Benghazi: Video A Reason After All?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Looks like the administration was right after all?

What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.
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THE REGIME...Ok Abu Khattala, you tell the news media exactly what we told you to say about the video causing Benghazi, and for your cooperation, you'll get a PENSION, a CHANGE of ID, and a nice home with a bathtub, toilet and running water....Have we got a DEAL.....?

Abu Khattala ..... NO SHIT???!!!
THE REGIME...Ok Abu Khattala, you tell the news media exactly what we told you to say about the video causing Benghazi, and for your cooperation, you'll get a PENSION, a CHANGE of ID, and a nice home with a bathtub, toilet and running water....Have we got a DEAL.....?

Abu Khattala ..... NO SHIT???!!!

Except Abu Khattala already told reporters almost 2 years ago that the video started the protest at the Benghazi embassy. So your fantasy offer is unnecessary, which you would have known if you weren't a NO Information voter.
Sure, editec, but the CIA station chief said the video was not the cause and that this was no spontaneous protest as a result.
Looks like the administration was right after all?

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video

What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

Let me get this straight, the guy that went on TV and said he had nothing to do with the attack is now saying he led the attack because of a video.

Sounds like he is a lying sack of shit, and that you are so desprate to believe the lie that you ignore the fact that he said he had nothing to do with the attack. Gotta admit, I saw that one coming.
Looks like the administration was right after all?

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video

What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

Here is an alert:

Do not be surprised at other seemingly miraculous surprise revelations and developments coming to the fore prior to the spotlight being trained on Hillary and Barack.

Remember the scene in the film, "Primary Colors" when Kathy Bates plays a Lesbian on candidate Jack (Bill Clinton) Stanton's campaign staff and she threatens a man's genitals with a revolver unless he admits to being responsible for creating a forgery which demonized Stanton.

Expect the Hillary/Obama people to pull out all the stops between now and the time of Trey Gowdy's Select Committee hearings.

This will be their Super Bowl and the truth does not look to be their friend so they have to manufacture evidence, they have to create sympathy, they have to use emotion and confusion to avoid criminal charges and impeachment and the end of Hillary's dream of becoming the first woman POTUS.

If they don't emerge from the hearings with at least a tie their plans for the future will be very much up in the air.

And if Obama were to be impeached he WOULD play the race card.

No, I will change that. His PEOPLE will let it be known that riots across the country could break out if he is impeached or worse. But Barry, himself, will be above it all (as he always is) and will act as though he wants no violence on his behalf, but the underlings will read that as a wink and a nod.

And what about Hillary?

Hillary will be thrown under the bus.

Maybe in jail.

Who knows?
SMH...Obamabots will support anyone & anything that confirms their biases.

Pathetic tools in the war against America, that's all the left has become.
Sure, editec, but the CIA station chief said the video was not the cause and that this was no spontaneous protest as a result.

And the CIA Station chief would know this, how?

Was he in the meeting where the mob discussed attacking the consulate?
Durp, GUY. You don't think the government doesn't have paid informants inside various terrorist groups do you, GUY?

Guy, I think you're a bit slow, Guy.
you have to wonder if there is anything gullible, rabidly partisan left-wing nutjobs wont swallow whole from this inept administration

any lie they wont believe; any piece of propaganda they wont swallow
Of course it was..

In this case, a central figure in the attack was an eccentric, malcontent militia leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala, according to numerous Libyans present at the time. American officials briefed on the American criminal investigation into the killings call him a prime suspect. Mr. Abu Khattala declared openly and often that he placed the United States not far behind Colonel Qaddafi on his list of infidel enemies. But he had no known affiliations with terrorist groups, and he had escaped scrutiny from the 20-person C.I.A. station in Benghazi that was set up to monitor the local situation.

Mr. Abu Khattala, who denies participating in the attack, was firmly embedded in the network of Benghazi militias before and afterward. Many other Islamist leaders consider him an erratic extremist. But he was never more than a step removed from the most influential commanders who dominated Benghazi and who befriended the Americans. They were his neighbors, his fellow inmates and his comrades on the front lines in the fight against Colonel Qaddafi.

To this day, some militia leaders offer alibis for Mr. Abu Khattala. All resist quiet American pressure to turn him over to face prosecution. Last spring, one of Libya’s most influential militia leaders sought to make him a kind of local judge.

Fifteen months after Mr. Stevens’s death, the question of responsibility remains a searing issue in Washington, framed by two contradictory story lines.

One has it that the video, which was posted on YouTube, inspired spontaneous street protests that got out of hand. This version, based on early intelligence reports, was initially offered publicly by Susan E. Rice, who is now Mr. Obama’s national security adviser.

The other, favored by Republicans, holds that Mr. Stevens died in a carefully planned assault by Al Qaeda to mark the anniversary of its strike on the United States 11 years before. Republicans have accused the Obama administration of covering up evidence of Al Qaeda’s role to avoid undermining the president’s claim that the group has been decimated, in part because of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Mr. Abu Khattala had become well known in Benghazi for his role in the killing of a rebel general, and then for declaring that his fellow Islamists were insufficiently committed to theocracy. He made no secret of his readiness to use violence against Western interests. One of his allies, the leader of Benghazi’s most overtly anti-Western militia, Ansar al-Shariah, boasted a few months before the attack that his fighters could “flatten” the American Mission. Surveillance of the American compound appears to have been underway at least 12 hours before the assault started.

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Looks like the administration was right after all?

Benghazi Suspect Said He Was Moved To Take Revenge For American-Made Video

What he did in the period just before the attack has remained unclear. But Mr. Abu Khattala told other Libyans in private conversations during the night of the attack that he was moved to attack the diplomatic mission to take revenge for an insult to Islam in an American-made online video.

An earlier demonstration venting anger over the video outside the American Embassy in Cairo had culminated in a breach of its walls, and it dominated Arab news coverage. Mr. Abu Khattala told both fellow Islamist fighters and others that the attack in Benghazi was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

Here is an alert:

Do not be surprised at other seemingly miraculous surprise revelations and developments coming to the fore prior to the spotlight being trained on Hillary and Barack.

Remember the scene in the film, "Primary Colors" when Kathy Bates plays a Lesbian on candidate Jack (Bill Clinton) Stanton's campaign staff and she threatens a man's genitals with a revolver unless he admits to being responsible for creating a forgery which demonized Stanton.

Expect the Hillary/Obama people to pull out all the stops between now and the time of Trey Gowdy's Select Committee hearings.

This will be their Super Bowl and the truth does not look to be their friend so they have to manufacture evidence, they have to create sympathy, they have to use emotion and confusion to avoid criminal charges and impeachment and the end of Hillary's dream of becoming the first woman POTUS.

If they don't emerge from the hearings with at least a tie their plans for the future will be very much up in the air.

And if Obama were to be impeached he WOULD play the race card.

No, I will change that. His PEOPLE will let it be known that riots across the country could break out if he is impeached or worse. But Barry, himself, will be above it all (as he always is) and will act as though he wants no violence on his behalf, but the underlings will read that as a wink and a nod.

And what about Hillary?

Hillary will be thrown under the bus.

Maybe in jail.

Who knows?

It's not "miraculous".

It's not even new.

The New York Times actually sent out a reporter to interview some of the people that were actually there at the attack.

Something Issa never ever bothered with..

Guess what?

Most of them said they were pissed about the video.
Of course it was..

In this case, a central figure in the attack was an eccentric, malcontent militia leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala, according to numerous Libyans present at the time. American officials briefed on the American criminal investigation into the killings call him a prime suspect. Mr. Abu Khattala declared openly and often that he placed the United States not far behind Colonel Qaddafi on his list of infidel enemies. But he had no known affiliations with terrorist groups, and he had escaped scrutiny from the 20-person C.I.A. station in Benghazi that was set up to monitor the local situation.

Mr. Abu Khattala, who denies participating in the attack, was firmly embedded in the network of Benghazi militias before and afterward. Many other Islamist leaders consider him an erratic extremist. But he was never more than a step removed from the most influential commanders who dominated Benghazi and who befriended the Americans. They were his neighbors, his fellow inmates and his comrades on the front lines in the fight against Colonel Qaddafi.

To this day, some militia leaders offer alibis for Mr. Abu Khattala. All resist quiet American pressure to turn him over to face prosecution. Last spring, one of Libya’s most influential militia leaders sought to make him a kind of local judge.

Fifteen months after Mr. Stevens’s death, the question of responsibility remains a searing issue in Washington, framed by two contradictory story lines.

One has it that the video, which was posted on YouTube, inspired spontaneous street protests that got out of hand. This version, based on early intelligence reports, was initially offered publicly by Susan E. Rice, who is now Mr. Obama’s national security adviser.

The other, favored by Republicans, holds that Mr. Stevens died in a carefully planned assault by Al Qaeda to mark the anniversary of its strike on the United States 11 years before. Republicans have accused the Obama administration of covering up evidence of Al Qaeda’s role to avoid undermining the president’s claim that the group has been decimated, in part because of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Mr. Abu Khattala had become well known in Benghazi for his role in the killing of a rebel general, and then for declaring that his fellow Islamists were insufficiently committed to theocracy. He made no secret of his readiness to use violence against Western interests. One of his allies, the leader of Benghazi’s most overtly anti-Western militia, Ansar al-Shariah, boasted a few months before the attack that his fighters could “flatten” the American Mission. Surveillance of the American compound appears to have been underway at least 12 hours before the assault started.

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

wow; the left isn't even trying to hide their brainwashing any longer!
Of course it was..

In this case, a central figure in the attack was an eccentric, malcontent militia leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala, according to numerous Libyans present at the time. American officials briefed on the American criminal investigation into the killings call him a prime suspect. Mr. Abu Khattala declared openly and often that he placed the United States not far behind Colonel Qaddafi on his list of infidel enemies. But he had no known affiliations with terrorist groups, and he had escaped scrutiny from the 20-person C.I.A. station in Benghazi that was set up to monitor the local situation.

Mr. Abu Khattala, who denies participating in the attack, was firmly embedded in the network of Benghazi militias before and afterward. Many other Islamist leaders consider him an erratic extremist. But he was never more than a step removed from the most influential commanders who dominated Benghazi and who befriended the Americans. They were his neighbors, his fellow inmates and his comrades on the front lines in the fight against Colonel Qaddafi.

To this day, some militia leaders offer alibis for Mr. Abu Khattala. All resist quiet American pressure to turn him over to face prosecution. Last spring, one of Libya’s most influential militia leaders sought to make him a kind of local judge.

Fifteen months after Mr. Stevens’s death, the question of responsibility remains a searing issue in Washington, framed by two contradictory story lines.

One has it that the video, which was posted on YouTube, inspired spontaneous street protests that got out of hand. This version, based on early intelligence reports, was initially offered publicly by Susan E. Rice, who is now Mr. Obama’s national security adviser.

The other, favored by Republicans, holds that Mr. Stevens died in a carefully planned assault by Al Qaeda to mark the anniversary of its strike on the United States 11 years before. Republicans have accused the Obama administration of covering up evidence of Al Qaeda’s role to avoid undermining the president’s claim that the group has been decimated, in part because of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

The investigation by The Times shows that the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests. Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.

Mr. Abu Khattala had become well known in Benghazi for his role in the killing of a rebel general, and then for declaring that his fellow Islamists were insufficiently committed to theocracy. He made no secret of his readiness to use violence against Western interests. One of his allies, the leader of Benghazi’s most overtly anti-Western militia, Ansar al-Shariah, boasted a few months before the attack that his fighters could “flatten” the American Mission. Surveillance of the American compound appears to have been underway at least 12 hours before the assault started.

The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements. Anger at the video motivated the initial attack. Dozens of people joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters. Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have viewed the footage from security
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

wow; the left isn't even trying to hide their brainwashing any longer!

What Brain washing?

When the middle east got to see that video you guys think is so great, there were protests in almost every major city in the region. Including Libyan cities.

And when the consulate attack came? Candidate Romney did something unprecedented and very embarrassing to the Republican party.

Not only did he fail to show support to an American President while a foreign aggressor was actively involved in attacking America, he went beyond that. He criticized him and wanted to use it as a political talking point..and that's WHILE the attack was ongoing.

Instead of showing patriotism and roundly condemning that action, Republicans doubled down on it. They called the President a liar and came up with all sorts of nutty conspiracy theories surrounding what just happened.

And that's the thing about lies. They are easy to tell, you can tell them over and over. And never have to prove them.

Truth? That takes investigation, sorting out what the facts are and presenting them in a cohesive manner.

The Times actually went to Libya, interviewed the population and the people involved.

That's not something you folks even bothered with.

You should do something different this time..and actually read the article.

It's pretty comprehensive.
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Only fringe left folks still buy the video story......the only thing that matters at this point. In the congressional races, Dem's in shakey districts cant run fast enough from the video bs.

Only the hyper-partisan k00k fringe still push the video story. Its laughable.
THE REGIME...Ok Abu Khattala, you tell the news media exactly what we told you to say about the video causing Benghazi, and for your cooperation, you'll get a PENSION, a CHANGE of ID, and a nice home with a bathtub, toilet and running water....Have we got a DEAL.....?

Abu Khattala ..... NO SHIT???!!!

Except Abu Khattala already told reporters almost 2 years ago that the video started the protest at the Benghazi embassy. So your fantasy offer is unnecessary, which you would have known if you weren't a NO Information voter.

So, you LIE again, oh, you little bitch! :badgrin::badgrin:

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.

Making up shit isn't nice!

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