Shortbus doesn't read books.

If it's not on KOS or MSNBC, she doesn't need to know it!
this will not help Hillary

This movie is a disaster for Hillary.

Without Citizens United, the democrats could have (and would have) outlawed the movie, but CU ruled that Americans have the freedom of speech, which is why democrats hate that ruling so much,
No one who sees this partisan POS "film" was going to be voting for her away. It changes nothing. It's a dead issue, literally.

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