Ben's Newest Whopper, is Anyone Keeping Count?


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Swimming pools, movie stars
All these revelations would not emerge if he had stuck to the simple truth and that's a fact

".....The Journal also uncovered another story from Carson that doesn’t pass the smell test. In his autobiography, Gifted Hands, Carson claimed that a Yale psychology professor told his class – Perceptions 101 – that their final exam papers had burned up and they had to retake the examination. Carson wrote that everyone but him walked out of the class, and then he was told the story was a hoax in order to find and award “the most honest student in the class.” Carson then claimed a photo of him was taken by a photographer from the Yale Daily News.

The anecdote may have been completely made up:

No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale.

This latest revelation comes as Carson finds himself under fire for bizarre statements and what appear to be false claims about his background. Caught Again: Two More Ben Carson Stories Appear To Be Made Up
So in order to support your ANTI-Negro rant you are going back 40 years? Forty years ago Clinton was STEALING a supreme court justices documents.

That's really reaching you know.
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That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Ziefman actually admitted he lacked the power to fire Hillary, but stupid gullible idiots like you still mindlessly parrot that lie.
Thank you.
Hillary STOLE and placed the documents in her personal safe. ALL recorded and ALL proven.
Lol it's funny how Democrats think they have to take Carson out. Chill out guys. Republicans won't nominate him. Stop wasting your time and go after their other candidates.
All these revelations would not emerge if he had stuck to the simple truth and that's a fact

".....The Journal also uncovered another story from Carson that doesn’t pass the smell test. In his autobiography, Gifted Hands, Carson claimed that a Yale psychology professor told his class – Perceptions 101 – that their final exam papers had burned up and they had to retake the examination. Carson wrote that everyone but him walked out of the class, and then he was told the story was a hoax in order to find and award “the most honest student in the class.” Carson then claimed a photo of him was taken by a photographer from the Yale Daily News.

The anecdote may have been completely made up:

No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale.

This latest revelation comes as Carson finds himself under fire for bizarre statements and what appear to be false claims about his background. Caught Again: Two More Ben Carson Stories Appear To Be Made Up
I agree with you. But isn't it interesting that Obama's bizarre background (Ayers, Frank Davis, Wright) was fine and not questioned , even to the point that he had his school records sealed?
That lie has been thoroughly debunked. Ziefman actually admitted he lacked the power to fire Hillary, but stupid gullible idiots like you still mindlessly parrot that lie.
Thank you.
Hillary STOLE and placed the documents in her personal safe. ALL recorded and ALL proven.
All lies!

You gotta just love the Right, Your link was just exposed for lying about Hillary being fired and you then believe them when they lie about her stealing files. :asshole:

Zeifman plainly stated in his book that Hillary Rodham didn't "confiscate" files related to the Douglas impeachment case. Rather, he asserted that it was her supervisor, John Doar, who — with Chairman Rodino's assent — took possession of those files, writing that "Doar got Rodino's permission to place all of our Douglas impeachment files in his exclusive custody."
All these revelations would not emerge if he had stuck to the simple truth and that's a fact

".....The Journal also uncovered another story from Carson that doesn’t pass the smell test. In his autobiography, Gifted Hands, Carson claimed that a Yale psychology professor told his class – Perceptions 101 – that their final exam papers had burned up and they had to retake the examination. Carson wrote that everyone but him walked out of the class, and then he was told the story was a hoax in order to find and award “the most honest student in the class.” Carson then claimed a photo of him was taken by a photographer from the Yale Daily News.

The anecdote may have been completely made up:

No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale.

This latest revelation comes as Carson finds himself under fire for bizarre statements and what appear to be false claims about his background. Caught Again: Two More Ben Carson Stories Appear To Be Made Up
I agree with you. But isn't it interesting that Obama's bizarre background (Ayers, Frank Davis, Wright) was fine and not questioned , even to the point that he had his school records sealed?
Don't forget Bernadine Dorn on that list.
All these revelations would not emerge if he had stuck to the simple truth and that's a fact

".....The Journal also uncovered another story from Carson that doesn’t pass the smell test. In his autobiography, Gifted Hands, Carson claimed that a Yale psychology professor told his class – Perceptions 101 – that their final exam papers had burned up and they had to retake the examination. Carson wrote that everyone but him walked out of the class, and then he was told the story was a hoax in order to find and award “the most honest student in the class.” Carson then claimed a photo of him was taken by a photographer from the Yale Daily News.

The anecdote may have been completely made up:

No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale.

This latest revelation comes as Carson finds himself under fire for bizarre statements and what appear to be false claims about his background. Caught Again: Two More Ben Carson Stories Appear To Be Made Up
I agree with you. But isn't it interesting that Obama's bizarre background (Ayers, Frank Davis, Wright) was fine and not questioned , even to the point that he had his school records sealed?
Don't forget Bernadine Dorn on that list.
Thank you. Her name just wouldn't come to me.
All these revelations would not emerge if he had stuck to the simple truth and that's a fact

".....The Journal also uncovered another story from Carson that doesn’t pass the smell test. In his autobiography, Gifted Hands, Carson claimed that a Yale psychology professor told his class – Perceptions 101 – that their final exam papers had burned up and they had to retake the examination. Carson wrote that everyone but him walked out of the class, and then he was told the story was a hoax in order to find and award “the most honest student in the class.” Carson then claimed a photo of him was taken by a photographer from the Yale Daily News.

The anecdote may have been completely made up:

No photo identifying Mr. Carson as a student ever ran, according to the Yale Daily News archives, and no stories from that era mention a class called Perceptions 301. Yale Librarian Claryn Spies said Friday there was no psychology course by that name or class number during any of Mr. Carson’s years at Yale.

This latest revelation comes as Carson finds himself under fire for bizarre statements and what appear to be false claims about his background. Caught Again: Two More Ben Carson Stories Appear To Be Made Up
I agree with you. But isn't it interesting that Obama's bizarre background (Ayers, Frank Davis, Wright) was fine and not questioned , even to the point that he had his school records sealed?

The truth is a little bit different: It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission. Obama hasn’t released them, but neither have other presidential candidates released their college records. George W. Bush’s grades at Yale eventually became public, but only because somebody leaked them to the New Yorker magazine. Bush himself refused to release them, according to a 1999 profile in the Washington Post. Obama’s ‘Sealed’ Records

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