Benghazi Was Obama's 3 a.m. Call... & he let it go to voicemail


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
very astute analysis of what happened.

Stephens: Benghazi Was Obama's 3 a.m. Call -

The hour is 5 p.m., Sept. 11, Washington time, and the scene is an Oval Office meeting among President Obama, the secretary of defense, the national security adviser and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi has been under assault for roughly 90 minutes. Some 30 U.S. citizens are at mortal risk. The whereabouts of Ambassador Stevens are unknown.

The more serious question is why the administration alighted on the idea that the attack wasn't a terrorist act at all. Also, what did the White House think it had to gain by adopting the jihadist narrative that a supposedly inflammatory video clip was at the root of the trouble?

Nobody can say. All the administration will acknowledge is that it has "revised [its] initial assessment to reflect new information that it was a deliberate and organized terrorist attack."

That's from James Clapper, the director of national intelligence. It suggests that our intelligence agencies are either much dumber than previously supposed (always a strong possibility) or much more politicized (equally plausible).

No doubt the administration would now like to shift blame to Mr. Clapper. But what happened in Benghazi was not a failure of intelligence. It was a failure of policy, stemming from a flawed worldview and the political needs of an election season.

The U.S. ignores warnings of a parlous security situation in Benghazi. Nothing happens because nobody is really paying attention, especially in an election year, and because Libya is supposed to be a foreign-policy success. When something does happen, the administration's concerns for the safety of Americans are subordinated to considerations of Libyan "sovereignty" and the need for "permission." After the attack the administration blames a video, perhaps because it would be politically inconvenient to note that al Qaeda is far from defeated, and that we are no more popular under Mr. Obama than we were under George W. Bush. Denouncing the video also appeals to the administration's reflexive habits of blaming America first. Once that story falls apart, it's time to blame the intel munchkins and move on.

It was five in the afternoon when Mr. Obama took his 3 a.m. call. He still flubbed it.
Mitt thought Russia was our greatest enemy.

Why the fuck would you think a guy who KNOWS nothing and cant even go to an olympics without insulting allies would be better than Obama?

because you are a blind and stupid partisan hack
Everything you have quoted is true. James clapper is a dunce with a proven track record of failures.

And Obama has not been a leader but an apologogist for this nation. His work consists of going on the campaign trail or fundraising for his personal election, not leading this nation or taking care of the country's business.

He's now partaking it what he does best...campaigning...not being a president.
obama intended that this attack take place. He had his cover of the movie already in place. Now it's falling apart around him. What do the democrats want to do? Make Susan Rice the latest fall guy for obama's failures.
obama intended that this attack take place. He had his cover of the movie already in place. Now it's falling apart around him. What do the democrats want to do? Make Susan Rice the latest fall guy for obama's failures.


Anything to cover Obama's ass. :eusa_boohoo:
...because you are a blind and stupid partisan hack

We never should have been involved in regime change in Lybia. it was done because of currency hegemony and once again, the unintended consequences rear their ugly head and something besides the root cause takes the blame.

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