Bergdahl Proceeding a Farce to Protect Obama?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
At last! Someone with a following is saying what I believe and have for months. The army wouldn't just let this guy go back to work as a clerk somewhere if they weren't planning on pulling the tarp over it.

Now someone is claiming he left his post in order to walk 20 miles to another base so he could complain about his chain of command. He was simply unfortunate enough to be captured by the Taliban.

Bull shit!

Well. Here's the story to raise my ire with links @ Articles: The Bergdahl Case Gets Curiouser and Curiouser
Da fix is in - Army stonewalls Bergdahl's lawyer...

Bergdahl Lawyer Asks Court to Make Interrogation Public
Sep 22, 2015 -- The lawyer for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier held prisoner by the Taliban for five years, is asking a military court to publicly release a transcript of Bergdahl's interview with military officials and a summary of an investigation into his disappearance.
Defense attorney Eugene Fidell has unsuccessfully tried to get the Army to make the documents public while Bergdahl faces charges, including desertion, for leaving his post in Afghanistan in 2009.

On Monday, Fidell asked the U.S. Army Court of Criminal Appeals in Virginia to release the documents. He says they should be made public because they were introduced during last week's Article 32 hearing in the case.

Using information from that hearing, military officials are deciding whether Bergdahl should face a court-martial, similar to a civilian criminal trial.

Bergdahl Lawyer Asks Court to Make Interrogation Public |
Actually there hasn't been an execution for desertion since WWII...

Donald Trump Says Bowe Bergdahl Should Have Been Executed
Oct 09, 2015 -- Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Thursday that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should have been executed for leaving his post in Afghanistan. "We're tired of Sgt. Bergdahl, who's a traitor, a no-good traitor, who should have been executed," Trump said to cheers at a rowdy rally inside a packed Las Vegas theater at the casino-hotel Treasure Island. "Thirty years ago," Trump added, "he would have been shot."
It was practically an aside in a litany of complaints at the end of a more than hourlong, free-wheeling speech that included a large dose of media bashing and a claim that he was behind Rep. Kevin McCarthy's decision to drop out of the race for House speaker. Bergdahl was charged in March with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. The Army conducted a hearing on his case earlier this month. His attorney, Eugene Fidell, said in a statement that Trump "has become a broken record on this subject." "If he took the time to study what actually emerged at the preliminary hearing he would be singing a different tune," Fidell said. Trump has, in the past, pantomimed a firing squad, Fidell said.

Bergdahl has been accused of leaving his post in southeastern Afghanistan in June 2009. He was held prisoner by the Taliban for five years, then exchanged for five Taliban commanders being held by the U.S. Trump has long railed against the deal. The speech was punctuated by shouts of support from the crowd that filled about 1,620 seats in the Las Vegas Strip casino theater normally reserved for acrobatic Cirque du Soleil productions. At one point, in a moment that appeared to be impromptu, Trump brought a supporter in the audience to the stage who declared she is Hispanic and voting for Trump. Myriam Witcher, 35, of Las Vegas, waved an issue of People magazine with Trump and his family on the cover, asking Trump to sign it.

Afterward, the Columbian immigrant, who noted she came to the United States legally, called Trump her "No. 1 person in the United States." His speech spanned a spider-web of topics that included his disdain for media coverage, many of his fellow Republican presidential candidates and current political leadership as well as Thursday's news that McCarthy had dropped out of a race for House speaker. "You know, Kevin McCarthy is out. You know that, right?" he asked the crowd. "And they're giving me a lot of credit for that because I said you really need somebody very, very tough and very smart. ... We need smart, we need tough, we need the whole package." Trump didn't identify who had given him credit for McCarthy dropping out.

Donald Trump Says Bowe Bergdahl Should Have Been Executed |
First of all he was not held "prisoner" against his will, he was there voluntarily.
An absolute trader and a coward, he should be put in a room with real solders... And pardon all the real soliders for what would happen.
A Tale of Two 'Deserters'...

Bergdahl, Franks: A Tale of Two 'Deserters'
Apr 20, 2016 | Three months before Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl walked off his base in Afghanistan, 2nd Lt. Lawrence Franks walked away from his in upstate New York.
Two months before Bergdahl was returned to U.S. custody in Landstuhl, Germany, on May 31, 2014, Franks turned himself in at the Army garrison in Wiesbaden, Germany. Both men had been gone for five years. But while Bergdahl, 30, awaits court-martial on desertion and misconduct charges, Franks, 29, awaits release from the prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Franks went to court-martial with little fanfare in December 2014, and a military jury convicted him of desertion and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman. The formerly exemplary West Point graduate was sentenced to dismissal from the service and four years of imprisonment.


Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl​

The sentence was seen by some as harsh in light of Frank's history of suicidal depression and one other fact: Franks had been engaged in the war on terrorism, albeit with a different army. The case is scheduled for appellate review this summer. "We're focused on getting the conviction overturned and the sentence vacated," said Franks' appellate lawyer, Jack Zimmermann. "We don't think he committed a crime."


U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Lawrence Franks was sentenced to dismissal from the military and four years of imprisonment in December 2014 after deserting his post in 2009.​

It's impossible to predict whether Franks' court-martial outcome might foreshadow the highly politicized Bergdahl case. There are differences. "Franks was an officer. He was educated at taxpayer expense," said Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl's lawyer. "He wasn't being held captive. He was being paid good money. The disparities are very substantial." Yet Franks' story in many ways parallels Bergdahl's and is in some ways even stranger.

"Bergdahl Proceeding a Farce to Protect Obama?"

No, but the thread premise fails as both a loaded question and speculation fallacy.

The thread also belongs in the CT forum – it’s unfounded idiocy.
"Bergdahl Proceeding a Farce to Protect Obama?"

No, but the thread premise fails as both a loaded question and speculation fallacy.

The thread also belongs in the CT forum – it’s unfounded idiocy.
Deserters should be delt with a - .22 long to the head...
Should be until he was swapped...

Bergdahl Judge Rejects Motion to Limit Desertion Duration
24 Jun 2017 - Bergdahl's lawyers needed a ruling on the duration so they could advise Bergdahl on how to enter a plea to his desertion charge.
A judge has refused to rule that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's capture by the Taliban ended his unauthorized absence, hours after he left his post in Afghanistan in 2009. Bergdahl's lawyers said they needed a ruling on the duration so they could advise him on how to enter a plea to the desertion charge. Bergdahl was held captive by the Taliban and its allies for five years.


Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, right, arrives with his military lawyer for a legal hearing at Fort Bragg, N.C.​

The judge, Army Col. Jeffery Nance, said in a ruling June 22 that the length of Bergdahl's unauthorized absence should be decided at trial in October. Nance says Bergdahl doesn't need the determination beforehand to make a decision on his plea. Bergdahl also faces a separate charge of misbehavior before the enemy that carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Bergdahl Judge Rejects Motion to Limit Desertion Duration |

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